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<clemens3>hi stikonas_: continued with mes today, and now mescc-tools installed in /usr/local. then mes make:
<clemens3> GUILEC module/mescc/compile.scm
<clemens3>make: *** [GNUmakefile:99: build] Error 1
<clemens3>any idea? wrong guile version? i have 3.0.7 installed.
<stikonas_>probably some environmental variables are not exported
<stikonas>I rarely build mes this way (even though I think this is supported and official way)
<stikonas>anyway, try to get more verbose output
<stikonas>maybe "make V=s"
<clemens3>trace command not found
<stikonas>well, this is a developer build, not bootstrappable build
<clemens3>just followed the readme
<clemens3>ah, separate INSTALL file, let me go after that
<stikonas>I usually build using kaem script (
<clemens3>seems i definitately need nyacc
<stikonas>that's needed to rebuild mes
<stikonas>(with mescc)
<stikonas>mes itself does not need nyacc
<stikonas>it's mescc that uses nyacc
<clemens3>yeah, ok, that's fine
<stikonas>and path to nyacc should be added to GUILE_LOAD_PATH
<clemens3>ok, thanks
<clemens3>i did the nyacc install into /usr/local, how should GUILE_LOAD_PATH then look like?
<clemens3>there is now a /usr/local/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/nyacc directory
<stikonas>I guess /usr/local/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache/nyacc:/path/to/mes/module:/path/to/mes/mes/module