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<oriansj>pabs3: Microsoft's .net-core has binaries the last time I checked but I believe one can use Mono to bootstrap those binaries; so it is quite likely Mono will be needed for C# bootstrapping for the ongoing future
<pabs3>I see, interesting
<fossy>pabs3: it's mostly a manual review process. often generated code has a manual "don't change" header or something like that, so i usually look through "grep generated". another sign is huge diffs for that file in git history (i usually only do this if it's reasonably easy to do). big files are also often pregenerated too
<pabs3>good tips, thanks
<janneke>oriansj, pabs3: mono was removed from Guix because it cannot be bootstrapped
<oriansj>janneke: yeah, everyday C# is slipping farther and farther away from having a proper bootstrap. It seems like it needs a parent with a firm hand on it to keep it from running into traffic.
<oriansj>muurkha: to your previous question about the inkplate: Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1) with 4MB flash; so definitely 2 Xtensa 32bit cores
<Christoph[m]>What is the problem with generated files?
<Christoph[m]>There are languages with so much boilerplate that IDEs try to help generate that. Would that be admissible?
<oriansj>Christoph[m]: well for 0) it is not source code
<oriansj>boilerplate and libraries that you optionally include are still written by people and not generated blobs (sometimes megabytes in size that completely change on every release)
<stikonas[m]>Though there are some cases where it's harder to tell
<stikonas[m]>E.g. originally file was auto generated
<stikonas[m]>Then cleaned up a bit and switched to being handwritten
<AwesomeAdam54321>Can programs written in Squeak Smalltalk be bootstrapped? I'm not sure how they can actually be compiled into VM images from source
<stikonas[m]>Everything can be bootstrapped
<stikonas[m]>How else would we even have it then
<stikonas[m]>Somebody must have done it at least once
<AwesomeAdam54321>You're right
<stikonas[m]>Though it might have been bootstrapped with non free software
<stikonas[m]>Though I'm not familiar with squeel Smalltalk myself...
<Christoph[m]>I was not aware of the size of the problem! Megabytes of changing code in a repository, that's not the optimal use of git! And it's certainly not reviewable!
<stikonas[m]>Christoph: not always in git
<stikonas[m]>More often in tarballs
<stikonas[m]>E.g. configure script