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<fossy>hey all - i've been working on a simple tool over the last 2ish weeks that uses a number of heuristics to find pre-generated code within a tarball or codebase <fossy>it's at a point where it's catching useful things <fossy>most of them are just heuristics that i <fossy>'ve been using personally in live-bootstrap <fossy>my next goal is to run it on all live-bootstrap's sources <daddy>does pre-generated include things like `./configure`, transpiled sources, etc. or is it targeting binary blobs? <fossy>transpiled sources it probably isn't very good at yet <lanodan>Oh neat, also seems like it's missing something like a pyproject.toml to be installable/packageable <daddy>you can also use pyproject.toml which i'd recommend as it's less arbitrary code execution. <daddy>hm, i think you might need anyways <fossy>yeah stikonas that was quite intentional to have the checks as a "plugin" type format <fossy>yeah, i haven't done any of the python packaging stuff <stikonas>I guess the reasoning was that if you don't trust arbitrary code in, why would you trust the rest of the code in the pip by the same author <fossy>isn't deprecated now? <fossy>i need to read up on the new packaging stuff <daddy>running directly is deprecated. <stikonas>I'm still using for one of the pip things I maintain <stikonas>hmm, I actually still run there according to releasing readme <stikonas>by the way, is anybody familiar here with gnunet? <stikonas>but I guess more research is indeed needed if we want to create a distributed mirror for live-bootstrap sources <fossy>stikonas: my (very basic) design idea was that the user would be asked for 1 or more mirrors, and then that mirror could introduce other mirrors <fossy>but that comes with it's own set of problems, of course <stikonas>well, I don't have anything specific in mind <stikonas>I just thought this sounds like an already solved problem <stikonas>DHT does exactly that, you start with one bootstrap node <fossy>i hadn't really thought of that <stikonas>and there are of course thigns to think about: piggy back on existing network or create own... <stikonas>former probably would let us reuse some software <jackdk>I note that torrents can include HTTP seeds these days <jackdk>I suppose each release of such a torrent could add/remove HTTP mirrors as people stand up/give up mirroring? <lanodan>(Although personally I stay away from pip) <stikonas>hmm, wouldn't it be simpler to just have something like magnet link <stikonas>you create uri from it and search for it <stikonas>rather than comitting torrent files to repo <jackdk>I'm also unsure if it lets you say "this one specific file in this torrent is available from this URI" <stikonas>but I was thinking it will be basically 1 torrent per file anyway <stikonas>(or equivalent of torrent in another network) <stikonas>i.e. really just a way to obtain file from hash <stikonas>well, maybe could map entries in 1 live-bootstrap "sources" file to "torrent" <jackdk>I was thinking "here's a torrent for all the bootstrap seeds for this particular version of the bootstrap process" though I can see arguments for both <stikonas>the big bundle for particular version might make sense for proper releases though <lanodan>I guess if it updates that frequently something more like usual rsync mirrors would make sense <jackdk>With the caveat that we want people to generate and verify their own sources from upstream <lanodan>As in verifying tarballs origin? I guess signify wouldn't be too bad but not many projects have adopted it, and gnupg is pretty big. <jackdk>Even just verifying that what's served by a mirror is the same as the files served from upstream <fossy>yes, and if we adopt my proposal of generating git tarballs ourselves, that too <mid-kid>where is the distfiles mirror for live-bootstrap? <aggi>i'm thinking to boundle all necessary source distfiles with the tinycc distribution <aggi>so it's possible to download some i486-tcc-linux-musl.iso and everything is contained <aggi>currently i'm trying to keep various package versions in sync with both what bootstrappable got and what linux-2.4 supports <aggi>and i noticed already it's not too trivial to find some old distfiles matching linux-2.4/linux-2.X abi