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<unmush>anyone have any advice on bootstrapping microsoft's .NET runtime, library, C# compiler, or msbuild? I'm working on building the mono-5.0 series right now, but not sure where to go once it gets sufficiently new <unmush>yes, I'm sure, because I've gone all the way from pnet and deleted every blob I found at every step <unmush>current chain: pnet --> mono-1.2.6 --> mono-1.9.1 --> mono- --> mono-2.6.4 --> mono-2.11.4 --> mono-3.0.12 --> mono-3.12.1 --> mono-4.9.0 --> mono-5.0.1 <unmush>the initial attempt at using pnet 0.8.0 to bootstrap mono 1.2.6 was pretty miserable <unmush>because in what I like to imagine was an incredible inspired moment of language-lawyering, pnet 0.8.0 doesn't recognize += or -= as valid with pointer operands <unmush>after eventually getting that working with a 2000-line patch, I discovered that development of pnet had continued for a fair bit of time after 0.8.0, and many of the most sorely-lacking things were fixed in the latest git version <unmush>so I prepared a second patch set using pnet-git that only came out to around 600 lines