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<pabs3>zig apparently regressed in its bootstrappability
<nektro>referring to the wasm blob? yeah
<nektro>being pre-1.0 it was determined that it was really slowing down the team, the goal is another implementation will be made as stability is reached
<nektro>the wasm runtime used to run it and bootstrap the compiler is built from source using the system C compiler
<nektro>*im not on the core team, but am avid community member
<pabs3><NickH> pabs:
<muurkha>luke-jr: nice
<muurkha>rekado: thanks for the note about expiring
<muurkha>who owns it?
<rekado>muurkha: I do and have been paying for it for the past years.
<muurkha>rekado: thank you very much!
<pabs3>re zig: <NickH> pabs: I think it likely means there will be no zig for Debian until the get rid of the wasm binary. Even without that I wasn't able to find a sponsor. That's why I'm now just thinking about how to make a pragmatic non-dfsg for myself and a few others.
<NickH>s/the get/they get
<stikonas>on the other hand, maybe distributions not packaging non-bootstrappable softare would encourage more bootstrappable softare
<NickH>s/non-dfsg for myself/non-dfsg zig package for myself/
<muurkha>I think Debian in general has a strong prohibition on FTBFS, fails to build from source
<muurkha>but they of course have a large core set of software in their "seed"
<stikonas>yes, but at least they are not arbitrary increasing the seed