IRC channel logs


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<stikonas>looks like Matrix hosting situation is getting worse and bridge will be shut down...
<stikonas>I could probably host my bridge for now...
<luke-jr>maybe Matrix will die :)
<stikonas>if there is interest
<doras>stikonas: can you clarify what you mean by "getting worse"?
<stikonas>doras: bridge will be turned off from tomorrow
<stikonas>so no more bridging
<stikonas>and I was told that's even too optimistic view from matrix...
<stikonas>there will probably be some post from too
<luke-jr>"Libera.Chat team has requested"
<luke-jr>with that in mind, won't they be annoyed if you run one?
<daMaestro>right now it's just an ongoing incident
<stikonas>that's 12h ago
<vagrantc>there's always using a matrix to xmpp bridge to connect to an irc bridge :)
<stikonas>and since they can't resolve it, I guess libera chat team got fed up
<daMaestro>if the channel is plumbed, it will still continue to work. only portaled connections wont work anymore.
<stikonas>daMaestro: nope
<stikonas>that was old news
<stikonas>it looks like bridge is going down completely
<daMaestro>ah, thanks for the update
<stikonas>"[Global Notice] The Matrix bridge is experiencing continued stability and privacy issues; we have requested it be shut down until they are resolved. Matrix have agreed to shut down the bridge no later than 1400UTC on Saturday."
<stikonas>well, I created
<andrius><Andrius Štikonas> Or maybe I should instead reuse existing room...
<luke-jr>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m]>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m]>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][m]>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][m4>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<vagrantc>ACTION blinks
<luke-jr>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m]>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m][m]>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m][m][m]>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m][m][m4>stikonas: uhh
<vagrantc[m]>ACTION blinks
<luke-jr[m][m][m7>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][m7>stikonas: uhh
<vagrantc[m][m]>ACTION blinks
<luke-jr[m][m][10>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][10>stikonas: uhh
<vagrantc[m][m][m>ACTION blinks
<vagrantc>they will love this bridge :)
<vagrantc[m]>they will love this bridge :)
<vagrantc[m][m]>they will love this bridge :)
<vagrantc[m][m][m>they will love this bridge :)
<luke-jr>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m]>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m]>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m][m]>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m][m4>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m][m7>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m][10>I for one think this bridge is worse
<luke-jr[m][m][14>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][14>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m][m][14>I for one think this bridge is worse
<vagrantc[m][m][4>ACTION blinks
<vagrantc[m][m][4>they will love this bridge :)
<luke-jr>I for ... 8?
<luke-jr[m][m][17>ACTION wonders where to report imposters
<luke-jr[m][m][17>stikonas: uhh
<luke-jr[m][m][17>I for one think this bridge is worse
<vagrantc[m][m][7>ACTION blinks
<vagrantc[m][m][7>they will love this bridge :)
<vagrantc>ACTION is trying to be quiet
<luke-jr>hunting wabbits?
<oriansj>oh chat protocols, can't you all just get along...
<stikonas>well, my mistake was to add another bridge before disconnecting official bridge...
<stikonas>and official bridge was still getting messages from IRC
<stikonas>which of course created a loop of messages...
<stikonas>oriansj: what do you think we should do for now?
<stikonas>shouuld I diconnect that plumber?
<stikonas>and try again with heisenbridge?
<oriansj>hmmm good question.
<oriansj>well everyone on the matrix side should know of the IRC logs and the bridge is going to go down anyway.
<stikonas>well, it would hopefully be the same room
<stikonas>the disadvantage though is that my bridge would be hosted in my house, so uptime wouldn't be as good...
<stikonas>ijm ket;s try ibce nire,,,
<stikonas>argh... typos... ok, let's try once more
<stikonas_m><Andrius Štikonas> test from matrix (
<stikonas>test from IRC
<stikonas_m><Andrius Štikonas> ok, at least it doesn't go crazy this time
<stikonas_m><Christoph> That's very sad news! Mikaku: thank you for reposting! I'd likely have missed it otherwise.