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<oriansj>the only time you should be setting filesize to zero is when O_TRUNC is set; otherwise the standard would be not to truncate
<oriansj>but other than that, yeah it looks reasonable
<stikonas>well, I could update it
<stikonas>let me double check what uses the other open mode
<stikonas>almost everything else opens files with O_TRUNC
<stikonas>well, mkstemp is using the other mode
<stikonas>but ok, I can limit the second if to (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)
<stikonas>oriansj: is it better now?
<stikonas>or do you want me to do flag & O_TRUNC ?
<oriansj>as O_TRUNC can be combined with other modes (which may not be reasonable)
<stikonas>ok, I'll do that then...
<stikonas>ok, updated
<stikonas>oh wait, maybe I should insert free
<stikonas>before return in the failing branch...
<stikonas>ok, pushed again
<stikonas>ok, now I think it works fine and is blocked by posix bootstrap issues only...
<stikonas>we need to figure out why tcc-mes crashes on x86_64
<stikonas>not looking forward to debugging it though :(
<oriansj>well tcc is surprisingly buggy
<oriansj>despite being wath appears to be a very simple AST walker.
<stikonas>oriansj: well, here it's not really tcc's fault
<stikonas>these bugs are still mescc bugs
<stikonas>its 64-bit support is still really really experimental
<stikonas>despite us managing to build that step on riscv64
<oriansj>well yes, binary generation is very touchy
<oriansj>and tcc for some reason never thought: hey lets output assembly and simplify the parts so that they are easier to debug
<stikonas>well, yeah, if tcc was more readable, debugging would be easier too
<oriansj>even outputting a custom llvm style assembly would have been a better option
<stikonas>though part of it is that blood-elf debug info is very minimal
<stikonas>we only have some function labels
<oriansj>wouldn't be an issue if TCC didn't do the rewrite the binary blob sort of logic (which is just a bad idea)
<fossy>Googulator: regarding i915_sw_fence.patch, does our gcc really not support __aligned?
<fossy>that's surprising if so...
<fossy>or maybe it doesn't support __aligned(4)?
<fossy>in particular?
<stikonas>hmm, doesn't look like posix-runner can binaries compiled with tcc (not yet bootstrapped)
<stikonas>and even non-bootstrap tcc can't produce a working tcc on x86_64 with meslibc...
<stikonas>so I don't think I'll be able to get it working anytime soon...
<oriansj>I guess I have my work cut out for me then
<stikonas>in what sense?
<stikonas>if anything, it seems that there is more work...
<stikonas>than I initially thought
<fossy>stikonas: "work cut out for me" is an idiom for having something very difficult to do
<stikonas>oh I see
<fossy>which is a very backwards idiom lol
<stikonas>yeah, which is what confused me...
<oriansj>I am starting to wonder if C compilers were originally designed as a prank that went too far.
<oriansj>like, originally there were no structs and 5[a] was a reasonable thing to write
<oriansj>and it started with a macros powerful enough to have C code that looks like Basic and a great deal of basic optimizations were explicitly defined away by default
<oriansj>there is for, while and do; when just loop would have been enough, simpler to implement and more suitable for optimizations
<oriansj>fall through case by default; weird variable shadowing rules and the lack of proper types out of the box (uint8_t, int16_t, etc)
<Googulator>checking on my bare metal test systems, the kernel upgrade to 4.14 (and/or the replacement of the deblob script by a patch) had a pleasant side effect: Intel integrated GPUs now have a proper framebuffer console after kexec to Linux, no longer locked in 80x25 text mode
<Googulator>fossy: are you OK with merging, or is there anything you'd like to see addressed?
<Googulator>it's a semi-prerequisite for the 4.14 upgrade - the actual base tarball isn't required, but the accompanying hygenie fixes are
<Googulator>...seems like I'm too tired to spell hygiene correctly :)
<fossy>Googulator: LGTM, i was just waiting for ci to run tbh :)
<Exaga>hello :)
<Exaga>can anybody help me with bootstrapping an initrd please? i'm very new to this and am finding some of the instructions on a little to advanced for me
<Exaga>and also the instructions on too
<stikonas>Exaga: hi
<stikonas>Exaga: first of all where do you want to run bootstrap on?
<stikonas>it does not work on all hardware
<stikonas>and i would suggest starting with userspace only bootstrap before you move to baremetal
<stikonas>to just run live-bootstrap on existing system you need to clone it recursively with git clone --recursive
<stikonas>then either
<stikonas>./rootfs --chroot or ./rootfs --bwrap
<stikonas>former requires root and latter uses linux namespaces
<stikonas>this does not do anything with the kernel at all
<stikonas>then you could try running the whole thing in qemu with ./rootfs --qemu
<stikonas>that will prepare qemu image for bootstrapping on x86 BIOS VM and will build from tiny 200 byte seed to proper linux system
<stikonas>as for baremetal bootstrap we have some support via ./rootfs --bare-metal
<stikonas>but it right now it is limited to BIOS systems
<stikonas>and again x86 only
<Exaga>stikonas: hello and thanks for assisting me
<Exaga>just so you know... i am very, very new to bootstrapping
<stikonas>yeah, that's fine :)
<stikonas>we have quite a lot of stuff
<stikonas>so as usual, it might be a bit overwhelming at first
<Exaga>ok so to answer you... i have an initrd
<Exaga>and i'm looking to turn it into a minirootfs - if that makes sense
<Exaga>sorry if my terminology is not accurate
<stikonas>but where does initrd comes from
<stikonas>yeah, I'm still a bit confused
<stikonas>but no worries either me or somebody else can try to help
<Exaga>the initrd is created from someone else's bash script
<Exaga>i am trying to teach myself how to do it myself
<Exaga>so the bash script builds the initrd
<stikonas>well, initrd itself is just a small archive (similar to tar but is usually cpio)
<Exaga>but it is just bare installs of pkgs and nothing more
<Exaga>this is cpio -di
<Exaga>do you want a link to this script so you may review it ?
<stikonas>well, feel free to post it
<Exaga>and this is how i build my initrd, using this script. of course it has been modifed to suit my own settings
<Exaga>so, from there i found and thought it might be very useful
<stikonas>hmm, it's a bit different I think
<Exaga>this lead me to
<stikonas>what we are trying to do here
<stikonas>is trying to start with almost no binary code
<stikonas>just pure source
<stikonas>and a really tiny binary
<stikonas>and build up from there
<Exaga>i am trying to create a minirootfs that boots
<stikonas>yeah, but that's a bit different
<Exaga>i have a kernel and an initrd but no clue how to put these together
<stikonas>you need a bootloader I think
<Exaga>and i am so green it's unreal so please feel free to advise and instruct accordingly
<stikonas>neither mescc-tools nor live-bootstrap would be too helpful here...
<Exaga>ok so now... familiar territory. i have a bootlader
<Exaga>i'm working on the raspberry pi
<Exaga>it's a closed source bootloader
<stikonas>hmm, perhaps #raspberrypi channel exists
<Exaga>this is the easy part :)
<Exaga>yes there is the #raspberrypi channel
<Exaga>but this is nothing to do with raspberry pi OS
<stikonas>I think people there would know more
<stikonas>yeah, but still they'll know about how raspberry pi boots
<Exaga>i am using slackware aarch64 OS
<Exaga>and it's easy to load the kernel and initrd from them
<stikonas>I dont' have raspberry pi myself, so a bit harder for me to help here...
<Exaga>but i'm knife and forking my way to doing it entirely myself
<Exaga>tbh stikonas i don't think the hardware or software is a concern
<stikonas>well, generally, you just put whatever you want in initramfs
<Exaga>i'm interested in learning the processes involved in going from nothing to bootable minirootfs
<stikonas>well, on arm you can't do it from nothing in any case right now
<Exaga>why is that?
<stikonas>we have only finished x86 (not even x86_64)
<Exaga>ahh i see
<stikonas>well, needs porting...
<Exaga>so i am in uncharted waters here then
<stikonas>and the process is using lots of steps, some of them are old software
<stikonas>yeah, if you want to start with nothing, then yes
<stikonas>but if you have an existing linux system
<Exaga>that's a good thing where slackware is concerned
<stikonas>then you just need to compile some binaries that you want to put in minirootfs
<Exaga>it is one of the few distros resisting systemd :D
<Exaga>ok binaries... which ones are we talkling about please ?
<stikonas>then pack it that initamfs
<stikonas>it's entirely up to you
<stikonas>you can have just bash
<stikonas>but just bash won't let you do much...
<Exaga>stikonas: sorry for laughing but your knowledge and experience is too advanced for mine
<Exaga>this is the problem i come across often, because i really do know very little :D
<stikonas>ok, maybe let's wait for somebody else here who can explain
<stikonas>a bit better than me
<Exaga>i'm sure yours is quite appropriate and well founded, it's my problem in that i do not understand you fully. because i have so little knowledge and experience of this topic
<Exaga>so binaries such as bash, gawk, etc.
<mihi>Exaga, my approach in learning (if you never did it): 1) Try to build static busybox and create a rootfs from it where you can chroot into it and the binaries work.
<Exaga>mihi: i have heard about busybox and have built the pkg and installed it
<mihi>2) try to get the rootfs bootable (still with only static busybox in it)
<mihi>Exaga, don't take the binary package, but get the source code and compil it yourself
<Exaga>i have looked at other initrootfs and tried to work out how they've done it
<mihi>once you got that working, have a look at LFS (or PiLFS) which is a tutorial how to build your own compiler and system without resorting to tools like busybox
<Exaga>ok that sounds like a plan mihi - a static busybox in a chroot
<Exaga>it's like going somewhere in real life for the first time... and you don;t know how to get there and lose your way. that's basically where i am :D
<stikonas>oh yeah, LFS has a good documentation
<Exaga>if i can learn the methods and ways of achieving success... this is what i am interested in undertaking
<mid-kid>Watching an "emerge -e @system" firing off without a hitch is oddly satisfying.
<mid-kid>I'll publish my instructions once it's done, though they're not great. I've kind of brute forced my way here.
<Guest85>Hi, init.img run qemu but does not continue from here ./kaem.x86
<mid-kid>That's odd
<Guest85>img create this command ./ -b -a x86 --cores 4
<mid-kid>Why aren't you using ./ -q?
<mid-kid>That one works for me.
<mid-kid>If you want to do it manually I recommend reading the python scripts to see what qemu options they use to boot.
<Googulator>Guest85: -b is for bare-metal usage - it's possible to run a -b image in qemu, but you will have to manually pad it to the right size, because qemu has no option to expand the size of a raw disk; it will present a 256MB disk image as a 256MB disk to the guest OS
<Googulator>unless you're actually running it on bare metal, of course
<stikonas>Googulator: do we still support non builder-hex0 -b builds?
<Googulator>we should, but I never tried
<Googulator>& IIRC it's rather complicated, possibly requiring 2 disks
<Googulator>as in 2 physical disks
<stikonas>oh, that's slightly annoying
<stikonas>but with Linux perhaps it just works from USB drive
<stikonas>perhaps I should try that for now...
<stikonas>as UEFI bootstrap doesn't seems to be nowhere close to working
<stikonas>(despite working far better than a year ago)
<Googulator>hmm, looks like it doesn't exactly work atm
<Googulator>  1. Take baremetal-vmlinuz/disk/initramfs and your kernel, boot using this.
<Googulator>  2. Take baremetal-vmlinuz/disk/disk.img and put this on a writable storage medium."
<Googulator>baremetal-vmlinuz/disk/disk.img is actually baremetal-vmlinuz/disk.img, and baremetal-vmlinuz/disk/initramfs doesn't actually exist
<stikonas>hmm, there is disk.img that is not in disk directory
<stikonas>need to check to see what it contains...
<stikonas>yeah, qemu mode with custom kernel also doesn't work
<Googulator>I've changed that a while ago, because putting the image in the directory it's created from caused a rudimentary version of the image to be included in itself
<Googulator>i.e. in kernel bootstrap mode, init.img ended up containing an incomplete init.img as a file
<Googulator>seems like the reference to initramfs is just bogus - disk.img and your kernel is all you need
<stikonas>but how would that work?
<stikonas>I thought kernel needs initramfs with all those seeds and sources
<Googulator>no, that's in disk.img
<stikonas>oh, so it should mount disk.img on boot
<Googulator>the kernel should have everything needed to access the disk
<Googulator>on UEFI, put the kernel on a fat32 flash drive, and boot it via UEFI shell or whatever UI your firmware provides, passing the correct root= parameter
<Googulator>on BIOS... well, it's a bit harder
<Googulator>qemu mode uses "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda1 rootfstype=ext3 init=/init rw" as the kernel command line
<Googulator>on UEFI bare metal, you'd therefore use "consoleblank=0 root=/dev/sda1 rootfstype=ext3 init=/init rw", adjusting sda1 as needed
<stikonas>yaeh, I cna try that a bit later...
<stikonas>oh, most likely tcc built binaries don't work because posix-runner does not yet handle elf segments
<stikonas>we need to load .data segment to the appropriate offset
<stikonas>and we need to allocate one big continuous block of memory to hold all segments
<stikonas>and then hope that there are only relative uses
<stikonas>or set up proper paging...
<mid-kid>Alright there we go
<mid-kid>There might be some steps that seem to fail or have to be ran multiple times, idk
<mid-kid>If I do this again I would try a different approach
<mid-kid>I kinda used an oversized hammer to solve the multilib problem
<mid-kid>I think sam_ was interested, maybe he can laugh at me and tell me how to do better.
<Googulator>wait, did -q --cores 8 _just work_ for you?
<Googulator>I guess the e820 patches must have helped there
<Googulator>before that, it was going OOM with --cores > 3 unless you used swap
<Googulator>of course, the kernel now has access to 4GiB RAM instead of just under 3GiB
<Googulator>(more if you use the -qr option to add more)
<Googulator>that was actually the reason why I added swap support in the first place
<mid-kid>I don't remember the cores value I used,maybe it was 4
<Googulator>so I could make use of my 4 cores in my bare metal test rig and 8 in qemu on my main machine
<Googulator>well, the script says 8
<mid-kid>true but I wrote that part retroactively
<Googulator>oh OK
<Googulator>that may not Just Work(TM) then
<Googulator>unless you also pass -qr 8192 or use swap
<sam_>mid-kid: looks not bad at all
<sam_>nice job
<rickmasters>Googulator: On a curl failure of openssl-1.1.1l, I was hoping for bash interactive, but got a kernel panic "Attempted to kill init!"
<rickmasters>Googulator: I'm wondering if the bash trap is working of if that error is outside scope?
<rickmasters>Hmm, it looks like the trap is installed in /init for Linux but maybe its lost when bash 5 is launched? I'll try setting it again...
<rickmasters>I don't think I was getting bash interactive at the end of a build either.
<rickmasters>I'll try adding an EXIT trap in
<rickmasters>fossy: would you mind testing a potential fix for your bare metal output issue?
<rickmasters>fossy: Before generating image, go to builder-hex0/ and run git fetch; git checkout 5c8c8a8991cb8b4063ae7a02c76235a8ce38af83
<rickmasters>fossy: please let me know if that fixes it.
<GoogulatorMobile>rickmasters: weird, I did get a trap prompt from a curl failure just yesterday
<GoogulatorMobile>It was for gcc13
<GoogulatorMobile>So certainly using bash 5.2 there
<rickmasters>Interesting. What mode where you running?
<rickmasters>I just got a one time download checksum error for gnulib-8e128e.tar.gz
<rickmasters>I think we talked about this before.
<rickmasters>The bad gnulib-8e128e.tar.gz has an extra 14MB of garbage on the end.