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<aggi>libtool bootstrapping seems trivial, and caused a little headache regardles <aggi>replaced libtool with slibtool, and libtool compilation failed with LIBTOOL=slibtool <aggi>it is bash scripts, nonetheless libtool desires compilation of some dlopen related helpers <aggi>no clue what this is used for, nor how compilation of it failed <aggi>concerning "pre-generated files", that is relying on #gentoo here, i enforced an eautoreconf -if within affected ebuilds <aggi>this requires the presence of libtoolize bash script (otherwise slibtool would suffice) <aggi>to prevent the compilation errors with slibtool in place, i patched slibtool, and it works now <aggi>but i cannot completely remove libtool/libtoolize, as long as GNU buildsystem isn't removed <aggi>that's how the ideas differ: instead of bootstrapping GNU buildsystem, i intend to avoid it completely <aggi>seems the reasoning behind oasis-linux is the same, since they completely re-integrated binutils for example, with their lua-scripting <aggi>anyway, slibtool can be used as drop-in replacement for libtool - without any issues remaining currently <oriansj>aggi: thank you for your continued exploration of alternative bootstrapping.