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<oriansj>muurkha: I think I finally found a reason to port stage0 to ESP32
<oriansj> ; I figure if I get moderately useful emacs org-mode reader with inline picture support; I'll have a first attempt at an eternity manual device and I'll just have to grow out my notes until they cover everything needed to build such a device from first principals
<stikonas>that's xtensa?
<stikonas>actually some new ESP32 chips are riscv32
<oriansj>well I guess I am going to learn the ugly details when they show
<theruran>I finally figured out that my drive with all my cloned Git repos of code on it was mounted noexec despite 'exec' ostensibly being in the 'defaults'
<theruran>(fresh install.) probably a security feature of Void Linux
<stikonas>theruran: oh, so it's nothing to do with pie?
<stikonas>or rather non position independent executable (kaem-optional-seed)
<theruran>no, I don't think so. since all checksums pass on my other Arch Linux-musl machine
<theruran>checks pass here too
<muurkha>oriansj: cool!
<muurkha>oriansj: yeah, QED as described was a pretty powerful editor
<muurkha>theruran: heh, how frustrating
<muurkha>oriansj: I think e-ink is still power-hungry enough that you need a battery or line power. building batteries at home is achievable, of course
<muurkha>but they're not very eternal
<muurkha>in theory a copper-iron battery should be 0.79 volts; six of them in series should get you five volts
<muurkha>copper is pretty scarce, but iron is abundant, and if I understand correctly, it's the iron that gets consumed
<oriansj>muurkha: granted, but a 25 μA @3.7v isn't a hard requirement to hit
<muurkha>is that all the device needs on average? I'd've guessed more like 25 mA during use
<oriansj>well the battery they reference lasting months is 1200mA
<oriansj>and the 25 μA is the sleep power
<oriansj>so i am guessing aggressive write to eeprom and powerdown
<oriansj>until next buttom press
<oriansj>which puts this well within range which a human can charge using a hand dynamo
<muurkha>1200mA is a lot more than 25 μA
<muurkha>but maybe that's just the peak current, like when it's erasing the dcreen
<stikonas[m]>I think oriansj meant 1200 mAh
<muurkha>possibly? is that what you meant, oriansj?
<stikonas[m]>Well, battery capacity of 1200 mAh would make sense
<muurkha>it would still be sort of meaningless without knowing the voltage
<stikonas[m]>You can still work out time
<muurkha>but we can probably guess that the battery voltage is somewhere in the range of 3.7V to 37V
<muurkha>it's surely not 1200mAh at 0.1V or 1000V
<stikonas[m]> 25 μA would last 48 thousand hours
<muurkha>well, assuming those two currents are at the same voltage, but that's not a valid assumption
<stikonas[m]>Well, yes assuming voltage is the same
<muurkha>there's surely a SMPS between the battery and the ESP32
<muurkha>anyway, yes, a handcrank or pullstring generator is a reasonable thing to use
<oriansj>muurkha: well the datasheet says 1200mA but I am guessing it is a typo and they mean 1200mA @3.7volts
<muurkha>yeah, it says that in the filename
<muurkha>also it says 1200mA charging current is "1C" and 600mA is "0.5C"
<muurkha>'s 16kJ. at a 100mW average load, which I think is typical for a Swindle, it would last about 48 hours of use
<muurkha>maybe that's "months" if you read on it for half an hour before going to sleep every night
<muurkha>or maybe the average power draw of the machine in use is much lower than my 100mW estimate
<muurkha>by contrast, the memory LCD used in is supposed to use 0.2 mW updating constantly
<muurkha>16kJ at 0.2mW is two and a half years
<muurkha>(of course, you need something to generate the display updates, but plausibly that could also be a lot less than a milliwatt, even with traditional CMOS)
<oriansj>hmmm; valid points. Also I realize I have a good bit of software to write to achieve my desired final state of software
<muurkha>but this is all based on my SWAG of 100mW
<stikonas>janneke: last commit here adds my copyright statements
<stikonas>I still need to provide you with an updated gnu style commit message
<stikonas>how do I do it with your rebasing system?
<janneke>stikonas: great, i'll just cherry-pick your commit to keep a linear history
<stikonas>yes, no force-rebase is required for now
<stikonas>but if you want me to change commit message
<stikonas>then that would need rewriting history
<janneke>ah, but that rule only holds for master
<stikonas>yeah, I understand
<janneke>i'll just rewrite wip-riscv
<stikonas>I think I am asking more about those macros you use, like !squash
<stikonas>ok, no problem
<stikonas>I'll just prepare the text in some editor/pastebin
<janneke>the squash! is just a (magit) convenience
<stikonas>though that might have to wait till the evening, I might need to go weekend shopping first
<stikonas>oh I see, it's magit
<stikonas>I was trying to find where those macros are coming from...
<janneke>keeping them separate for a bit makes it easier to see what changed
<janneke>stikonas; so you're welcome to squash those commits into yours and then add a changelog, and otherwise i'll do just that ;)
<stikonas>janneke: not sure if you saw my message, I had a bit of success with tcc but it's not able to bootstrap itself
<janneke>yes, that's great
<janneke>you esp still have troubles with long long or float?
<stikonas>I should probably push my intermediate changes somewhere
<stikonas>janneke: those I tried to ifdef away
<stikonas>so it builds
<stikonas>just crashes on some stuff at runtime
<stikonas>(but I think simple stuff works)
<janneke>that's already pretty nice
<stikonas>and at least some of the issues are in mes C library
<janneke>ah yeah, that figures
<stikonas>assembly code in linux/riscv64-mes-gcc uses far more stuff than tcc is able to understand
<stikonas>and actually running the whole chain in qemu-riscv64 (binfmt/user emulation) takes about 6 hours here
<janneke>ouch, that's terrible
<stikonas>well, mes is slow and emulation slows it further
<stikonas>not much we can do about emulation being slow
<stikonas>you could perhaps use native mes to build riscv64 version of tcc for development...
<janneke>stikonas: you can run mescc with guile, that may speedup things a bit
<stikonas>though that would need more time on my side to adjust build environment
<janneke>it did/does for x86, i've done that a lot while working on tcc
<janneke>yeah, i guess
<janneke>but the cross-compile trick might work too
<stikonas>right now I hacked live-bootstrap with some minimal changes to run riscv64 rather than x86
<stikonas> (
<stikonas>(branch name comes from my attempts to also test amd64 support)
<janneke>oh, that's pretty nice
<stikonas>amd64 support is actually worse then riscv64
<stikonas>I guess nobody worked on porting x86_64_*.c files to mescc
<stikonas>(and if you or somebody else want to try that live-bootstrap branch, I was running it with "./ --arch riscv64--bwrap -p" (-p is to keep build dir present after run eventually fails)
<stikonas>argh, space got lost in the command above
<stikonas>./ --arch riscv64 --bwrap --preserve
<river>Hi folks
<river>there was a virus in the modded minecraft community. it has been mostly sorted. but there was a meeting about mitigation and there was some discussion about things like code signing, reproducible builds, the security benefits of CI, 2fa
<river> and background
<river>ultimately it sounds like they are not going to do reproducible builds
<river>but it was interesting to listen to
<janneke>river: wow, there's quite some corporate bullshit there
<janneke>"safety is critical [..] and we're doing everything we can to improve and correct"
<janneke>(while you say, they'll not even do rb, let alone bb?)
<janneke>and the old security by obscurity bullshit
<janneke>on the "security tests" they run: "exposing everything we do [..] will eventually lead to vulnerabilities"
<janneke>ACTION gives up watching after 11min
<stikonas>janneke: actually, thinking of your question about long long, would that even be a problem with 64-bit arches? What's the behaviour of mescc?
<stikonas>I was still trying to build it with long long disabled, but could it just work?
<janneke>stikonas: mescc doesn't support long long, other than parsing it
<janneke>it uses the same size as long
<janneke>until now, we got away with that...
<stikonas>yes, but is it 4 bytes or 8 bytes?
<stikonas>(on 64-bit arch)
<janneke>8 bytes on 64bit
<stikonas>so we might actually have fewer problems with long longs there
<stikonas>anyway, we'll see later
<stikonas>there are other riscv64 problems on tcc...
<stikonas>it doesn't like some assembly, complained about some casts
<stikonas>janneke: I've now wrote gnu style commit message
<stikonas>does that look alright?
<stikonas>and also squashed all of them into a single commit
<janneke>stikonas: looks great, thanks
<stikonas>I also have (not committed there) a kaem file for building libc and mes
<stikonas>though I'm still thinking on the best way to split it
<stikonas>(i.e. do we want to have individual steps to just build libc without mes)
<janneke>stikonas: right
<stikonas>I suspect more modular approach would be better
<janneke>i don't really need them now, but i'm happy to include them
<janneke>yeah, okay
<stikonas>well, I'm thinking about those bootstrapping projects that don't have other shell
<stikonas>yes, in guix you have guile for now and can run gash early...
<janneke>we will probably need them anyway when we remove guile and switch to gash-on-mes, but that will take a wile
<stikonas>yeah, and not everybody has guile, e.g. even that Nixos bootstrap project doesn't have access to it
<stikonas>anyway, at the very least mes and mescc can now build each other on riscv64
<janneke>yes, beautiful, great job and *thank you*
<stikonas>hmm, yes, for now mes-m2 can't bootstrap tcc either
<stikonas>building mes is essential (on both 0.24 and future 0.25)