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<oriansj>well, I enjoy lisp a good bit myself but a couple years of low level assembly made me appreciate common lisp over scheme
<oriansj>the problem being it is much harder to bootstrap common lisp in assembly than scheme and SBCL requires a real compiler.
<Googulator>stikonas: I see you again got 0bf613f1f142d53baea81643383b66dcaf38438ee6ba33fb9ed1c135a0be9e47 as the hash for your grub
<Googulator>Can you upload your grub tar.bz2 (from external/repo) somewhere?
<Googulator>(hopefully not deleted yet)
<stikonas>well, deleted, but 2nd run is running now
<stikonas>(I did the first run with --update-checksums)
<stikonas>I'll upload it tomorrow
<Googulator>For merging the PR, you can probably just revert that hash (& then hopefully CI will pass), but I still would like to investigate why you're getting a different hash for grub
<stikonas>for now I just rebased
<stikonas>I also want to run it without my commit
<stikonas>to run diffoscope on it...
<stikonas>building python now, so won't finish
<fossy>Googulator: yeah, the regen stuff is not a guix thing pretty much at all
<Googulator>stikonas: did you get the "bad" Grub tarball again?
<stikonas>not yet, just resumed build recently, ar GCC13 now
<stikonas>do you have an old "grub" tarball to compare?
<Googulator>yes - basically every CI build produces one
<Googulator>with the 80... hash
<stikonas>and how do I download it?
<Googulator>E.g. "packages" artifact here:
<stikonas>I see
<stikonas>Googulator: hi, so I've got the diff for grub
<stikonas>it's pc vs efi