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<matrix_bridge><emilytrau> wow fml. i have wasted over a week stubbornly trying to get glibc 2.16.0 to build. i finally give up and musl builds in 5 minutes
<matrix_bridge><emilytrau> so much effort trying to get a glibc bootstrap to work when i could just not do that -_-
<muurkha>I feel like if I say "congratulations" you might think I was being sarcastic
<muurkha>but an awful lot of problems in programming end up being like that
<muurkha>and ultimately that combination of persistence and flexibility is a great virtue
<muurkha>I was looking at small libcs the other night because I wanted to see how little space PARI/GP can run in
<muurkha>the ones I found, aside from musl, are klibc, newlib, picolibc, and of course dietlibc
<muurkha>I think klibc doesn't support floating point?
<muurkha>with glibc I couldn't start a minimal program linked with libpari in less than ulimit -d 2048
<fossy>emilytrau: it is rather remarkable, I was very surprised at how easy musl is to build!
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> That's exactly the reason why we used musl in live-bootstrap
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> It's far simpler but still compatible with most stuff
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> And no other small libc had a nice build system either
<janneke>one day we'll have our own amazing libc
<oriansj>janneke: yeah, M2libc is still a work in progress and its ultimate goal is only a few dozen functions away.