***Guest21484 is now known as jao
***cky944 is now known as cky
<tupi>dsmith-work: hello, i am sorry i did leave abruptly the chat yesterday, but there has been several powercut just after my last quiz ... <dsmith-work>tupi: I was just saying I think what is an extention varies. <dsmith-work>It can remove the extension, but you have to excplicitly say what that extenstion is. Actually, they say "suffix" not "extension". <dsmith-work>tupi: Here is an example, rcs files. Don't they use ,v as an extension? <tupi>dsmith-work: thanks, was busy on the phone <tupi>yes they do use ,v ... and yes suffix is a better 'name' <tupi>in your example yesterday, blue.tar.gz, i think the extension is 'gz', then decompressed, it is tar ... <tupi>but i guess it is a mater of opinion rather then a real convention ...