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<oriansj>stikonas: yeah, I refuse to accept 1[a] when accessing an array. I know it violates the C spec but they can pound sand on that one. Array access and pointers should not be interchanged. Heck arrays should have proper bounds checking by default.
<stikonas>yaeh, I was not aware of that 1[a] syntax until today...
<stikonas>it's jus so bizzare
<oriansj>to be honest C would be better if arrays were defined as: typedef struct { TYPE _TYPE; u64 len; POINTER data; } array;
<oriansj>then array foo = heap_array(uint32_t, 42); or array foo = stack_array(uint32_t, 42); foo[i] = 32; can then be checked against i prior to trying to assign to foo[i]; and thus if i >= 42; you can throw an array bounds exception and halt (or if you add exception handling logic, a way to deal with it)
<fossy>yeah.. with hindsight fat pointers would have been much better
<stikonas>fat strings are better too
<stikonas>rather than null terminated...
<oriansj>well null terminated strings are very simple to implement (literally only 2 assembly instructions)
<oriansj>but yes being able to do foo.length on strings and arrays enables certain nice efficient sanity checks.
<oriansj>and it would allow heap garbage collection to be implemented independent within the language (as every object would have a known size at runtime)
<stikonas>yeah, I understand why we ended up with null terminated strings. In assembly it is indeed easier to work with
<stikonas>you don't need to keep track of two variables
<Googulator>AFAIK even in the standard, 1[a] != a[1] unconditionally
<Googulator>because *(1+a) != *(a+1)
<Googulator>1+a == ((int) 1 ) +  ((int) a), but a+1 = ((int) a) + (((int) 1) * sizeof(A)), where A is the type of a
<oriansj>ah the joy of a +1 != a + 1
<oriansj>also a++ != a + 1; and 1+a != a+1;
<sam_>I think this came up before already but is the person involved here at all
<sam_>or is this a parallel effort
<Googulator>fossy: submitted as draft for now because it's still building on baremetal, but feel free to review early
<Googulator>(early XZ support & usage, reduces bare metal image size to 210MiB)
<oriansj>sam_: looks like a parallel effort; because if it was mentioned here before, I would have had a copy
<oriansj>Googulator: that is about the capacity of a Mini-CD
<oriansj>(80mm CD held 210MB of data)
<fossy>Googulator thanks will review shortly
<fossy>sam_: never seen them here
<fossy>i cannot really understand that project
<fossy>comparatively their binary seed is huge
<sam_>not a fan of their huge generated build system either
<sam_>the gcc 4.7 work is really orthogonal to that..
<Googulator>fossy: verified on bare metal and checksums updated, ready for review
<Googulator>...I take that back, checksums aren't properly there
<Googulator>updated again, this time with the correct checksums
<Googulator>snuik: later tell stikonas amd64 and riscv64 checksums might need updating too
<snuik>Sure thing.
<Googulator>snuik: botsnack
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Yeah, those are often broken... Maybe we can update then with future mes 0.26.1 or 0.27
<oriansj>sam_: looking closer to that project, I noticed something odd: "All files are copyright Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd". So it isn't some individual's project.
<oriansj>and if anyone is of the paranoid sort, the repo was made just 2 months after a US government report suggested bootstrappable toolchains.
<Googulator>Does meslibc have an atoi / strtoul / similar function?
<Googulator>I'd like to use it for killing the hardcoded INITRD_MB & KEXEC_MB values.
<oriansj>Googulator: grep -iR atoi ; says yes
<oriansj>even M2libc has strtoint
<Googulator>also, does kaem handle quoted parameters correctly?
<Googulator>i.e. can I do kexec-fiwix -c "fiwix console=/dev/tty1 root=/dev/ram0 ramdisksize=%d initrd=fiwix.ext2 kexec_proto=linux kexec_size=%d kexec_cmdline=\"init=/init consoleblank=0\"" /boot/fiwix ?
<Googulator>(full kaem built from C, not kaem-minimal)
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> I doubt that it works...
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> But best is to try...
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And see what it tries to execute
<Googulator>After a few tries - it worked!
<matrix_bridge><Lance R. Vick> Just noting that I too have now seen the hash mismatch error with savannah.
<matrix_bridge>ERROR: failed to solve: digest mismatch sha256:d9f8d77083bb4b6367eced93e0dcaed23b759a9c3cb12c28ca75c47d8e9272e6: sha256:2d911c2f2ed97b347d6d360b742abdc98aa626d4f8f847ee682c7cde12e90871
<matrix_bridge>Got the same bad hash 3 times in a row then fetched correctly on the third time. Sadly I don't have a copy of the bad file, but just flagging it.
<civodul>those auto-generated tarballs tend to change over time
<GoogulatorMobile>Can we perhaps host such problematic tarballs on a GitHub release?