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<pder>stikonas: I'm not positive, but I think the musl 1.2.4 upgrade may have broken loading the linux kernel from Fiwix. Are you able to run -q and get past booting Linux?
<stikonas[m]>pder: yes, I tested that before submitting PR
<pder>Here is the kernel output: Note the RAMDISK error
<pder>OK, let me check if there is something wrong with my environment
<stikonas>that's inside qemu?
<stikonas>I guess the error is here "RAMDISK: incomplete write (9940 != 16384)"
<stikonas>not sure what's happening...
<stikonas>maybe rerun and see if it's reproducible?
<pder>Its happened twice for me with musl 1.2.4. I am trying again before this latest merge
<stikonas>hmm, I only tested once
<stikonas>maybe somebody else can also try?
<stikonas>then we can figure out whether something is wrong in pder's environment or things are more broken
<pder>I did have an extra untracked file in sysc, so I cleaned that up and restarted the build with the latest commit
<pder>sorry if this was a false alarm
<muurkha>yay! glad you found it
<muurkha>those are always such a pain to track down
<pder>still testing, but hopefully that was the issue. I can see having extra files loaded into builder-hex0 could cause issues later on
<stikonas>pder: yeah, sysa is very sensitive to extra files...
<stikonas>everything is in RAM
<stikonas>and we are close to some extra limits
<stikonas>even too many extra tarballs can cause it
<stikonas>(though it wouldn't be caused just by an extra musl-1.2.{3,4}.tar.gz tarball
<pder>stikonas: cleaning up my working directory and distfiles worked, and sysc is building
<stikonas>ok, good