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<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> fyi I've made some more progress on my alt tcc bootstrap. I'm now able to go from cc_x86 up to tcc 0.9.23. I start with a cut down stage0 posix and bootstrap up to tcc 0.9.23 contains the code. ./mk_seeds followed by ./x86/artifact/kaem-optional-seed kaem.x86 will run the whole process (or there is the convenience wrapper...
<matrix_bridge>... mk_from_bootstrap_seed).
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> unbuffered io seems to be a bit of a bottleneck though. It takes about 40s when it should ideally take < 10s
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> actually < 5s should be feasible
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> cosinusoidally: why don't you use M2-planet then?
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> That is much faster with buffered I/o
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Also, you'll probably hit m2libc problems with later versions of tcc