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<oriansj>lrvick: well with binutils and gcc; it shouldn't be hard <matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> lrvick: yes, there is a document to even build gentoo <lrvick>Nice. Was able to glean the bits I needed to make a native glibc package for stagex. Thanks! <oriansj>lrvick: yeah, we all learn from each other and the parts you might not feel are interesting today might end up being super useful later; And the things you think impossible might end up being far easier than anyone of us guess. <ludocode>Has anyone worked on bootstrapping Go from source? Is there something like mrustc for Go? <nikolar>Or from go 1.14 I think (which was in c) to a newer version <ludocode>Doesn't GCC use gofrontend which is written in Go? <sam_>building gccgo does not require go <ludocode>Ah, it appears you're right. This is confusing because there's a project called gofrontend written in Go, but GCC also calls its frontend gofrontend which is written in C++ <ludocode>I guess the projects are related somehow <nimaje>I throught the go team decided that the go compiler will be written in go 1.4 forever starting with go 1.5, so build g0 1.4 and then build the current version (?) (or was it 1.14 and 1.15?) <andydude>Whoever is in charge of that directory should probably rename "v2" and "v10" to have the package name first <oriansj>andydude: those are the upstream packae names that live-bootstrap downloads