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<oriansj>test blobs should never be needed; no exceptions <oriansj>if you have a test that requires a blob; build it as part of the test so that everyone knows exactly whats up <oriansj>and I believe there is a path one could build zig without binaries but the window to document that in guix is closing. <oriansj>and I think the idempotent rebuilds is knocking on a very common idea that; we can encode what is needed to build a program and we should. Then the entire build question becomes a solved problem with fixed assets. <robin>oriansj, what is closing the window re: zig? bootstrapping complexity? <oriansj>robin: internet history disappearing with the bits and details needed <oriansj>once the build chain is in guix and the bits mirrored into the Software Heritage archive, then it'll stick around for a while (basically until something crazy happens) <robin>oriansj, d'you know if anyone's working on zig stuff? <robin>sounds like something i might be able to handle, plus i know a very early contributor <andydude>There is one thing I don't like about Zig <andydude>and that's the tendency/tradition of using structs like JavaScript people use objects <andydude>I prefer closed/well-defined structs over open/hash-table type maps <andydude>So my scheme hex0 was short, for some reason it turned into several pages when I wrote it in python <pabs3>oriansj: re internet history disappearing, if anything is still up and needs saving imminently, I'm part of ArchiveTeam and we can save (to at-risk sites (or proactively save others) <pabs3>(I'm also part of SWH a bit) <pabs3>sam_: the repro builds folks are also working on reproducing the existing binaries, as well as the existing fuzzing stuff to reduce sources of non-determinism <andydude>my understanding is the guix removes timestamps and replaces parts of scripts to make sure there's none of that <andydude>Apple put some notice in their fork saying that it's unmaintained, but I'm also sure it's used by 100% of the installers in macos <oriansj>hmm; I see 0.9.1 and 0.10.1 in guix already. But looking at the 0.10.1 build, I think it is doing the build with the generated sources as 0.10 onward are written in zig and not C; so clang couldn't be compiling the human written sources. <aggi>the GNU buildsystem side is rather fragile <aggi>setting LIBTOOL="slibtool -all-static"; the entire tree collapses <aggi>AR="tcc -ar"... have fun <aggi>i am trying to cover all relevant test-cases (with cross-compilation involved), and keeping this fully reproducible/deterministic, all emerge logs, sources, distfiles, hashes archived <aggi>all changes made can be diffed, from my hotfix-overlay against gentoo portage tree (except for what i had to pull manually from the old gentoo-archives predating their year2013 transition) <aggi>hence, if an ebuild did not come from mainline portage tree, it came from their archives, and a few dozen ebuilds i had written myself <aggi>i think it's completely tracked with timestamps and hashes, didn't miss anything <aggi>it is important the gentoo-archives and their distfiles do not vanish <aggi>i did mirror the distfiles, but quit syncing 2022, because it's too much <aggi>removing all c++ dependencies simplified the whole approach <aggi>the principle issue with this, those depenendencies are not _optional_ with what upstream did since ~2013 <aggi>gentoo, as an exemplary case, covers broader requirements, than what bootstrappable alone did <aggi>the little patching required for tcc-toolchain, is maintained with a tcc-9999.ebuild itself too <aggi>hence patches and build-time configuration can be scraped easily <aggi>current status is, i have to abandon both, autotools/perl and gentoo/python <aggi>which is remarkable, because otherwise many complicated builds succeeded (such as statically linked mplayer, ffmpeg, with tcc-toolchain _only_) <aggi>meaning, in principle, my approach has proven appropriate, but among ~500ebuilds python/gentoo and perl/gnu refused to <aggi>there wasn't any thought given to this problem yet <aggi>gentoo itself reported bootstrapping success, but this includes inviting upstream madhouse <aggi>full tcc-toolchain support within gentoo and GNU isn't some fringe niche corner-case, currently it is the _only_ viable option <aggi>i consider it a bad excuse, when #bootstrappable argues a fast transition towards gcc/binutils were necessary <aggi>or, to put it another way: what's not passing acceptence criteria of bootstrappable isn't worth bootstrapping nor archival <aggi>if perl/autotools and python/gentoo didn't pass with tcc-toolchain (and/or related static linking problem), then it's not worth the efforts <aggi>this too affects linux-kernel itself <aggi>the choice either bootstrappable or gentoo or linux had to make, was either fully supporting tcc, or don't <aggi>to my understanding, linux-kernel already made this decision, without support for tcc (except some experimental linux-2.4 proof-of-concept) <aggi>gentoo had made the decision too <lanodan>Which makes me wonder about swapping linux-kernel for fiwix, wouldn't be very modern but at least you'd get a rather simple system <aggi>I kept linux-2.4/tcc on TODO <nikolar>now that you mention it, what's the newest linux that can be built with only tcc <nikolar>do newer versions use a lot of compiler specific feature <aggi>there was several transitions <lanodan>Maybe one could try to rebase the patches on more current versions but that sounds horribly tedious, specially without upstream support <nikolar>the kernel has grown a lot since 2.x <aggi>bootstrappable patching to musl-libc was very helpful <aggi>yet you see... --disable-shared <aggi>and then, you got the fun ones with perl and python following <aggi>even when bootstrappable transitions to gcc/binutils; the side-effects of --disable-shared remained <aggi>at this spot i consider bootstrapping deadlocked/trapped still <nikolar>is there a repo with tcc compilible linux, i want to mess with it :) <aggi>i got a complete userspace bootstrapped, but it is missing the tools needed to do so: autotools and gentoo, because those aren't self-hosting with tcc <aggi>as a consequence there is the following options: 1) abandoning autotools and gentoo (which is desireable but not feasible currently) <aggi>or 2) repairing perl and python which is very difficult, and wouldn't abandon autotools and gentoo <aggi>option 1) was the recommended approach, but it is enormous efforts necessary to accomplish this <aggi>option 3) is the status quo, i can emit a tcc-compiled distribution, but it isn't self-hosting <aggi>this at least is sufficient, to continue development, to approach various milestones gradually <aggi>but abandoning gentoo and autotools is an "all-at-once" "all-or-nothing" mega task, and i am _forced_ to do so currently <aggi>or anyone else, who would try to fully support tcc <aggi>so far it seems, noone had tried yet, although it is feasible <aggi>and desirable, but it was avoided, and/or close to sabotaged GNU/linux remained portable accross toolchains (including a quality one that tcc is)