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<Googulator>Seems like I managed to avoid that weird Guile bug by not using --target and --system together - just --system alone is sufficient to force an AMD64 build on an x86 host userspace (I've already built an AMD64 kernel, so no issue there) <Googulator>specifying both --target and --system caused 2 separate versions of glibc-mesboot to be built, and the 2nd one failed with that weird error <Googulator>The standard build "bootstraps" it from .c files generated by Vala's own transpiler, included in release tarballs <Googulator>Looks like we have a working bootstrapped Guix installer image ;) <matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: probably no... Though I've seen it briefly mentioned here <janneke>XXX DRAFT mescc: Use long-r when extending unsigned 4-byte integers. <janneke>This breaks 16-cast, 17-compare-unsigned-le in x86_64 <janneke>i guess we need this for RISC-V; should we set 16-cast and 17-compare-unsigned-le to XFAIL on x86-64? <janneke>(haven't checked this remark, just reading from the commit msg) <janneke>it would be bad if x86_64-linux breaks, even if we're not really using/supporting it yet in the bootstrap <janneke>then there is the 80-setjmp.c test; does/will it pass for the regular guix package that builds with gcc and m2-planet using ./configure --bootstrap? <janneke>(and if so, [why] wasn't that a problem before building the regular guix package?) <janneke>i'll postpone/move putenv to the gcc-4 branch, i also already had a putenv stub there <oriansj>Googulator: yeah, no one has taken the time to solve the Vala yet but most likely a version chain will solve that. <oriansj>as it was originally bootstrapped in C and one need only build the chain out in guix to solve it (assuming no Bison like bad bootstrapping behavior) <Googulator>next step, replace Guix's bootstrap binaries with ones we can reproduce <Googulator>Unfortunately this doesn't reproduce the binaries currently in use - indeed even guix time-machine can't go back far enough for that <Googulator>also, we need to build the bootstrap binaries both inside and outside Guix, with identical results