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<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> the bash shell on fiwix is fairly flakey. Thank goodness for qemu savevm and loadvm snapshots so I don't have to wait for a 20 minute boot cycle each time I reboot. I had to copy the disk to a qcow2 image before snapshots would work.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Next question is how to get things in and out of the live-bootstrap version of fiwix. I might need to knock together some program to allow data transfer over the serial port.
<Mikaku>cosinusoidally: Bash 4.4 works flawlessly on FiwixOS, I have not tested ancient versions of Bash though
<Mikaku>regarding how to include software on a live Fiwix version, you might consider using an ISO9660 CDROM
<Mikaku>is might be uncomfortable having to create a CDROM, but is the fastest method
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Mikaku: I'm running live-bootstrap at a fairly early stage. I don't even seem to have the mount command yet.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I might try pushing the build of the mount command earlier in the bootstrap process and then use a cdrom image for bulk data transfers.
<Mikaku>cosinusoidally: you might also consider building an early version of Busybox, like 1.01 (used in the FiwixOS Installation CDROM) which was the last one without excessive Linux dependencies
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Interesting, I might have a look at that thanks. btw I've noticed commits going into fiwix around networking. Is fiwix far from having network support?
<Mikaku>well, networking is something big for me, but it's in my plan to try to implement it on the next cycle
<Mikaku>we'll see
<Mikaku>cosinusoidally: will networking solve something in such an early stage?, I mean, you'll have net tools already built to transfer data?
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Just for my own personal dev purposes it would be easier for me if I could get things in and out of the system. But this is just a personal project I'm thinking about working on.