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<stikonas>oriansj: sorry, can you merge this too (no binary changes, just minor typo in the comment)
<stikonas>and now I need to fix uefi stack alignment in M2libc ...
<stikonas>oriansj: and another PR
<stikonas>with these M2libc I can go all the way to final checksums...
<lrvick>Even working outside of a container chroot builds fail, though much further than I was getting before.
<stikonas>hmm, /steps// line 34: /dev/null: error 13 shouldn't be there...
<stikonas>lrvick: current master?
<stikonas>I've just kicked it off too
<stikonas>we'll see...
<stikonas>hmm, can't reproduce that error...
<stikonas>maybe you missed somethign rootfs does...
<stikonas>hmm, no, you did use too
<oriansj>stikonas: merged
<oriansj>thank you
<oriansj>well I didn't need the distinct 16bit unsigned values when doing cc_* and once we had that, mescc-tools didn't need it to be bootstrapped
<oriansj>so yeah, M0 is missing a few things and a good bit slower than it needs to be
<fossy>wth, that asset url thing is a bit stupid...
<oriansj>fossy: you know all of the forks share the same back end as the original right?
<oriansj>which means hash collision attacks can be done without needing any access to the master repo
<fossy>oriansj: yeah i know that, github's url security is fairly poor :\
<stikonas>oriansj: well, for cc_amd64.efi I needed it in one place
<stikonas>so right now I'm using @ which works with M0
<stikonas>but of course that file would know fail with M1 (@ fill fail range check)
<stikonas>so our options are 1) keep it as it is now, just M0 compatible. 2) extend M0.efi
<GoogulatorMobile>tree-23.12.24: build successful
<GoogulatorMobile>Merry Christmas to all! :)
<ekaitz>GoogulatorMobile: :)
<stikonas>argh, again forgot that M2-Planet makes 32-bit constants negative...