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<oriansj>and github just became unusuable without javascript
<stikonas[m]>Well, do you want to move to something else then?
<oriansj>Well, I have already mirror'd all of my work to sourcehut/savannah; I was just surprised that I can't even see other people's code without javascript
<oriansj>(in case anyone is curious: )
<oriansj>so in many ways I have already moved away from github for anything but pushing a few new commits; and pulling from a few repos before merging locally
<pder>fossy: I looked into gcc-13.1.0 creating binaries that crash on startup and it appears that disabling ssp fixes it.
<pder>I tried dropping the libssp_nonshared patch and passing --disable-default-ssp to configure and was able to build working binaries.
<pder>I tested rebuilding a couple of packages like sed, make, and tar and gcc with ssp crashes on all of them
<pder>With the patch, they work
<oriansj>pder: nice work ^_^
<doras>stikonas: I'd like sysc's /init to clear environment variables before doing anything meaningful, to isolate it from the environment in which it can run. How would you approach this?
<doras>Maybe also sysb's, to keep things consistent.
<doras>The options are likely to either move logic from /init to the respective ./ scripts and call them with env -i, or maybe to use #!/usr/bin/env -S -i bash as the shebang.
<doras>The latter assumes that we have a capable env available when /init is executed in both cases.
<doras>I guess it would have to be added to sys_transfer and then maybe removed before coreutils is installed.
<doras>A third option, which is not as comprehensive as the first two, is to keep /init as-is and only run ./ with env -i.
<stikonas[m]>Hmm, let's ask fossy...
<stikonas[m]>I think I might be leaning for simpler 3rd option...
<stikonas[m]>Nothing particularly interesting happens before
<stikonas[m]>We just unpack stuff
<stikonas[m]>Transferring env to sysc and removing before coreutils is installed sounds a bit overkill given that coreutils installation is the first thing to run...
<stikonas[m]>Though I guess moving logic to next file is also fine
<stikonas[m]>Well, lets see what fossy thinks
<doras>stikonas: I think the third suggestion has a place regardless of the additional value that the first two may bring. I think I'll create a PR about it anyway.
<doras>stikonas: another thing I thought I may tackle, as far as I can tell, such uses of `export` in build scripts effectively "pollute" the build environment of every package that follows since nothing unsets the variable or changes it to its original value:
<doras>With some basics tests it seems that using declare -x instead of export may be a good minimal-impact solution here, since it exports the variables only in the scope of the function where it's called. What do you think?
<doras>basic tests*
<stikonas[m]>Dor Askayo: yes, ideally we have each function in subshell
<stikonas[m]>But declare local might work for now
<doras>stikonas: it seems that both `local` and `declare -x` work. Do you know which is more appropriate?
<stikonas[m]>local doesn't export
<stikonas[m]>So perhaps that's sufficient
<stikonas[m]>But do we get the same hash?
<doras>stikonas: I haven't ran it through the bootstrap yet, just playing with test scripts to understand what should and shouldn't work.
<doras>stikonas: "local doesn't export" is what I thought too, but it seems that it does. Well, if you define "export" as "pass environment variable to passed to child processes".
<doras>is passed*
<stikonas[m]>Oh I see
<doras>stikonas: never mind, I figured it out. I was playing with the `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` example, which is already exported globally using `export`. So if you "redefine" an exported variable with a `local` variable inside a function, it does not remove it from the exported list and any command executed from the scope of the function (or nested functions) would inherit this "local" environment variable.
<doras>However, when it's not exported globally using export, it does indeed remain local to the script and not exported to child processes.
<doras>On the other hand, declare -x, when used in the context of a function, exports the variable to child processes even if it's not declared globally with export, but only for commands executed within the scope of the function (or nested functions).
<doras>stikonas: so I think `declare -x` is may be the appropriate candidate when we actually expect child processes to consume the variable.
<stikonas[m]>OK, so I think declare -x is the way to go
<stikonas[m]>But probably only in new bash
<stikonas[m]>Bash 2 might not support it
<doras>stikonas: digging in some old docs for 2.05b, it seems that it should be supported.
<stikonas[m]>OK, so we can use it everywhere...
<drakonis> might be mildly relevant?
<drakonis> specifically due to this
<drakonis>specifically its ability to select which encodings can be used on a per instruction basis and being able to write the output encoding into the source file
<doras>Has anyone ever seen this dhcpcd error with live-bootstrap in the QEMU bootstrap mode?
<doras>Never mind, I suspect it's a DNS connectivity issue.
<stikonas>doras: by the way, have you tried pder's patch
<stikonas>which should hopefully fix crash in gcc
<doras>stikonas: I haven't. I guess I missed it. Where can I find it?
<stikonas>though it's probably just a workaround, in principle SSP shouldn't crash
<pder>Figuring out a way to enable ssp with gcc 13 and musl should be possible, but just needs more investigation.
<stikonas>yes, which is why I don't mind merging this first
<stikonas>hmm, I've just though of another small speedup in sysa
<pder>ok, still need to update checksums and maybe a bit more cleanup
<stikonas>it should be possible to build mes before we build libc+tcc
<stikonas>and mes is faster than mes-m2
<pder>stikonas: do you have any thoughts on the pregenerated files in nyacc and how to solve that?
<stikonas>pder: well, janneke suggests waiting for mes 0.26 (current version is 0.24)
<stikonas>when scheme module support is planned
<stikonas>otherwise we need to hack some nyacc modules to be mes modules
<stikonas>something like here which has mes-use-module
<stikonas>but I'm not very familiar with what exactly this means
<pder>what is the difference between mes-m2 and mes? Is it just that mes is the interpreter code compiled by mescc?
<pder>and mes-m2 is the same code compiled by M2-Planet?
<pder>Do they have different feature sets or just differences in performance?
<stikonas>should be the same but mes-m2 fails to compile tcc (crashes)
<stikonas>anyway, this would be replacing interpreter with better interpreter, so I don't see any drawbacks...
<stikonas>i.e. move a bit higher
<stikonas>(and possibly need to redefine MES to be /usr/bin/mes instead of /usr/bin/mes-m2)
<pder>So after building mes-m2 you immediate recompile mes with mescc? Then compile the mes C library?
<stikonas>so at the moment we build mes-m2, libc (part needed to rebuild mes) libc+tcc (part needed to build tcc) mes and then tcc
<stikonas>I think mes-m2 libc mes libc+tcc tcc would work
<stikonas>also another small task if you want, I think we don't install libbz2.a and the header in bzip2 package...
<stikonas>so we can't enable bz2 module in python3.11
<pder>yeah, looks like we only install bzip2 bunzip2 and bzcat
<doras>stikonas, pder: I started CI with the `gcc-13-disable-ssp` branch for testing:
<doras>It will likely take a while and doesn't show live output for live-bootstrap. Though I set the JOBS configuration in bootstrap.cfg to 12 cores, so maybe it will at least be quicker. I hope we don't have reproduciblity issues with build concurrency.
<doras>I also ran into a strange build issue with python-2.5.6:
<doras>This is from a bwrap bootstrap and my branch to remove some exported variables that shouldn't be exported.
<doras>I don't see how my changes can cause it, so I was wondering if anyone had seen it before.
<pder>doras: I didn't update the checksum on the gcc-13.1.0 so you might get a failure there
<doras>pder: thanks for the heads up. It's fine though, I set it not to fail due to checksum changes (`UPDATE_CHECKSUMS=True` in `bootstrap.cfg`)
<pder>ok, good. didn't want you to be disappointed after waiting several hours
<doras>Regarding the python-2.5.6 failure, I'll try bootstrapping again to see if the issue is consistent.
<stikonas>it would also be good to add ncurses/libreadline in sysc...