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<oriansj>Christoph: bootstrapping changes can be merged slow or fast depending on the people and the lift required. The but progress is always embraced once it proves itself to be a net benefit
<oriansj>cosinusoidally: thank you.
<oriansj>GoogulatorMobile: well download from zero is relatively rare but local mirror fallbacks might be a good idea; Software heritage links probably are something to consider. (IPFS or gnunet might be interesting future options for ensuring source availability)
<GoogulatorMobile>It's definitely slower on x86 as well
<GoogulatorMobile>oriansj: we could also use GitHub as a mirror
<GoogulatorMobile>& then we're even free to upload recompressed tarballs
<GoogulatorMobile>i.e. for each project, create a source repo mirror under the LB project on GitHub (like we do for Fiwix)
<GoogulatorMobile>& then upload tarballs as releases
<GoogulatorMobile>stikonas: from the messages that get printed during tcc compile, it looks like mescc 0.26 is now two-stage
<GoogulatorMobile>i.e. it basically compiles everything twice
<stikonas>that is strange though...
<stikonas>maybe a bug?
<stikonas>but in my case it seems much more than 2 times slower or so
<stikonas>maybe 7...
<oriansj>well using GitHub as an object store as a one of many is a valid option but I wouldn't trust that Microsoft wouldn't alter any of the tarballs in the future.
<Googulator>well, Microsoftness is obviously an issue, but unless they can preimage SHA256, the worst MS or an APT compromising them could do is DoS the bootstrap.
<Googulator>(for reference, even MD4 hasn't been successfully preimaged)
<Googulator>(at least publicly)
<Googulator>BTW, looks like the perf regression was almost entirely from $JOBS not propagating
<Googulator>just over 3 hours into the bootstrap (on the Q6600), and it's already in guile
<Googulator>fairly close to what I remember pre-simplify
<Googulator>(note to others replicating on a Q6600 or similar: this is *with* the 3.6GHz overclock this CPU had back when it was in my gaming PC, expect about 30% perf loss with the default 2.4GHz clock)
<stikonas>Googulator: ok, so that's good ($JOBS thing), should be easy to fix...
<Googulator>The fix is already in my simplify-playground branch, although it needs cleanup
<Googulator>(most of the script-generator changes are really irrelevant, what makes it work is the update-jobs imrove step)
<Googulator>also, I was thinking of reducing the role of script-generator to just the kaem era, and parsing the manifest directly using once bash is available
<stikonas>that could work too
<stikonas>though what is the advantage of doing it this way?
<Googulator>& at that point, we can do things like proper runtime redefinition of variables, or multiple manifests
<Googulator>and it's generally more robust
<Googulator>another thing it makes possible is optional build steps that can be called from terminal once the initial bootstrap is done
<stikonas>yeah, that is useful...
<Googulator>e.g. we could have a guix.manifest describing how to bring up Guix
<Googulator>& git.manifest for getting a working Git
<stikonas>that would be quite hard...
<stikonas>to bringup guix
<stikonas>but yes, idea is good
<stikonas>probably source based distros are the easiest target
<stikonas>guix needs a lot of hackery to not depend on its bootstrap seeds
<Googulator>and then once you get to that first terminal prompt, you can just type "manifest git" to additinally bootstrap Git
<stikonas>yeah, stuff like git and a few other things might be very useful on baremetal bootstrap
<Googulator>also "manifest nano"
<Googulator>& then you have a text editor :)
<Googulator>having manifest parsing be in Bash would also enable better error handling
<Googulator>the "Holy Grail" would indeed be bringing up guix or emerge
<Googulator>or something similar
<stikonas>Googulator: we already have text editor :)
<stikonas>ed :D
<stikonas>though I don't really know how to use it
<Googulator>I doubt it's a proper interactive build though
<stikonas>probably not
<stikonas>and ideally we move to a another bc implemntation
<stikonas>that does not need ed at all
<Googulator>given what our early bash behaves like, I doubt ed is any better
<muurkha>ed is a lot simpler than bash
<stikonas>Googulator: bash is simply because we don't have required headers at that time
<stikonas>meslibc can't build interactive bash
<Googulator>Gentoo is sadly moving away more and more from bootstrappability, to the point that stages before stage3 aren't even published anymore
<stikonas>Googulator: those don't matter too much anyway
<stikonas>they just don't exist, I think stage generation is different these days
<stikonas>it's not that it's not published
<stikonas>there are some scripts to bring it up
<stikonas>I think sam_ mentioned them
<Googulator>the early bash is actually worse than your typical "non-interactive" bash - if you build a bash normally without readline, it will still give you some kind of shell if you just go "bash" without any arguments
<stikonas>but also once emerge is working (even with no packages installed)
<Googulator>no line editing, tab-completion, or even prompts
<Googulator>but it's usable as a recovery shell
<Googulator>ours just goes "exit"
<stikonas>it should be possible to install other things
<stikonas>Googulator: probably depends on defines...
<stikonas>the same bash 2.05b built later (when musl is available) is interactive
<Googulator>AFAIK Gentoo still uses stage1/2 internally
<Googulator>stikonas: we only build bash 2.05b once
<stikonas>right now yes
<stikonas>but I had it at some point
<stikonas>(caused some problems on Fiwix though)
<stikonas>which rickmasters didn't have time to investigate
<stikonas>Googulator: I think we need to follow this
<stikonas>of course once you get to distro, you can forget not using pregenerated files and stuff like that...
<stikonas>but theoretically we would alraedy have all the tools to rebuild them
<Googulator>yeah, solving auditability there is another challenge
<stikonas>Googulator: also your separate manifest files thing might be useful for different arches
<stikonas>e.g. that would allow us to cleanly have slightly different paths
<stikonas>though I guess we can have it with full manifest like we have now too...
<stikonas>e.g. there could be x86 manifest that skips mes
<stikonas>(though I'm not sure what to do with checksums...)
<stikonas>they might differ in some intermediate steps
<stikonas>perhaps output checksuming is not scalable...
<GoogulatorMobile>I'd put the checksums in the manifest itself
<stikonas>in which case it really makes sense to have and manifests
<stikonas>though hopefully we won't need any more splits
<stikonas>otherwise we'll just go back to -> -> which caused fossy to do that simplification...
<GoogulatorMobile>It can even be solved with a single manifest
<GoogulatorMobile>Pre-bash, script-generator copies the checksums to their correct locations for kaem
<GoogulatorMobile>Post-bash, can read them directly from the manifest
<sam_>[00:37:19] <Googulator> Gentoo is sadly moving away more and more from bootstrappability, to the point that stages before stage3 aren't even published anymore
<sam_>no, it's that users kept using them when there's no real point
<sam_>yeah, the scripts are all public and such
<sam_>catalyst can still do stage1/stage2 and we do that when something has different ABI
<sam_>what I really want to do is make prefix have a more auditable bootstrap path
<Googulator>How does gentoo even deal with things like Haskell, which has no known bootstrap path?
<Googulator>I somehow doubt the stage3 tarball includes a Haskell compiler.
<sam_>we take the L with haskell, yes
<sam_>which is nothing that's changed ever
<sam_>not sure what your point is
<sam_>it's not like stage1 ever had it or dealt with that
<GoogulatorMobile>That's not related to stage1, I'm just asking
<sam_>oh ok
<GoogulatorMobile>Where do the initial binaries of ghc get injected?
<GoogulatorMobile>Because I was thinking that to bring up a guaranteed-trusted Gentoo, all that's needed is regenerating the boot ISO and the stage3 tarball using the live-bootstrap environment, since the rest is all source... but binaries for e.g. ghc must come from somewhere even in Gentoo, and the stage3 tarball seems too small for that
<Googulator>Bare-metal test done, took 7 hours and 40 minutes.
<Googulator>It was just a hair over 7 hours before simplify & the 2 mes upgrades - that roughly 40 minute difference is about equal to how long the mes phase took before the 0.26 upgrade
<Googulator>Which is consistent with my theory that mescc is doing everything twice
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: in ghc ebuild there is flag to use ghc binary seed or use system compiler
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Sometimes it's not the flag but another ebuild
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> E.g. with rust...
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Or openjdk...
<sam_>what i want to do is introduce binary tagging
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> But those can be bootstrapped via extra packages using overlays...
<sam_>to make it easier to say "really, please no binaries"
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Yeah, makes sense
<oriansj>sam_: sad to hear that gentoo is moving away of bootstrappability
<sam_>we're not??
<oriansj>ok, I guess I read that wrong. Need more coffee -_-
<sam_>send me some too pls
<sam_>but nah i promise it's very important to me
<sam_>part of why i'm in here
<oriansj>well yeah, you are here ^_^
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And it's not like building stage1 from live-bootstrap would be any easier than stage 3
<oriansj>and the Haskell problem is definitely going to take a bunch of dedicated work.
<oriansj>to repeat the cycle we only need janneke to write a haskell compiler written in haskell; that I am then responsible for bootstraping that subset of haskell.
<oriansj>^written in haskell^written in scheme that runs on an interpreter written in haskell^
<sam_>a big challenge for us is actually even stopping more totally-avoidable haskell deps too
<sam_>like pipewire nearly started using pandoc
<oriansj>well, guess Haskell has to be my next project
<AwesomeAdam54321>Is it easier to modify an old version of GHC to use equivalent features in Hugs?
<AwesomeAdam54321>because Hugs seems just as capable as GHC, but the syntax is a bit different
<janneke>oriansj: hehe