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<nektro>big congrats yall :)
<h01ger>great work!
<muurkha>ekaitz, stikonas: congratulations, that's wonderful news
<muurkha>oriansj: I think the VAX had a lot of custom DEC silicon in it
<muurkha>maybe just gate arrays?
<oriansj>muurkha: hmmm, good point
<Mikaku>ekaitz: stikonas: congratulations, amazing milestone!
<ekaitz>Mikaku: thank you!
<stikonas>thank you indeed
<luke-jr>FWIW, I finally succeeded in getting Guix going without third-party trusted blobs
<luke-jr>it was quite hacky tho
<luke-jr>first I modified Guix to use my own seeds, and built static binaries it wanted; then I started over, let it download the blobs it wanted, and replaced them in the store data behind its back
<stikonas>oh, and it does not complain later?
<stikonas>that binaries have wrong hash
<stikonas>I guess that's good
<stikonas>(for your usecase)
<luke-jr>stikonas: it doesn't
<luke-jr>and once it gets past bootstrapping, I assume the hashes do match
<luke-jr>my next goal is to build the official 1.4.0 iso, so I can just save its hash and be sure it's something I could make myself
<stikonas>but is official iso reproducible?
<luke-jr>it isn't? :O
<stikonas>no idea
<stikonas>but not everything in guix is 100% reproducible
<luke-jr>would be quite shocking if not
<stikonas>though I might be outdated here
<luke-jr>really? :\
<stikonas>best to ask in #guix...
<luke-jr>I did, but in my experience it's rare to get answers
<stikonas>well, you can try rebuilding iso
<stikonas>maybe iso is fine
<stikonas>those are core packages
<oriansj>luke-jr: nice; guix really should welcome multiple alternate roots as it will enable greater trust
<stikonas>yeah, ironically \guix doesn't really have an easy bootstrapping path
<stikonas>if you don't want to trust a few binaries
<stikonas>which are only used for build orchestration but still
<luke-jr>stikonas: well, the hard part for me is figuring out what the command is
<luke-jr>maybe timemachine? idk
<oriansj>well I don't think guix was ever designed to be easilty broken out
<luke-jr>oriansj: ?
<oriansj>well if guix was designed to be easily broken out, you would expect it to be trivial to replace bootstrap binaries and create new build chains
<luke-jr>it is, but the hashes of everything changes
<oriansj>which shouldn't be an issue
<luke-jr>considering the only purpose of guix for me, is to generate matching hashes, it is :)
<oriansj>oh, I build everything from source and dont use substitues, so the hashes never mattered
<luke-jr>same here, but the hashes are the goal for me
<luke-jr>I want to sign the same binaries everyone else signs
<luke-jr>the actual system/binaries made get thrown away afterward, I just need to verify the hashes
<oriansj>well the hash, should only be based on the source code and the binaries used in generation; not the orchestration bits
<oriansj>so the alternate guile binary and the stage0 bits should not result in an alternate hash value
<stikonas>oriansj: but guix hash is based on inputs, not on outputs
<stikonas>so stuff will be installed into different locations
<stikonas>(which might also change output hashes as input locations of dependencies changed)
<oriansj>stikonas: agreed but the guix version shouldn't be included as an input (or any of the orchestration bits)
<oriansj>so you think it is just a name/location issue for luke-jr ?
<luke-jr>I'm not actually sure it IS an issue, I guess
<luke-jr>but I expect it will be if I want to sign Guix's iso for example
<luke-jr>(which would be useful at least to me, if I ever need a trustable root to install from in the future; and also to anyone who trusts me)
<oriansj>luke-jr: well to be honest, once you share your steps; I'll cross verify myself and others can repeat the process to expand the number of parties verifying the guix install media from source to ISO
<luke-jr>oriansj: I shared my steps so far already? :)
<luke-jr>but I suppose I should also share my patch to guix that audits every fixed derivation it downloads...
<luke-jr>(to ensure it doesn't download any blobs)
<oriansj>luke-jr: I can't identify a git repo associated with your work, could you provide a link?