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<pabs3>ACTION posted the interview on HN (no comments yet)
<pabs3>here is a summary of the NGI situation civodul/ekaitz mentioned
<oriansj>yeah, NLnet really did seem to be funding interesting and worthwhile projects. And at 27M/year seems like they were getting a great return on that investment. Their RISC-V bootstrapping efforts were comparible (but superior) to $6B worth of projects done by the DoD
<aggi>minor notice: i am almost finished with verifying cross-compilation with gcc-4.7/binutils/musl, that I consider an additional acceptance criteria for bootstrapping
<aggi>there's a notable amount of additional hacks and patching required with gentoo crossdev for this, and i am close to finalizing this
<aggi>as a consequence, given implemented a complete system-integration for x86 arriving at gcc-4.7, with it cross-compilation and/or toolchain-updates towards any supported ARCH are possible then
<aggi>i covered the following cross-compilation test-cases so far: amd64 -> aarch32/64; aarch32/64 -> x86; x86 -> aarch32/64
<aggi>i could avoid qemu-user/binfmt for this, and the emitted bootable ISO and/or aarch firmware.img remain fully selfhosting
<aggi>next, i'll replace GNU-toolchain with tcc-toolchain again, reiterating what had failed with python and perl for example (to retain gentoo tooling and GNU automake/autoconf)
<aggi>in this context i consider tcc-toolchain a cross-compilation variant, hence i wanted to confirm cross-compilation with gcc-4.7/binutils were sufficiently stable
<aggi>and of cause, this required the c-only profile to completely avoid direct and transitive dependencies towards c++; and this profile seems sufficiently stabilized too
<aggi>another thought related to gcc-4.7 (the last one without c++ internally): it's considered deprecated and unmaintained, hence i want to keep this archived in a known-good working state