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<mihi>new month, new logs :)
<Googulator>Probably my weirdest ever commit to any repository:
<Googulator>A variable that's somehow null unless I print it beforehand.
<stikonas>in the meantime, I've sent putenv stub to janneke for mes inclusion
<stikonas>that might help with building make 3.82
<stikonas> (
<mihi>Googulator, I doubt that (it is the weirdest commit you will ever make)
<mihi>and to be pedantic, that commit does not print any *variable* only the result of two function invocations (which, under normal circumstances, should be pure - i.e. without side effect and idempotent - though).
<mihi>let me guess, it is (getcwd) which is null? Although I have no idea how (newline) or (display) or any other code inside the let* should affect that...
<mihi>in case you want to track that down, my first idea would be to do the printing in an extra argument of "(let*", i.e. "(let* ((debugging (begin (display ...) (newline))) (headers ...". Not sure about guile, but I've heard of Schemes that compile lambdas that solely consist of a let differently.
<mihi>(would still be a bug of guile or that particular guile binary that runs the bootstrap, though)