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<vagrantc>janneke: there are very few changes with nyacc 1.09.4 -> 1.09.5 and it seems to build fine with mes 0.27 on amd64 and i386 on debian ... just wondering if there is anything in particular i should watch out for?
<snuik>vagrantc, you have 1 message
<snuik>vagrantc, janneke says: oops! and thanks for testing; i'm testing a couple of patches on the version-0.26 branch right now
<vagrantc>heh. wonder what i tested :)
<vagrantc>i might just push the newer nyacc ... worst case is some hideous versions for a spell
<Googulator>vagrantc: can this one replace v1.00.2-lb1?
<vagrantc>Googulator: no idea... newer mes 0.27 claims to be compatible with newer versions of nyacc ... just not the very latest version of nyacc
<Googulator>"compatible" as in "can use it with the pregenerated parsers", or "can bootstrappably regenerate the parsers"?
<Googulator>...without relying on psyntax-pp, on top of that
<Googulator>as that's the reason -lb1 exists
<vagrantc>ACTION shrugs
<vagrantc>i am not the person to answer that ... it builds fine on debian :)
<janneke>vagrantc: i didn't see 1.09.5, so that may well work
<vagrantc>i'll go for broke and upload it :)
<vagrantc>two successful build tests on two architectures ... what could possibly go wrong? :)
<janneke>vagrantc: ah
<janneke>+2024-06-24 V1.09.5
<janneke>+ * fixed bug 65849: crash on multiple #warning
<janneke>so the main feature fixes a bug i reported on .4, yay :)
<janneke>[or some gramatically correct version of that comment]
<janneke>*grammatically -- phew, time for some rest
<Googulator>vagrantc: just for reference, this is the patch required for LALR parser regeneration on 1.00.2:
<janneke>having multiple "#warning ..."s work is actually pretty nice for debugging cpp flags
<Googulator>(kudos to @samplet)
<vagrantc>Googulator: i guess ... check the new upstream version for related commits?
<Googulator>oh, you're not nyacc's maintainer... sorry
<Googulator>looks unchanged:
<Googulator>still using syntax-case
<Googulator>also in dev-1.10
<Googulator>so 1.00.2-lb1 is here to stay
<vagrantc>Googulator: ah, now i see the confusion. :)
<janneke>iwbn if samplet would upstream that patch (except for the define-module bits which belong in mes i guess)
<Googulator>yeah, now it actually makes sense to upstream
<Googulator>upstreaming a fix into 1.09.x or 1.10.x when mes depends on no newer than 1.00.x is less useful
<Googulator>assuming that Matthew Wette isn't as hostile to pregen-free bootstrapping as certain other maintainers (I'm looking at you, Bruno Haible...)
<janneke>mwette has been quite accommodating in the past
<janneke>ACTION has added the missing mes bits (define F_OK), (system foreign) to mes' wip branch
<janneke>ah, and mes should also provide vector-fold and string-every
<janneke>i'll look at those later
<Googulator>(rnrs arithmetic bitwise) too
<vagrantc>still getting segfault on debian armhf:
<vagrantc>- ;; No check target
<vagrantc>+ /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/bin/mes --no-auto-compile -e main -L /usr/share/guile/site/3.0 -C /usr/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>
<vagrantc>/scripts/mescc.scm -- -m 32 -c -D HAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -I ../lib -I ../include -I ../include -I include -v -static -nostdinc -nostdlib -f
<vagrantc>no-builtin -marm -o crt1.o crt1.c
<vagrantc>/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/scripts/mescc: line 69: 6902 Segmentation fault ${SCHEME-$MES} --no-auto-compile -e main -L /usr/share/guile/
<vagrantc>site/3.0 -C /usr/lib/guile/3.0/site-ccache $bindir/mescc.scm $sep "$@"
<vagrantc>also when i just try to build on mescc-gcc (e.g. not using ./configure --with-bootstrap)
<stikonas>Googulator: yeah, but we could try to check if those nyacc patches work with newer nyacc and if yes, then try to upstream them
<stikonas>oh yes, both of you already mentioned upstreaming too
<stikonas>Googulator: anyway, first I'm testing upgrade to mes 0.27 without nyacc changes
<stikonas>just gathering last checksums now
<janneke>Googulator: i believe that was already added in v0.27
<Googulator>yes, 0.27 supports newer nyacc
<stikonas>suprisingly few changed hashes for mes upgrade...
<stikonas>but I guess this time libc didn't chagne