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<unmush>Ada/Ed is such an utter pain to work with. Every slightly-different-than-it-expects construct or implementation limitation encountered results in a segfault. I think there have been 4 or 5 times now where the only way I found out how to massage the source to resolve the issue was running adacomp in gdb <unmush>as a side note, it is remarkable how hard it seems to be to get gdb to not optimize away variables <unmush>-ggdb3 -Og -g all together doesn't suffice <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> unmush: I think -Og still enables some optimisations (supposedly ones that don't interfere with debugging). -O0 should in theory not optimise away variables. <stikonas>oh nice, looks like Gentoo is looking into taking mrustc -> rustc bootstrap chain into its main repo <stikonas>so I won't have to keep maintaining my overlay to bootstrap rust (well, it will still have Java and Go stuff)