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<oriansj>muurkha: well "good" is a hard question. I assume you are looking for one with a good collection of optimizations?
<muurkha>well, "good" in a C compiler is elusive and multifaceted
<muurkha>producing terrible code is only one of a multitude of fatal flaws that keep a compiler from being good
<muurkha>only accepting K&R C is a second one
<pabs3>from #debian-ports:
<pabs3><lynx> hmm, they seem to not know that GNAT from GCC 3.x is not sufficient to compile GNAT with GCC 4
<pabs3><lynx> that’s a break in the bootstrappability chain and most likely needs extending GCC 3 to be able to compile 4
<pabs3>(they = #bootstrappable)
<pabs3>a Pascal compiler in C
<pabs3>is FreePascal bootstrapped?
<AwesomeAdam54321>pabs3: Not yet, but I found a bootstrap path for FreePascal:
<pabs3>oh, from that "I don't think there's any hope of using another compiler at this point, so let's just stop."
<AwesomeAdam54321>FreePascal 1.0.10 can probably be compiled with gpc, and start the bootstrap chain
<AwesomeAdam54321>That refers to modern FPC, but the oldest versions are simple enough to compile
<pabs3>I see
<janneke>stikonas: i've tested and reviewed your riscv patches, amazing work!
<janneke>i have fixed two small problems and did some whitespace nitpicking:
<janneke>0xF isn't scheme, it's #xF
<janneke>and some sepratating spaces were missing
<janneke>stikonas: what is missing is your copyright to the files you changed, and a proper gnu changelog in the commit message, would you like to do add those?
<stikonas>janneke: yeah, I guess we need to add those
<stikonas>though I'm now on holiday, so not available that much unti next week
<janneke>stikonas, np, no hurry, enjoy!
<janneke>ACTION will be working to cleanup other stuff to prepare for mes-0.25
<stikonas>janneke, oriansj: and I think we need a new stage0-posix release too before mes-0.25
<stikonas>janneke: perhaps next week I'll also provide you with that kaem script to buid mes from mes-m2 if you are willing to include it
<stikonas>it's yet another "build system" but will be very helpful for those who only have kaem
<stikonas>and then hopefully in future mes releases that will be good enough to run gash
<stikonas>(my impression was that gash won't work with mes-m2)
<janneke>stikonas, good points!
<janneke>(samplet is working on getting gash to work with mes, which is still quite some work, we'll have to see about mes-m2 later)
<theruran>btw my AMD64 build of stage0-posix finally succeeded! (after being interrupted multiple times)
<theruran>I will try master again on the musl machine and see if it still returns not OK for some of the binaries
<stikonas>still strange that I/O takes so long on your machine...
<stikonas>heere stage0-posix-amd64 run in a minute or so
<stikonas>(41 second actually)
<stikonas>theruran: you could also try running stage0-uefi and see if it runs any faster
<stikonas>stage0-uefi on my machine is somewhat slower than stage0-posix
<stikonas>but apparently something strange is going on with your system
<theruran>ha 'something strange' yeah I dunno. but I am going to reformat soon
<theruran>stikonas: link to stage0-uefi?
<pder>fossy, stikonas: PR for issue #186
<Christoph[m]>In element, the link to the logs contains the ")." at the end, which breaks it.
<Christoph[m]>(Also, I'm not receiving any messages since a few days -- with the exception of pder's PR, and at least that did not make it into the logs, so maybe there's more broken?)
<Irvise_>Christoph: I am using Matrix too and I have also not received any messages from here. But other IRC channels worked just fine. Maybe this group has indeed been quiet...
<muurkha>it has
<muurkha>last I saw was
<muurkha>16:38 < pder> fossy, stikonas: PR for issue #186
<oriansj>Irvise_: as someone directly connected to IRC using ERC, I can confirm that somedays #bootstrappable can be quiet
<muurkha>NinjaTrappeur: did you see the beepberry and franky pages?
<FireFly>there has been some recent breakage with the matrix bridge though, (though I think it was a problem a few days before the yellow bar, just that the status page wasn't updated to reflect that)
<FireFly>I guess it's mitigated now