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<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Fun fact, the latest version of mawk (mawk-1.3.4-20240905.tgz) builds out of the box on a slackware 2.0.0 system from 1994. Even the configure script works. It also ships 2 pregenerated files (parse.c and parse.h) that were generated by byacc. I was able to use this version of mawk to run my awk versions of a subset of m2/m0/hex2.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I was having some issues with gawk, but it turns out I just needed to export LC_ALL=C
<fosslinux>that is rather a surprise, cosinusoidally!
<andydude>nimaje: Thanks for the comments, I'm not sure if it's meant to be efficient, I was trying to go for clarity
<andydude>What I'm interested in is how lexer generators work, I'm well aware that there are plenty of ways do it it with regexps in fewer LOC.
<nimaje>I would assume a lexer generator would build something to only hold as much state as needed and not building lists or long strings everywhere
<stikonas>oriansj: I want to add a couple of amd64 M1 definitions to M2libc
<stikonas>this is for reading and writing to CR3 register (which of course only works in ring0)