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<aggi>hello again, would appreciate some help or hint, related to autotools/automake/autoconf - which is slightly off-topic but related to requirements to keep my system profile statically linked
<aggi>background to this, replacing libtool with slibtool greatly simplified this, and _all_ packages compiled
<aggi>doing a few more cleanup tasks hit some iregularities (which can be circuumvented but i rather ensure autoreconf -if always passes with slibtool)
<aggi>currently i am hitting some errors, which seem related to autoreconf pulling different m4 macros depending on circuumstances
<aggi>for example: LIBTOOL=slibtool LIBTOOLIZE=slibtoolize AT_M4DIR=/usr/share/slibtool autoreconf -if (with a dozen builds)
<aggi>-> error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL ... or undefined macro AM_PROG_LIBTOOL etc.
<aggi>anyway, slibtool, as far as re-generating configure/makefiles, seems to introduce a sanity check and barrier
<aggi>which i think is relevant to the criteria for bootstrappable
<aggi>i already could repair a dozen builds, and i can circuumvent problems, but it seems inconsistent and not plausible
<aggi>comparing different packages, some almost identical, one succeeds, another one doesn't
<aggi>i've patched a notable amount of (500ebuilds inside an overlay), but i can't wrap my brain around this still
<aggi>even when autoreconf is called, macro inclusion and expansion remains mysterious, which finally is disclosed if slibtool sets a barrier
<aggi>in any case, i've collected many patches already, and will publish those of cause, but i wouldn't want to release some half-baked thing with a dozen troublemakers which could block progress a day or week anytime
<aggi>AC_INIT called and passed, AC_PROG_LIBTOOL remains undefined, doesn't make sense
<aggi>to summarize, enforcing autoreconf -if is a mandatory criteria; it isn't sufficient for re-producibility and a few other symptoms