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<fossy>lrvick: give me or stikonas or Googulator a ping or open an issue on gh if you run into any issues with updating live-bootstrap ^-^ <Googulator>cosinusoidally: does this also work now using regular M2? <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> my M2_simple_asm.c can be built by a regular M2, but M2_simple_asm.js cannot yet (this is the version that gets translated to awk). For M2_simple_asm.js I would need a trivial translation pass ( eg function foo(a,b,c) { ... becomes int foo(int a, int b, int c) { ...) <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I would need to create a "js_to_c_simple.c" <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I think I'm probably going to have a play around with creating awk versions of M0 and hex2 next. <oriansj>cosinusoidally: glad to hear that you are enjoying your experiment.