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<oriansj>muurkha: you are completely right minus one detail
<oriansj>implementing that logic in hex0 -> M1 would be quite difficult but in C and above we probably could do that reasonably well
<stikonas>ok, we are getting fairly close to bootstrapping tcc on riscv64 :)
<stikonas>so we can do stage0-riscv64 -> mes-m2/mescc -> mes/mescc -> mes-tcc (which is already the first version build of tcc with some stuff disabled via ifdef flags) -> boot0-tcc (which is now tcc built with tcc) but boot0-tcc crashes
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> (Thanks to janneke and ekaitz for the last fix)
<oriansj>it is great seeing the #guix-risc-v group progress ^_^
<muurkha>stikonas: that's awesome!
<muurkha>oriansj: yeah, I wonder if a low-level bytecode interpreter might be a usable way to do it
<oriansj>muurkha: yes but it would certainly require a good deal of cleverness to make one small enough to implement in hex0 on many platforms.
<muurkha>probably so
<oriansj>one would only need to encode load{8,16,32,64}, loadu{8,16,32,64}, store{8,16,32,64}, add, sub, shli, shri, call, return, jz, jnz and a couple knight halcodes (push and pop would certainly make the lower stages much easier)
<oriansj>if we make a register be the PC, we can eliminate separate call, return instructions
<oriansj>jz and jnz could be done with conditional add and conditional substract instructions.
<muurkha>if you make a register be the PC, yes
<muurkha>that doesn't impose the same level of avoidable waste on efficient emulation as something like memory-mapped I/O or memory-mapped registers (like the PDP-10), because you can statically identify which instructions touch the PC
<muurkha>you probably want some kind of bitwise operation
<muurkha>just on the theory that if what you're writing in this stuff is an assembler, you're probably going to want to extract bitfields sometimes? maybe that's more of a concern for a disassembler
<muurkha>a separate call instruction is still useful, though I guess you could replace it with something like addi lr, pc, #8; mov pc, r0
<muurkha>also how do you get from just add, sub, jz, and jnz to jg or ja?
<muurkha>not sure you really need all those varieties of load. ARM got by for quite a while with just LDM, LDR, and LDB, didn't it?
<muurkha>uh, LDRB
<muurkha>you left out MOV and load-immediate, but you can get them out of addi if you have a zero register
<oriansj>muurkha: well bitwise AND is handy but not *absolutely* required for bootstrapping; much like multiplication and division.
<oriansj>it just makes certain things faster, simpler and easier to reason about
<oriansj>and arm does have the different loads as otherwise you would have to sign extend or zero extend registers frequently
<oriansj>(you can see them in M2libc/armv7l/armv7l_defs.M1 )
<muurkha>they did eventually add more sizes of loads, it's true
<oriansj>Things like LDRH and LDRSH, LDRB and LDRSB are expected for 32bit architectures but 32bit loads doing signed vs unsigned doesn't matter but on 64bit systems it does matter
<oriansj>specifying signed vs unsigned 64bit loads would mean the architecture could be 128bits without any issues
<oriansj>but yeah, just 4GB of RAM is enough to get to TCC and Fiwix
<oriansj>anything bigger and we run into a great deal more complexity