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<Googulator>also, the swap creation script only matters if you use the -s option
<Googulator>so should work if you don't try to use swap
<Googulator>checksums are wrong in these, though, so use --update-checksum
<stikonas>somehow python distfiles downloader seems quite unreliable now for me...
<Googulator>yeah, it happens to me as well occasionally
<stikonas>downloaded tcc-0.9.27 using wget....
<Googulator>this is one of the reasons why I implemented manifest-driven downloads (skipping files that are needed only after network is up)
<stikonas>yeah, but python requests shouldn't be that bad...
<stikonas>we must be misusing it...
<Googulator>I think it's probably the servers throttling us
<stikonas>hmm, maybe...
<Googulator>python-requests is seen as a suspicious UA
<Googulator>could even be AI defense - most AI is written in Python these days, so blockking Python UAs helps defend against potential AI bots (like Bing AI, but malicious)
<stikonas>yeah, it could be...
<stikonas>since I don't remember it being so bad even a year ago
<stikonas>ok, checksum-transcriber on riscv should be 560df1e8527df9758252f6255c144cfd6b1555b9d2aa6162011204061af80ab5
<stikonas>maybe I should make a commit with all fixes first...
<Googulator>checksum-transcriber also changed on amd64, even though it's pre-mes
<Googulator>I'm guessing amd64 checksums weren't updated before the final merge of simplify
<Googulator>also, simple-patch doesn't even have any amd64 checksums rn
<stikonas>probably not...
<stikonas>well, tbh, nothing but x86 is usable...
<stikonas>everything else is just for development
<Googulator>How far does riscv get?
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: tcc-0.9.26
<Googulator>And arm64 gets no love at all, from what I've seen
<Googulator>not even supported in mes
<Googulator>even though it's a bit more mature ecosystem than riscv64
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> well, riscv is open ISA
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> so probably got more attention because of that
<stikonas>Googulator: for arm you could try switching to 32-bits in mes...
<stikonas>though maybe not all boards support 32-bit mode
<stikonas>oh, not even v7...
<Googulator>that may not even work on boards that do have 32-bit mode
<Googulator>IIRC armv5 is a compatibility break point
<stikonas>anyway, arm bootstrap is a mess indeed
<stikonas>stage0-posix has aarch64
<Googulator>v5 or newer code will run on v8/9 cores supporting 32-bit mode, but IIRC not v4
<stikonas>but it's a bit hacky...
<stikonas>probably less tested..
<Googulator>is that meant to run on top of an existing Linux kernel?
<stikonas>nothing but x86 has kernel bootstrap
<stikonas>for other arches we probably want uefi bootstrap
<stikonas>at least to start with
<stikonas>well, ideally something that uboot can drive too
<stikonas>otherwise each SoC just has different boot sequence...
<Googulator>IMO it's fair to require enabling uefi support in uboot
<stikonas>it's basically default option these days
<Googulator>although some major vendors don't do that by default *cough* Rockchip & Radxa *cough*
<stikonas>but I'm still struggling with UEFI even on amd64...
<stikonas>well, upstream u-boot is usually better
<stikonas>though might take some time to support newer boards
<Googulator>in the end, what we will need is to achieve bootstrap from the BROM up on _one_ decent board
<Googulator>and also to build u-boot and/or edk2 in a bootstrapped environment
<Googulator>then we can build trusted bootloaders for other boards using that
<Googulator>Rockchip happens to be relatively decent in this regard, especially the 35xx chips
<Googulator>32KiB embedded boot ROM, loads an insigned, unencrypted binary with minimal header from SPI to 1MiB SRAM
<Googulator>(that would be an arm version of builder-hex0 customized for the particular SoC)
<Googulator>of course, bootstrapping DRAM controller initialization & training is gonna be a challenge
<Googulator>especially since RK35xx currently relies on a blob for that
<stikonas>u-boot and edk2 is probably out of scope for early bootstrapped environment
<stikonas>and DRAM training is tricky
<stikonas>you might need a board with decent amount of SRAM
<stikonas>e.g. rk3399 can trai DRAM as part of u-boot
<stikonas>but SRAM is so small that relevant u-boot stage barely fits there
<Googulator>IIRC 3399's bootloader is also nowhere near as open as later RK SoCs
<stikonas>how come?
<stikonas>it doesn't use any blobs at least
<Googulator>requiring an encrypted/scrambled image for the initial loader
<Googulator>(the keys are at least publicly known for it)
<stikonas>no, that's not true
<stikonas>you can just use pre u-boot
<Googulator>I don't mean u-boot's downstream interface
<Googulator>that's just fine
<stikonas>so BROM -> U-boot TPL (that does DRAM training) -> BROM -> U-boot SPL -> ATF-> U-boot proper
<stikonas>I think tha'ts the boot sequence
<Googulator>yeah, but you have to encrypt & sign TPL
<stikonas>no, not on my board
<stikonas>rockpro64 is fine
<stikonas>maybe there are some boards where you need to do that
<Googulator>AFAIK you do, it's just done by default using a well-known default key
<stikonas>I thought only SPI needs some minor modification
<stikonas>possibly writing every second byte or something similar
<Googulator>or maybe it's the header that needs to be crypted
<Googulator>but I remember you can't have a pre-35xx image be entirely in cleartext
<Googulator>again, this is not a lockout, since the keys used (by default) are published
<Googulator>but not good for bootstrapping
<stikonas>yeah, cryptography / signing is not good for bootstrapping
<stikonas>i.e. even if key is known, you don't want to sign hex0.efi
<Googulator>meanwhile, qemu is building linux
<Googulator>bare metal system still in mes
<fossy>what is your bare metal system Googulator
<stikonas>Googulator: I wonder if you are thinking of another boot sequence that rockchip supports and uses proprietary blob
<stikonas>so far (but I haven't looked thouroughly) I can't see uboot doing any signing/encryption
<Googulator>fossy: Asus P5K Premium with Q6600 and 4GB of DDR2-800 (dual-channel so 1600 effective)
<Googulator>stikonas: not uboot
<Googulator>but the utility that generates the final image you can flash on SPI or SD/eMMC
<stikonas>there is no utility
<stikonas>I just use u-boot directly
<Googulator>there's a header that needs to be prepended, and that's encrypted IIRC
<stikonas>u-boot produces idbloader-spi.img and u-boot.itb files
<stikonas>none of those seem encrypted
<Googulator>IIRC idbloader-spi.img's header is
<Googulator>maybe that was even earlier SoCs though
<stikonas>hmm, maybe...
<stikonas>let me see that idbloader
<stikonas>but it's produced directly by u-boot
<Googulator>on 35xx, there's the RKNS header, which is now fully in the clear
<stikonas>unless it does some inline header encryption
<Googulator>on older SoCs, the header had to be encrypted (and it had a different magic vs "RKNS")
<stikonas>well, begining of the file is a bit unreadable
<stikonas>though it's not like I can read aarch64 machine code...
<stikonas>ok, it's this tool:
<stikonas>ok, I guess this is what you are talking about:
<Googulator>yes, 3399 still needs the V1 header
<stikonas>ok, I see...
<stikonas>yeah, not a problem for using stuff, but problem for bootstrappign
<stikonas>well, bootstrapping from BROM...
<Googulator>the header is always RC4-encrypted, while the binaries referenced in it can be in the clear or RC4
<Googulator>at least RC4 is a stream cipher, so you can just ship a premade keystream & XOR with it
<stikonas>yes, the key is there...
<stikonas>well, rc4 is fairly simple...
<stikonas>but still
<stikonas>not something I want to do by hand...
<stikonas>but what's the point of all this mes if key is open...
<Googulator>IIRC you can reprogram it by burning some efuses
<Googulator>to lock it down fully
<Googulator>that's still the case in 35xx
<Googulator>but 35xx just uses no crypto at all when it's not locked down
<Googulator>earlier SoCs instead fall back to a default key
<stikonas>yeah, I think I've read about those efuses
<stikonas>you can kind of implement your own secure boot there
<stikonas>but in home environment I'm more likely to just brick my board :D
<Googulator>btw, any idea why building automake in chroot fails with "rm: cannot lstat `*/': No such file or directory" in WSL2?
<stikonas>that is strange
<stikonas>WSL2 just runs linux kernel in emulation, doesn't it...
<stikonas>so syscalls should behave the same
<Googulator>and if I run the same command outside the chroot (even using the binaries created within), it just works
<stikonas>can you get into chroot?
<stikonas>possibly by injecting static bash from later
<stikonas>but anyway, no idea...
<stikonas>is it reproducible?
<Googulator>hmm, just realized it's using bash expansion in that command
<Googulator>and I used my modern bash
<stikonas>hmm, yeah, that might affect it
<stikonas>but you can't easily use our old bash for interactive debugging...
<Googulator>OK, reproducible with that old bash
<Googulator>../chroot/usr/bin/rm -- configure */ */*/ aclocal.m4* -> works
<Googulator>../chroot/usr/bin/bash -c '../chroot/usr/bin/rm -- configure */ */*/ aclocal.m4*' -> error
<stikonas>hmm, now the questions is why..
<Googulator>$ ../chroot/usr/bin/bash -c 'echo -- configure */ */*/ aclocal.m4*'
<Googulator>-- configure */ */*/ aclocal.m4
<stikonas>do files exist?
<Googulator>$ bash -c 'echo -- configure Makefile
<Googulator>.in */ */*/ aclocal.m4*'
<Googulator>-- configure lib/ m4/ tests/ lib/Automake/ lib/am/ aclocal.m4
<Googulator>The */ somehow fails to expand
<Googulator>and since this is WSL2, I'm worried this will come back to haunt us on regular Linux with a similar kernel
<mihi>Googulator, is that inside drvfs (i.e. /mnt/c/...) or is this normal root filesystem (ext4)?
<Googulator>this is on ext4
<mihi>oh ok. With drvfs i had some strange encounters before...
<Googulator>this is even weirder...
<Googulator>$ ./chroot/bin/bash -c 'echo */manifest'
<Googulator>$ ./chroot/usr/bin/bash -c 'echo */manifest'
<Googulator>$ diff chroot/bin/bash chroot/usr/bin/bash
<Googulator>Binary files chroot/bin/bash and chroot/usr/bin/bash differ
<Googulator>chroot/bin/bash is an absolute symlink to /usr/bin/bash AKA my normal, modern bash shell
<stikonas>anyway, it sounds like globbing is broken
<stikonas>though I'm surprised you even reached automake
<stikonas>and didn't hit anything in
<Googulator>$ ../chroot/usr/bin/bash -c 'echo */*'
<Googulator>$ ../chroot/usr/bin/bash -c 'echo */test'
<stikonas>and echo a/* ?
<Googulator>?/test fails
<Googulator>?/?est works
<Googulator>?/test* works
<Googulator>*/test* works
<Googulator>spun up a proper VM with Linux and copied this bash into it - it misbehaves the same
<stikonas>so how does it work outside wsl?
<Googulator>must be a different binary
<Googulator>it's somehow miscompiled in WSL, but compiles fine otherwise
<stikonas>shouldn't this have been caught by checksuming?
<stikonas>or have you turned it off?
<Googulator>I'm using --update-checksums because I'm still generating the final checksums in qemu as we speak
<Googulator>mes upgrade changed a lot of checksums
<stikonas>and this bash is even before ./configure scripts
<stikonas>so it's not like somehow WSL would change build config
<Googulator>Ran another chroot bootstrap, this time in a proper VM
<Googulator>The resulting bash binary is *identical*
<Googulator>and echo "*/test" fails just the same when called outside chroot
<Googulator>in the VM:
<Googulator>$ sudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'echo */LICENSE'
<Googulator>AArch64/LICENSE AMD64/LICENSE M2-Mesoplanet/LICENSE M2-Planet/LICENSE M2libc/LICENSE armv7l/LICENSE bootstrap-seeds/LICENSE riscv32/LICENSE riscv64/LICENSE x86/LICENSE
<Googulator>in wsl2:
<Googulator>$ sudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'echo */LICENSE'
<Googulator>even sudo chroot chroot/ env - PATH=/usr/bin bash -c 'echo */LICENSE' shows the same difference
<Googulator>in strace, the only difference I can see is the order in which directory entries are returned
<deesix>Globbing has a few configs... what 'set -o | grep noglob' says, for example?
<Googulator>sudo chroot chroot/ env - PATH=/usr/bin bash -c 'set -o' is identical between the 2 systems
<deesix>Is it also broken during interactive execution?
<Googulator>this is the early bash built in Fiwix, it doesn't support any interaction
<matrix_bridge><Christoph> I recall someone on this channel said that they circumvented mes and directly built tcc, and that this saved a lot of time. Even though there are many complaints about the time mes consumes, it is still in use. Why is it still necessary?
<fossy>Christoph, primarily because no-one has implemented it yet :)
<fossy>additionally, we need to ensure that mes libc can still be built using tcc
<fossy>theres a few question marks still lingering regarding a mesless bootstrap
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Christoph: also alternative path is x86 only
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And far more work needed to port to any other arch due to number of steps
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And combinee that with horibble tcc code
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> So maybe we can have an alternative path as optional choise
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> But we still need mes for those other usecases
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Even if it is slow
<matrix_bridge><Christoph> I see. Thank you!
<mihi>Googulator, some things you could try: compare "tune2fs -l" of both ext4 filesystems, compare the base path (or its length) to the directory where you glob, compare kernel config (large file support), look at "ls -li" output for the directories if anything looks weird (e.g. inode numbers with weird bit patterns).
<mihi>If you have coreutils ls built from same libc as your bash, you can also try comparing "ls -li" output, especially look for any zero inodes
<mihi>(bash's own glob implementation ignores dirents with d_ino == 0)
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> Christoph: I've raised regarding adding my alt tcc bootstrap path optionally. I'll raise a PR once fossy has stabilised their recent refactoring of live-bootstrap. My bootstrap path path is i386 only (and is difficult to port to other arches since I have about 13 versions of tcc in my tree). tbh it's probably "easier" for me to write an i386...
<matrix_bridge>... emulator to run the bootstrap up to a version that supports other arches rather than trying to actually port it.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> eg tcc_bootstrap_alt runs in about 10 mins when running under qemu binfmt_misc user mode emulation on a Raspberry PI 4.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I could do that, then get tcc 0.9.27 to generate an arm version of itself.
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> but tbh that's probably way down my list as I have other things I want to do first.
<GoogulatorMobile>...f*** SourceForge.
<GoogulatorMobile>I was trying to fix the download timeout issue, and as a first attempt, I set the user agent to look like Firefox.
<GoogulatorMobile>And suddenly, SF "direct" links now redirect to HTML splash pages.
<GoogulatorMobile>Is reliable for you?
<GoogulatorMobile>If it is, we can probably just use a curl user-agent in the Requests downloader.
<stikonas>GoogulatorMobile: I think download-distfiles is reliable...
<stikonas>hmm, is mes-0.26 much slower (or I guess memory bandwidth intensive...)
<stikonas>though this time it might be CPU instead (as I'm running riscv64 bootstrap with qemu user emulation)