IRC channel logs


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<Googulator>Happy Easter to the channel, and Happy New Month for the logger :)
<Googulator>(which seems to be working properly this time)
<Guest991>what is error with this?  rm: cannot lstat `*/': No such file or directory
<Guest991>rm: cannot lstat `*/*/': No such file or directory
<Guest991>Subprocess error 1
<oriansj>Guest991: well kaem doesn't support globbing; so literally * is not the name of a folder and does not exist in it.
<oriansj>did you perhaps mean for bash or a shell that does support globbing to do that delete?
<fossy>that's probably the same wsl problem we've seen a few times
<fossy>oriansj: Guest* is the person who keeps on coming in and saying the same problem like 10 times and doesn't really listen until we say it 3 times
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas>