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<Googulator>Has there been no activity here for 3 days, or is the logger dead?
<Googulator>...logger's alive, it seems
<FireFly>looks like quiet for three days yeah
<FireFly>so sounds like the logs are accurate
<pabs3>last message was Mar 4th 2am here
<FireFly>..or march 3rd 18:20:10 UTC
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: I and ekaitz were mostly busy with riscv bootstrapping, so it was quiet here
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> But we debugged some make bugs and ekaitz now fixed make on meslibc
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> stat structure was messed up in mes
<ekaitz>stikonas: we need to discuss about the field names and also x86_64
<ekaitz>feel free to answer to the patch in bug-mes about that
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Yeah, I'll check once I'm back home
<oriansj>Googulator: yeah, there are periods of quiet progress and flashes of wild activity.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I've finally got around to starting documenting the build steps in my alt tcc bootstrap path . I've still got a bit more to do, but there's already ~40 steps there
<oriansj>thank you cosinusoidally, better documentation is a long term problem for us.
<oriansj>in funny news someone seems to think is a wordpress site and spent a bunch of time trying use action=edit&section=24 on the Linux tarball; despite the fact they are read-only and I explcit reference using the git repo for updates.
<oriansj>guess the lack of a public ssh service (unless one port knocks correctly) gave the wrong impression.
<Guest85>Hi, I ran this command sudo ./ -c -a x86 --cores but I have this problem error sha256sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match
<Guest85>Subprocess error 1
<Guest85>Subprocess error 1
<Guest85>Subprocess error 1
<Guest85>Subprocess error
<stikonas>Guest85: perhaps a bug
<stikonas>somebody might have forgotten to update checksum
<stikonas>Guest85: can you tell which file failed checksum?
<stikonas>oh, probably non-reproducible build
<stikonas>without looking I would guess that documentation includes month of the build time
<stikonas>fossy: I think you added diffutils 3.10
<Guest85>how to solve this problem?
<stikonas>as a user you can pass --update-checksums to ignore all checksums
<stikonas>if you want to help more
<stikonas>find out how to patch build process not to add build month
<stikonas>(possibly just delete all manpages)
<stikonas>and then submit a pull request
<Guest85>so it gives this error   +> kaem --file seed-full.kaem
<Guest85>Subprocess error 1
<Guest85>Subprocess error
<stikonas>well, these messages are always the same here
<stikonas>well, except for the 1st line
<Guest85>delete call this command again?
<stikonas>which command?
<stikonas>I'm still a bit confused where this export comes from...
<stikonas>sha256sum I understand..
<stikonas>.but this second thing?
<stikonas>luke-jr: by the way, I think you also you gentoo. Have you seen gentoo bootstrap steps that mid-kid produced
<oriansj>Guest85: kaem doesn't support the export keyword
<oriansj>you can just do variable=value
<oriansj>as you can see in
<oriansj>(for each architecture)