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<Irvise_>Hi, one question that hopefully can be answered in this channel. I installed Mes using Guix in my system as I want to play with it.
<Irvise_>However, when I run mes from the shell, it tells me it is missing the file boot-0.scm. Okay, that is not such a problem. I downloaded the src of mes and I can run it if I am on the root folder of the src.
<Irvise_>However, when I write a .scm/.mes file with some code, the REPL gives me issues when I try to load it :/
<janneke>Irvise_: running: "guix shell mes -- mes" works for me?
<Irvise_>Lemme try that
<janneke>also, "guix install mes" works for me
<janneke>did you follow the advice that is subsequently printed?
<janneke>for me that's:
<janneke> GUIX_PROFILE="/home/janneke/.guix-profile"
<janneke> . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
<Irvise_>janneke: the guix shell command did the trick to get mes correctly running without having to be in the src folder :)
<Irvise_>Yes, I have Guix in my profile, I can run other programs installed with it without issues.
<Irvise_>However, loading the file still causes issues.
<janneke>Irvise_: you need to re-source that file after installing mes
<janneke>as advised
<janneke>it sets MES_PREFIX
<janneke>(we removed the prefix from the binary to make it bit-for-bit identical over distributions)
<Irvise_>May I ask what does re-sourcing the file means?
<Irvise_>Just in case, here is a log of the full error
<janneke><janneke> GUIX_PROFILE="/home/janneke/.guix-profile"
<janneke><janneke> . "$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile"
<Irvise_>Ah! it is in my .profile, it gets loaded every time I log in :)
<Irvise_>(gets sourced as in the shell lingo)
<janneke>yes, but after installing something, you either needs to logout and re-login, OR source it again
<janneke>it says
<janneke>hint: Consider setting the necessary environment variables by running: [..]
<Irvise_>Let me try
<Irvise_>I same issue happens. Mes dies after the (load "") sexp is run in the REPL...
<Irvise_>And just in case it was not clear, I had mes already installed from a while ago :) (months)
<Irvise_>I just realised that you are one of the main developers ^^ Hi! o_/
<janneke>ah sorry, i completely misunderstood
<janneke>Irvise_: apparently, load does not work from the repl
<Irvise_>How would one normally load external files in the REPL? Does Mes need an external environment varialble that lets it load files outside of its standard library?
<Irvise_>Or maybe that is not possible and it needs to be loaded with the file directly using the command line. I am aware of how limited (and not so limited) mes is :)
<janneke>it would be nice if load worked from the repl but we'll probably not fix that before we have proper module support
<janneke>it seems that currently your only option is from the command-line, indeed
<janneke>something like
<janneke>guix shell mes -- mes -e '(hello)' hello.scm
<Irvise_>janneke: great! Thanks! It works now ^^
<Irvise_>I had forgotten that mes does integer division :P
<janneke>Irvise_: great, and thanks for your bug report :)
<Irvise_>Now I shall try to do SICP in Mes. I will probably hit some roadblocks, but it will be fun.
<janneke>yeah, no floats or rationals
<janneke>oh fun!
<Irvise_>janneke: btw, does mes or do you have an Emacs mode for it? I can work with it in an terminal buffer, but having a bit more integration with Emacs does help :P
<janneke>Irvise_: no, i'm using emacs shell
<Irvise_>Okay, thanks :)
<janneke>Irvise_: i've made a patch fixing load (and ,use MODULE too)
<Irvise_>janneke: thanks :) That was quick ^^
<janneke>Irvise_: yeah, your questions got me thinking
<janneke>it was a long standing bug but i got a new perspective on it
<Irvise_>I am glad my question helped :)
<janneke>ACTION too :) good questions can be powerful
<stikonas>janneke: so I've finally found some time to launch gdb for mes-tcc on x86_64
<stikonas>looks like infinite loop happens due to o(0xe5894855); (which is negative integer when interpreted as 32 bits)
<stikonas>so register is 0xffffffffe5894855
<stikonas>I guess we could patch it out...
<stikonas>though proper fix might be to support 64-bit immediate in mescc
<janneke>stikonas: nice find
<janneke>if we patch it out it would be nice to add a comment, or a note somewhere about this
<janneke>guess we should add it to Mes' ROADMAP in any case
<stikonas>yeah, it would be good to fix it in Mes too
<stikonas>this is something that should be possible to fix and would reduce patchset for tinycc
<janneke>and increase our odds of moving to a more recent tinycc some time
<stikonas>well, I'll patch it out in tinycc for now and will see if it fixes the issue
<stikonas>hmm, partial success
<stikonas>./mes-tcc -c hw.c -o hw.o worked where hw.c is just int main () { return 42; }
<stikonas>but building crt1.c failed...
<stikonas>oh, one moment, I might not have installed it yet into PATH
<stikonas>ok, crt1.o is working too now
<janneke>ooh, nice
<stikonas>there are still issues building more complicated files
<stikonas>it failed to build meslibc (concatenated into a single file)
<janneke>what i did for x86 when it started to work
<stikonas>and also lib/libtcc1.s fails with lib/libtcc1.c:143: error: #error unsupported CPU type
<janneke>(after all the "lotsa debug printing" comparisons with gcc-built tcc
<janneke>was run the mescc test suite
<stikonas>well, this time I think we mostly need to focus on x86_64*.c files...
<janneke>hmm, weird
<stikonas>janneke: that's because we have "#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)"
<janneke>yeah could be, otoh mescc's c tests are pretty simple
<janneke>and if tcc fails on some of them, you'd have it pretty narrowed down?
<janneke>ah, hehe -- silly
<stikonas>oh, actually it's fine in wip-riscv branch
<janneke>stikonas: but yeah, possibly it's all new 64bit problems -- could be...
<stikonas>le me check...
<stikonas>anyway, this unsupported stuff is fixed in some other branch
<stikonas>still, I think we are fairly close to have it working...
<janneke>yeah, pretty exciting
<janneke>and esp. good news for riscv!
<stikonas>and there are more issues with 32-bit numbers...
<stikonas>I think I should first go over the source and patch out all of them
<muurkha>death to 32-bit scum!
<ekaitz> <-- did you know this one?
<ekaitz>it might help us in the short term :)
<stikonas[m]>Hmm, maybe it would have been useful for stage0-posix-riscv64...
<stikonas[m]>Probably less so now
<stikonas[m]>But it's probably still a good book for somebody learning assembly
<oriansj>stikonas: if it could be read without javascript or bootstrappable javascript
<stikonas>oriansj: it's just plain html
<stikonas>at least this link opens with noscript enabled
<oriansj>but not netsurf nor elinks
<oriansj>which are html web browsers
<stikonas>hmm, perhaps... let me see source..
<stikonas>looks like it's running some kind of pdf2html thingy
<stikonas>but yes, that's annoying
<stikonas>I can't see how to download it
<oriansj>and if you attempt to print to PDF you only get the first page