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<kerravon>for about US$3000 you can get a machine that apparently punches Jacquard cards for use by real weaving machines
<kerravon>but i was thinking - i'm having difficulty describing what i want - i should be able to get by with simple printouts or perhaps microfiche
<kerravon>have 72 bytes of binary data in lowercase hex, followed by 4 bytes, also hex, of a crc-16, followed by a 4-digit sequence number
<kerravon>if pdos was put onto punched cards, it is less than 9999 cards
<kerravon>i don't necessarily need my data to be machine-readable. i thought i did - but i think that is incorrect
<kerravon>so long as the data can by typed in again, it is not necessary (e.g. after a nuclear war) for someone to actually build a card reader (although, that may well be the way to go - as it was historically)
<kerravon>i guess i want my data to EVENTUALLY be machine-readable
<kerravon>and it could take 1000 years after a nuclear war (or embargo) for a computer to be built
<kerravon>and i want the PDOS source to be sitting there waiting for that day
<muurkha>printouts are a reasonable approach
<muurkha>and they can be machine-readabl
<kerravon>muurkha - how do you see printouts as machine-readable?
<kerravon>using a photocopier to bulk scan them and then OCR?
<kerravon>Your autofeed scanner is a card reader.
<kerravon>i'm wondering whether it would be better to create printouts of cards
<kerravon>they might be inherently easier to OCR
<kerravon>i mean - i personally can't write OCR software to read letters of the alphabet
<kerravon>and it took a long time for other OCR software to appear as well - so it is apparently difficult for others too
<kerravon>but i think i can write a program to look for black holes on a white-and-brown background
<kerravon>i can remember using OCR software in the early 90s and it was full of errors even on English text
<oriansj>kerravon: 72 bytes is relatively easy to hand punch into steel
<oriansj>or you could pick a different metal alloy with the desired long term storage properties and do metal tape reader
<oriansj>simpler than a punch card reader atleast to build
<oriansj>but unless you made some additional information no program in binary would actually mean anything to someone building a new computer
<muurkha>kerravon: yeah, OCR. OCR software for a particular font, especially a monospace font, isn't that hard to write. and you can use ECC with it too
<kerravon>oriansj - you know it is 72 bytes per card, right? And the PDOS binaries would be about 5000 cards
<kerravon>that's a hell of a lot of hand-punching
<stikonas>kerravon: you only need to punch hex0 monitor binary or something like that
<stikonas>that can then read your input from keyboard