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<oriansj>AwesomeAdam54321: well in theory perhaps but thus far every version of GHC looked at appears to use more haskell language features than Hugs supports.
<oriansj>That being said, there is nothing stopping someone from rewriting a version of GHC to use only the features that Hugs supports
<oriansj>or expanding Hugs to support the features needed to compile GHC
<oriansj>either way we all win. It is just a question of who gets there first
<stikonas>oriansj: at some point when you have some time could you review my pull request? No rush if you are busy, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it
<oriansj>thank you for bringing that to my attention
<stikonas>hopefully it works on more systems now...
<stikonas>I think I sorted 3 issues...
<stikonas>not all were causing issues on my system, but we need to follow the spec rather than rely on implementation details
<oriansj>well that assumes the implementations also comply with the spec; which may or may not be the case.