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<matrix_bridge><Lance Vick> In case is it is not on anyones radar yet, friend of mine took on our bounty for bootstrapping ada, so we can finally FSB build coreboot with stagex:
<oriansj>Lance Vick: nice
<mid-kid>Updated my gentoo bootstrap
<mid-kid>Not as huge a rewrite as a last time, but redid a few things.
<mid-kid>Now relying more on portage's dependency resolution to figure things out, slightly less hardcoding.
<mid-kid>And the post-cross compilation steps are shorter too.
<mid-kid>Only thing I didn't manage is upgrading to gcc 14.
<mid-kid>That must be done after install.
<stikonas>mid-kid: nice! much shorter than your 1st version
<stikonas>mid-kid: by the way, why are we unpacking squashfs tree rather than tar.xz?
<mid-kid>Thanks! I had already shortened it significantly in 2024.8, I just hope this is more future-proof.
<mid-kid>I use the squashfs tree because that one's kept in the mirrors forever, whereas the tar.xz tree vanishes in a month.
<stikonas>oh I see
<rkeene>stikonas, All my changes should be merged in if you want to check it out
<stikonas>sure, I'll update stage0-posix, though might not be today
<aggi>continued rebasing against linux-2.4; need a filesystem with 64bit timestamps with a 32bit posix linux-2.x abi
<aggi>won't be easy, since internal data structures changed significantly between linux-2.6 and linux-2.4, nilfs2 was introduced with 2.6 series which i can't support yet with tinycc
<aggi>already pulled into some of the ancient grsecurity patches too, at least ASLR seems to work with x86_32 to shield against trouble
<aggi>nilfs2 backporting is giving me a headache, needs a careful review, if and which filesystem could be prepared for 64bit timestamps
<aggi>too tried a few of various recent linux-live.iso which ship with some efi-compat boot loader and a compliant MBR with active partition marked
<aggi>interestingly, the ancient thinkpad t40 PC-BIOS doesn't appreciate such hybrid iso when those contain an efi-compat boot-loader
<aggi>seems intel wrecked UEFI/CSM comaptibility from both sides, uefi firmware itself and however the legacy compat boot-loaders are implemented nowadays, doesn't work reliably with an IBM PC BIOS
<aggi>with usb-sticks in particular
<aggi>seems nilfs2 won't work with linux-2.4; giving up on this one radix-tree.h
<aggi>with nilfs2 support it's two criteria, it's specific features themselves, and 64bit timestamps
<aggi>because, if i hacked ext2 for 64bit time, then this probably causes breakage in userspace with 32bit posix, while nilfs would not
<aggi>it's a little time remaining until hitting year2038 issues
<aggi>and i have another suspicion, why intel seems in a hurry to phase out x86/32, including pc-bios boot
<aggi>since whatever is hiding inside IntelME, if it's a 32bit posix i am not aware of any filesystem for year2038