IRC channel logs


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<oriansj>stikonas: I just saw the meowmeowmeow request to bridge with #bootstrappable
<stikonas>oriansj: we might have to redo it...
<stikonas>I might have gotten some error
<oriansj>it appears it only has a 300 second window to respond
<stikonas>oriansj: did you get a new one?
<oriansj>just now and I responded "yes"
<stikonas[m]>and I think we are linked
<JeremiahOrians[m>Hi from matrix
<stikonas[m]>Jeremiah Orians: we might also want to add alias to this room (though I think only you can do that since I'm not on
<stikonas[m]>and that's probably blocked by closing the previous room...
<oriansj>well I am still looking up how to redirect a matrix channel
<oriansj>we probably should include the new matrix channel in a few places so that people that prefer matrix know they have that option going forward
<stikonas>yes, makes sense
<stikonas>though like I said for now I was only able to register alias on my home server...
<theruran>"Using non-GNU assemblers with the Portable C Compiler"
<muurkha>hmm, much to my surprise the cvs repo is active
<muurkha>127 kloc in pcc
<muurkha>I think the last time I set up a CVS repo was 15 or 20 years ago, I couldn't remember how
<oriansj>muurkha: usually via cvs -d /$PATH init
<oriansj>and chgrp developers /$PATH && chmod g+srwx /$PATH
<oriansj>cvs and subversion have virtually identical notes:
<oriansj>emilytrau[m]: *waves*
<muurkha>oriansj: yeah, it didn't take me *that* long to figure it out :)
<muurkha>it's just funny how in under 20 years I could go from being a CVS expert to not knowing how to do the simplest things
<muurkha>hi emilytrau[m]! welcome
<muurkha>I forget if you were here before and I'm welcoming you redundantly. no offense is intended if so
<oriansj>muurkha: well useful information tends to be used and stick around; useless information tends not to be used and thus forgotten.