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<oriansj>Guest25: well I am guessing your mescc-tools hex2 did something wrong; as it should result in file permissions of 0750
<oriansj>if it is unable to do so, it should atleast warn you with: Unable to change permissions\n
<oriansj>cosinusoidally: definitely something worth exploring
<oriansj>thank you for your hard work ^_^
<stikonas>oriansj: well, with fossy's work on autogenerating live-bootstrap build scripts it might be easier to support multiple branches in the bootstrap
<stikonas>it's much cleaner than gazillion of handwritten kaem and bash scripts with those build steps
<oriansj>looks like a incremental apporach to declarative functional package management
<oriansj>makes me wonder if we should resurrect the blynn-compiler work and do a proper package manager in the haskell subset it supports
<oriansj>bringing a little gentoo USE flags and guix into the bootstrap
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Might be a bit overkill so early in the bootstrap
<Googulator>Can mes run bootar?
<Googulator>If it can, we get xz support as soon as we get mes running
<Googulator>(at the cost of having to run Scheme code early in the bootstrap, which I'm not too fond of, given the extreme memory intensity almost rivalling AI...)
<oriansj>Googulator: not yet if I remember correctly. But there is nothing stopping unxz from being added to mescc-tools-extra
<oriansj>which already has unbz2, ungz and untar
<oriansj>it'll probably be a week or two of work
<Googulator>depends on the difficulty of writing an LZMA decompressor in m2 / mescc / tcc-compatible C, vs writing it in Mes-compatible Scheme
<oriansj>well you can use an existing LZMA decompressor written in C and then just incrementally remove usages of C features that are not yet supported.
<oriansj>(or depending on the usefulness of the C feature; I could add support for that feature in M2-Planet)
<Googulator>isn't the existing LZMA decompressor C++?
<Googulator>although we do bring up xz before g++, so I guess it must have a pure-C implementation of it
<Googulator>but IIRC Igor Pavlov's original implementation is in C++
<oriansj>there appears to be a C implementation:
<oriansj>and another one:
<Googulator>fossy: is this now stable enough to be worth porting to?
<oriansj>and we can probably find many more in pure C
<muurkha>there's some concerns about how well specified the xz format is (not lzma itself):
<muurkha>but maybe that doesn't matter if you're running a nailed-down set of xz files through a nailed-down version of xz
<oriansj>muurkha: completely fair and there is nothing stopping us from a minimal xz spec to support a handful of files and later expanding to meet growing bootstrap needs for xz
<oriansj>stikonas: and I'll just be fixing those M2libc formatting details
<oriansj>and the use of unsigned long isn't going to work in M2-Planet but I can just replace that with SCM and it'll work
<oriansj>(or ulong)
<Googulator>I've been looking at closing the "HTTP gap" - turns out, we're downloading 27 files totalling 166MiB over plain HTTP between the 1st and 2nd builds of curl, of which 68MiB is nss which is only downloaded for certdata.txt
<Googulator>so about 100MiB if we ship certdata.txt ourself
<Googulator>still too much to just shove into srcfs and expect to stay below 256MiB
<Googulator>Recompressing it all as xz pushes it to 58MiB - combined with bz2 recompression of everything that comes before network, we might just fit the 256MiB limit
<oriansj>stikonas: we might want to think about another M2libc release soon
<Googulator>ok, recompression alone won't help, we end up with a 285MiB srcfs
<Googulator>assuming ideal compression
<stikonas>oriansj: yeah, and perhaps M2-Planet
<Googulator>with unxz.c or other early XZ decompression, we can get down to 215MiB
<Googulator>including everything needed for HTTPS downloads
<Googulator>of course, I cheated a bit here and used solid compression - in practice, we could only recompress individual tarballs
<Googulator>at least before we move to disk
<Googulator>but I would still be much happier if we could postpone steps to after HTTPS is available
<stikonas>Googulator: slightly different question: remember we discussed it makes sense to do first posix kernel in UEFI to be builder-hex0.efi or something like that. But can we easily do that, probably posix binaries that we use, will want to use specific memory addresses
<stikonas>and we might not be able to get those blocks from UEFI...
<Googulator>...because our binaries aren't relocatable?
<stikonas>hmm, some might be
<stikonas>at least stage0-posix has all but kaem-optional.hex0 relocatable
<stikonas>and we can make that relocatable too
<stikonas>not sure what happens in mes and tcc though
<stikonas>also it might be hard to implement brk :(
<Googulator>UEFI itself provides no means for paging, right?
<stikonas>well, in UEFI you can request memory pages, but I don't think you can configure MMU there
<stikonas>we could e.g. request 100 MiB or so of continuous memory
<stikonas>but even that might not be enough for mes
<stikonas>and mes doesn't request all in one go...
<stikonas>hmm, tricky...
<Googulator>what do we use brk for? It's deprecated since 1997 at least.
<stikonas>Googulator: M2libc and meslibc generally requests memory via brk
<stikonas>maybe we could change that...
<stikonas>well, for stage0-posix it really is the simplest way
<Googulator>notably POSIX.1-2001 doesn't even consider brk and sbrk to be standard system calls anymore
<Googulator>POSIX.1-1998 is the last one to mention them, specifically to declare them deprecated and warn that a compliant system may not even provide a real implementation - the only requirement is that it must error out if not actually implemented
<stikonas>yet it is still working in 2023...
<Googulator>working on _some_ kernels, that is
<Googulator>luckily that includes builder-hex0, Fiwix and Linux
<Googulator>but notably not xnu
<stikonas>well, perhaps we need to add mmap and munmap
<stikonas>(or whatever is used instead of brk)
<Googulator>mmap is the replacement
<stikonas>well, for stage0-uefi we had a solution there
<stikonas>but it might not scale to mes...
<Googulator>Does mes require one large contiguous allocation?
<stikonas>oh, actually we might not be using brk directly there
<stikonas>probably not
<stikonas>it will only affect speed anyway
<stikonas>so I just checked M2libc/uefi defines brk to return -1
<stikonas>calloc just never uses it
<Googulator>If mes can tolerate e.g. 10 blocks of 100MiB each, that should be doable using UEFI memory allocations
<stikonas>I imagine mes will call calloc gazillion of times with some small allocations
<stikonas>but posix ELF binaries right now have calloc -> brk
<Googulator>I'm hoping nothing actually relies on brk's contiguous extension behavior
<stikonas>so perhaps we just it calloc->mmap
<stikonas>probably nothing
<stikonas>so maybe it would just work
<stikonas>perhaps I was too scared...
<Googulator>calloc certainly comes with no guarantee that what you get will be contiguous with a previous allocation
<stikonas>no, but calloc itself will have to be improved
<Googulator>just that it will be _internally_ contiguous
<stikonas>right now assumption
<stikonas>is that if brk limit is reached, call brk to get more memory and continue from the earlier block
<stikonas>here M2libc actually has far more sophisticated implementation
<stikonas>so perhaps we just need to improve mes/lib/linux/malloc.c
<stikonas>anyway, thanks for discussion
<stikonas>things are a bit clearer now
<stikonas>though I first need to fix uefi bootstrap binaries to work :(
<stikonas>somehow pushing rbp to stack at the beginning of the program breaks my test in QEMU, but without that it doesn't work on real HW...
<stikonas>probably something more complicated is going on...
<Googulator>Also note: per POSIX, " These interfaces need not be reentrant. "
<Googulator>As in, you're supposed to call brk or sbrk at most once in a process's lifetime, even according to the older standard that still defines them at all,
<Googulator>What mes is doing is anything but POSIX.
<stikonas>well, both M2libc and mes is abusing posix then...
<stikonas>but how were you supposed to get more memory then?
<stikonas>back in the pre mmap days
<Googulator>You were supposed to know your memory needs in advance.
<stikonas>man brk definitely doesn't talk about reentrancy
<Googulator>probably because it was never an issue on Linux
<Googulator>but Linux != POSIX
<stikonas>yeah, I understand...
<Googulator>also, POSIX considers the actual interface used by libc's implementation of malloc to be an implementation detail
<stikonas>yeah, so apps should be fine
<stikonas>but meslibc will need some fixes
<stikonas>which is fine...
<muurkha>ACTION sips coffee, watching the flames
<Googulator>How accurate is these days?
<Googulator>Some parts are clearly outdated (e.g. we don't have make 3.80 anymore, and no mention of Fiwix)
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: yeah, its an old snapshot of parts.rst
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> We shouldn't really duplicate it there
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Ideally link to parts.rst rather than old snapshot
<Googulator>Why do we even build coreutils 6.10 immediately after 5.0?
<Googulator>oh, mktemp...
<Googulator>coreutils 6.10 would be great to get rid of, as it's almost 9MiB
<Googulator>interestingly, both 5.0 and 8.32 are waaaay smaller
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: might be sha256sum too
<Googulator>Do we really need another sha256sum at this stage?
<Googulator>Won't the bootstrap one suffice until we build coreutils 8.32?
<deesix>Googulator, you mean "call brk or sbrk at most once in a process's lifetime" because "need not be reentrant"?
<Googulator>That's certainly how I interpret it.
<deesix>IFAIU, reentrant is about calls from multiple threads, not about the complete lifetime.
<Googulator>that sounds more like thread safety than reentrancy
<deesix>Same thing, basically, indeed.
<Googulator>IIRC in a threaded context, reentrancy is specifically about calling the same code twice _from the same thread_
<muurkha>at least that's not how I've understood it
<muurkha>the way I understand the term, code that isn't re-entrant at all can't be made thread-safe (except by wrapping it in a mutex to ensure that only one thread can ever be in it)
<muurkha>but multiple threads isn't the only way you can hit re-entrancy problems
<muurkha>recursion and interrupts are two others
<muurkha>and mutexes don't help with those
<muurkha>but code that isn't re-entrant at all can still be called safely many times from the same thread, or in a single-threaded process
<muurkha>as long as it returns before each new call!
<muurkha>the issue with brk or sbrk not being re-entrant in traditional (non-threaded!) Unix is that malloc commonly calls sbrk, and it's easy to accidentally write an interrupt handler that calls malloc
<muurkha> says, "A computer program or subroutine is called reentrant if multiple invocations can safely run concurrently on multiple processors, or if on a single-processor system its execution can be interrupted and a new execution of it can be safely started (it can be "re-entered"). The interruption could be caused by an internal action such as a jump
<muurkha>or call, or by an external action such as an interrupt or signal, unlike recursion, where new invocations can only be caused by internal call."
<muurkha>the article has handy examples of things that are neither thread-safe nor reentrant, thread-safe but not reentrant (which I said was impossible), and both reentrant and thread-safe
<muurkha>so I guess it agrees with Googulator on the definition
<deesix>I handwave-y "basically" because, one way or the other... nothing seems related to the whole "lifetime" and not be able to call brk more than once, which sounds very weird to me.
<Googulator>I wonder what's the term for a procedure that can only be called once in a context, because it doesn't clean up after itself
<Googulator>I always thought that's what "reentrancy" meant, not merely interrupt safety
<Googulator>"Bison 3.4.1 is buggy and segfaults when perl 5.32.1 is built. This is probably because it was built with a hand-written makefile. We do not build the latest bison because perl 5.32.1 requires bison <= 3.4.2."
<Googulator>That sounds like the difference is in how it's built, not the actual version. Why use both then?
<Googulator>Rather than just rebuilding 3.4.1 with proper build system the 2nd time, or using 3.4.2 with the special makefile.
<muurkha>Googulator: maybe "unusably buggy"?
<Googulator>Such a situation can commonly emerge when converting a standalone command line program into a library, or when adding a GUI or other interactive mode - and I've seen bugs related to this called reentrancy issues.
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: bootstrap sha256sum has bugs with large files
<Googulator>I guess we need to keep it before binutils/linux then
<Googulator>Any idea why we download coreutils 8.32 from savannah-git (much smaller tarball, presumably without pregen files), but 5.0 and 6.10 from
<Googulator>also note: works (we currently use gz here)
<Googulator>in fact, we can even get xz from savannah, e.g.
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> We should be able to switch to xz snapshot.
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And I think we do snapshots here because release tarballs did not have enough info to regenerate pregenerated files
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Googulator: perhaps we could extend coreutils 6.10 and remove 5.0
<fossy>stikonas, i'm just performing final tests, should be good to go with the PRs in the next 24hrs
<fossy>i'll be merging in this order
<fossy>#337 #340 #341 #343 #344, rebase #334 on master, merge #334
<fossy>if you're ok with that i'll proceed within a few days
<fossy>few -> 2
<fossy>oh and i need to push the arch specific checksums ofr simple-patch
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> fossy: thanks for update
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> I'll wait with mes 0.26 then
<fossy>mes 0.26 is looking very neat!
<fossy>does gash run natively on mes 0.26 now
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> fossy: probably non release version
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> fossy: but with gash we will have to be careful
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> It's probably heavy on syscalls
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> So we might struggle before fiwix
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> I haven't tried gash yet
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> But mes itself runs fine on builder-hex0
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Even if we need to adjust meslibc build script a lot to are those new syscalls
<janneke>fossy: for gash you need the wip-modular-mes branch
<janneke>(so that's a branch in gash)
<janneke>and from gash-utils you need the wip-mes branch
<stikonas>we probably don't need to much from gash-utils anyway
<stikonas>but having more powerful shell (than kaem) early on could be a big improvement
<stikonas>on the other hand, it might make bootstrap simpler...
<stikonas>so I guess there is a tradeoff between speed and simplicity...
<janneke>stikonas: thinking (again) about how slow the bootstrap on riscv is...
<janneke>i remember emilytrau mentioning they built mes C files all in parallel
<stikonas>janneke: I think it wouldn't help
<stikonas>if the bottleneck is indeed RAM bandwidth
<janneke>not if you have (only) one machine; right
<stikonas>because gcc is not that slow
<stikonas>I was building gcc 4.6 from ekaitz branch on riscv
<stikonas>and even 3 stage bootstrap is just 2h or so
<janneke>ah, oh that's good news in a way
<janneke>so it's really mes that is exceptionally slow
<stikonas>yeah, only mes is exceptionally slow
<stikonas>so both good and bad
<stikonas>good is that other parts are reasonably fast
<stikonas>but to reach them, you need a week or so on visionfive2
<stikonas>well, we don't yet have anything in the chain after tcc, we went directly to building gcc for now
<stikonas>first to make sure we have a working GCC
<stikonas>will bridge tcc and gcc later...
<stikonas>janneke: I wonder how much can be gained by switching those long if/else sequences to switch in mes.c
<stikonas>wouldn't be much faster, but maybe can speed it up by a bit
<oriansj>well, there are lots of potential improvements to explore and even more bugs to fix. (probably need to figure out why mescc-tools-extra sha256sum is giving wrong results and at what size)
<stikonas>I think it was at 1 MiB
<oriansj>just checked a 5,296,912byte file and it matches the core utils sha256sum result
<oriansj>and a 73,598,107byte file
<oriansj>I know it will break on files greater than 2GB due to the signed 32bit value
<oriansj>and 1.5GB can result in a segment fault
<oriansj>and checking a 472,700,928byte binary file I do see matching checksums from the x86 stage0-posix bootstrapped sha256sum
<oriansj>which should be large enough for everything for a good while
<stikonas>hmm, maybe whatever bug we had is fixed...
<janneke>stikonas: iwbn if a fairly simple change as if/else => switch would improve performance
<stikonas>well, if/else probably has far worse assembly
<janneke>...and eval_apply is the most intensively executed code
<janneke>so yeah, it might even be a happy suprise...hard to say!
<stikonas>we'll need a new M2-Planet...
<janneke>just when everything seems so nice and stable ;-P
<stikonas>well, oriansj already implemented switch there
<janneke>oh, so "we"'re just a bunch of lazy laggards :)
<janneke>(for the record, this has been one of my most intensive years, mes-wise, and i've been amazed by all your work too!)
<GoogulatorMobile>I've just realized there's another neat perk to reducing srcfs to 256MiB, which is unrelated to the trusted Flash drive
<GoogulatorMobile>I've been running with kexec_size=256MiB for a while with no ill effects
<GoogulatorMobile>And that space is accessible as a ramdisk before we kexec to Linux
<GoogulatorMobile>Which means, we can avoid the "nuke distfiles" step during the Linux build
<GoogulatorMobile>& basically bring over an almost arbitrary amount of source code from the Fiwix world into the Linux one
<stikonas>GoogulatorMobile: well, we could save on some stuff, coreutils is one thing...
<stikonas>though we probably want to bring in gash
<stikonas>and also give some space for future growth of some projects (stage0/mes)
<GoogulatorMobile>Tbh, I'm not a fan of gash... or anything that would use the mes interpreter, for that matter
<stikonas>yes, I know, but we need to solve that non-redistributable binary issue
<stikonas>so at the very least I would like to run musl's ./configure script before bash
<GoogulatorMobile>Can't we use Plan9 lex/yacc?
<GoogulatorMobile>(MIT licensed)
<stikonas>no idea... maybe
<stikonas>but if it's not compatible with bison bootstrap, we might need both
<stikonas>GoogulatorMobile: are you against because it is slow?
<GoogulatorMobile>Yeah, I don't want to see m(olass)es in the bootstrap path for that reason
<stikonas>well, configure script wouldn't take long....
<GoogulatorMobile>I know, risc-v is far slower yet, but still
<stikonas>it's a fairly small script
<stikonas>well, risc-v hardware will improve
<stikonas>but this is a really simple script
<stikonas>can't be too bad
<GoogulatorMobile>I'm not sure the size of the script would matter too much
<GoogulatorMobile>mes-gash may even be slow to hello world
<GoogulatorMobile>Also, it's telling that even _guile_ is quite slow
<stikonas>well, true...
<GoogulatorMobile>I have a feeling a performant Scheme implementation is not possible on our current CPU architectures
<GoogulatorMobile>I mean, Scheme is a Lisp dialect... there's a reason why a custom architecture was originally designed for running Lisp
<stikonas>as for sizes, perhaps we'll have to switch to more configurable bootstraps
<stikonas>e.g. there would be different manifest files for different usecase
<stikonas>that's becoming easier with that fossy's rework
<stikonas>e.g. if we want to target gcc 4.6 rather than gcc 4.0 for riscv, we could do it separately
<GoogulatorMobile>I wonder what makes binutils almost 30MiB...
<GoogulatorMobile>For sure not source code
<stikonas>older binutils were smaller
<stikonas>but older binutils also work much worse
<stikonas>half of that binutils size is gas directory
<stikonas>oh, 95 / 122 MB is testsuite
<GoogulatorMobile>Yeah, it would be great to ship a slimmed down version there
<stikonas>perhaps you could write a postprocessing script
<stikonas>that optionally repacks tarballs and injects new checksums
<stikonas>though some people might prefer not to run repacking
<GoogulatorMobile>slim binutils + early XZ support + coreutils improvements + pushing GMP & co to when it's actually needed = easy 256MiB, even if we include everything needed for HTTPS
<GoogulatorMobile>Plain HTTP dependency is a huge threat to the project imo
<stikonas>GMP and co is in sysc, isn't it?
<stikonas>GoogulatorMobile: why?
<stikonas>nothing depens on HTTP for security
<GoogulatorMobile>Not security
<stikonas>unless your NIC can break sha256sum
<GoogulatorMobile>But finding HTTP sources that remain HTTP
<stikonas>well, that is true...
<GoogulatorMobile>We can safely use HTTP links if we so choose, but at no stage should we depend on the existence of HTTP links that don't redirect to HTTPS
<GoogulatorMobile>Because those are all going away eventually
<stikonas>I agree with this
<stikonas>unless we self-host those tarballs
<stikonas>but that's another can of worms
<stikonas>but openssl 1 is also not ideal there
<GoogulatorMobile>Also, some ISPs or corporate environments might straight up block plain HTTP traffic
<stikonas>we should either keep it up to date
<stikonas>GoogulatorMobile: you have bigger problems there in corporate environemnts
<stikonas>even HTTPS links would be blocked
<stikonas>you are unlikely to be able to run live-bootstrap there
<stikonas>unless you preinject all sources
<stikonas>or use your own mirror
<stikonas>especially less known sources
<stikonas>in particular stuff like old flex...
<stikonas> (
<stikonas>that's some fairly obscure mirror...
<GoogulatorMobile>I would expect plain HTTP blocking to become the norm in the near future
<stikonas>doesn't apt download stuff from debian using http?
<stikonas>though it's from the mirrors that are under Debian's control
<stikonas>not random other mirrors
<fossy>janneke: thanks for the gash branches. i'll investigate them at some point (but i think in live-bootstrap we should probably wait for them to stabilise a bit)
<muurkha>current Chromium does block unencrypted HTTP, as does HTTP/3
<janus>muurkha: but how am i able to open then?
<janus>it seems to redirect to another page, even if i use incognito. surely it should fail before redirecting if your assertion were true
<muurkha>janus: maybe you've already told chromium it's okay?
<muurkha>or maybe you're not using the version of chromium where i've seen this behavior?
<muurkha>also both chromium and firefox have dropped ftp support
<janus>muurkha: that's why i try incognito, so that it doesn't know about my settings
<janus>i am on chrome 120.0.6099.71-1
<janus>even opens . it says 'insecure' in the url bar
<janus>maybe google patched my chromium before packaging chrome
<stikonas>yeah, http works on my ungoogled-chromium too
<muurkha>I'll have to investigate morre