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<oriansj>out of curiousity, has anyone looked deeply into the SBCL bootstrap? to rule out generated files; like we did with Guile (which we found generated files)
<Irvise_>Afaik, CLisp is used as the common bootstrap CL for SBCL.
<Irvise_>But that says nothing about pregenerated files.
<stikonas>and I've merged rickmasters kernel bootstrap PR
<fossy>thanks for handling that last bit stikonas :)
<stikonas[m]>fossy: well I was just doing some final reviewing and testing, it's rickmasters who was doing coding. Big thanks to him!
<janneke>$ gcc -dumpmachine
<janneke>ACTION finally has a riscv64 guix environment, partially qemu-built
<janneke>emilytrau[m]: added your copyright and changelog and commited your patch to "wip", to be released as mes-0.25 =>
<janneke>thank you!
<janneke>[exa]: yeah, just in time to look at stikonas' work
<stikonas>janneke: I've pushed some more fixes to that branch
<stikonas>but it's just a marginal benefit
<janneke>the (qemu) build is quite slow, tho
<stikonas>we still have crashes on building some files
<stikonas>janneke: are you running full emulation?
<stikonas>I'm just doing userspace emulation which is not bad
<janneke>i'm using guix's binfmt service
<stikonas>oh, that should be userspace
<stikonas>so the same as me
<stikonas>(i.e. not runnign the whole system with the kernel)
<janneke>stikonas: right, not a VM, i don't have any hardware either
<stikonas>so at the moment I think mes-m2 crashes for me when I build fread.c
<stikonas>yeah, I don't have any hardware either
<janneke>though it seems that qemu on my laptop is at least an order of magnitude faster than a riscv box
<stikonas>riscv hardware is probably not too fast...
<janneke>ACTION starts to understand the one million riscv processor project
<stikonas>though qemu-aarch64 on my laptop is slower than my aarch64 rockpro64...
<janneke>yeah, we should give riscv some time
<oriansj>well architecture is not a magic bullet. An ugly architecture with lots of great engineers working on it will be blazing fast but a beautiful architecture with only a single average engineer will always be dog slow.
<stikonas>I don't think risc-v is inherently slower, it probably just needs more time till more powerful CPUs are built...
<janneke>ACTION believes that an open architectecture will always win, in the end
<stikonas>well, risc-v is open ISA, the hardware itself is not always open
<janneke>people keep investing time in dead-ended efforts
<janneke>there seems to be no cure for that yet
<oriansj>stikonas: I don't think it is time so much as excellent engineering effort
<stikonas>yes, but I think amount of risc-v engineering is going up
<oriansj>unfortunately hardware has a property that is very different from software. Experiments are expensive
<oriansj>software has the advantage of making failure cheap
<stikonas>yes, that is true...
<stikonas>there are ways to do some experiments with hardware but even those are not cheap...
<stikonas>you can emulate hardware on CPUs and or FPGA
<oriansj>yeah, $500K FPGA boxes
<stikonas>probably. But for big companies that's pocket change
<stikonas>still, it's more expensive than experimenting with software
<oriansj>well yeah, spending a $1B to design a chip that costs $0.01 to make and is sold for $1000
<janneke>i concur that hardware is prolly much more difficult than software
<oriansj>fortunately bootstrapping has considerably lower performance requirements and something with Core2Duo speed is good enough for a RYF laptop (x200)
<janneke>but anything you create that's not open may have helped you accumulate wealth, but contribute nothing
<stikonas>janneke: do you know if laanw ever got mescc to build mes?
<stikonas>or was it still wip code?
<oriansj>Look, if I could design hardware and sell it at cost and still live a modest life. I would do that in a heartbeat.
<janneke>stikonas, no idea, they never answered any of my mails
<janneke>and their contribution came out of nowhere, truly amazing
<stikonas>I did talk to laanwj on this channel at some point
<stikonas>pointing out those risc-v changes in mescc-tools
<stikonas>laanwj was not aware of them before and agreed that previous way is way too complicated
<stikonas>but that's basically it
<stikonas>so I don't know if it ever fully worked
<stikonas>anyway, it's still a very good starting point
<stikonas>I was able to get quite a few test cases working
<stikonas>including scaffold/read.c which dragged in half of mes C library...
<janneke>it was amazing, and their patches came at a very awkward time and were stuck in limbo for about two years, which is very bad
<stikonas>yeah, I know :(
<stikonas>but it was also started from mes and not from stage0-posix
<janneke>i was halfway (quarterway) into M2-Planet support...
<stikonas>so it was a bit awkward on mescc-tools side too
<stikonas>but anyway, we are getting in here
<oriansj>I wonder if there is a path into RYF chip design via the limited supply Retro computing chip problem. (VIC and SID chips pops first to mind)
<immibis>what is RYF?
<immibis>oh respects your freedom
<oriansj>immibis: correct, the first steps into giving people control of their computing from the direction of hardware. It definitely does not go far enough but it contains some good
<stikonas>janneke: so I was looking at what causes crash in compiling lib/stdio/fread.c
<stikonas>if I reduce buffer size in static char debug_buf[4096];
<stikonas>then it builds fine
<stikonas>on this line
<janneke>that's terrible
<stikonas>(this is only crashing with mes-m2
<janneke>but not unique, debugging code causing problems
<stikonas>guile build works fine
<stikonas>probably exposing other bug
<stikonas>it's not directly causing problems
<janneke>mescc's stack frame size allocation is terribly unclean...but there shouldn't be a difference wrt using guile
<stikonas>and I don't have any normal mes for now...
<stikonas>just mes-m2
<stikonas>and I was runing this command:
<stikonas>PATH=${PATH}:../mescc-tools/bin/ libdir=lib GUILE_LOAD_PATH=mes/module:module:../nyacc-1.00.2/module/ bin/mes-m2 -e main scripts/mescc.scm -D HAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -I include -I include/linux/riscv64/ -c lib/stdio/fread.c
<janneke>of course, 4096 is entirely arbitrary
<janneke>ACTION used it waaay back debugging reads
<stikonas>perhaps I should try with x86 builds of mes...
<stikonas>janneke: does ./configure not work without guix?
<stikonas>though I can add foreign distro guix that I have to PATH
<stikonas>but that probably shouldn't be required....
<janneke>stikonas: sure it does
<janneke>it just checks for guix to handle automatic guix package edits -- make release etc
<stikonas>oh, maybe I misread an error message
<stikonas>maybe it's the build step that failed..
<janneke>mes should --in non-bootstrap-mode-- behave just like any package
<janneke>./configure; make; make install
<janneke>ACTION goes afk for a bit
<stikonas>janneke: strangely the workaround was ./configure CC=gcc
<stikonas>though I run into other problems with guild later...
<stikonas>maybe I'll just grab a binary from live-bootstrap that was built with mescc
<stikonas>janneke: ok, so mes-m2 from x86 also can't build fread.c from this branch
<stikonas>which in any case is a problem
<stikonas>argh, that was because I forgot to export MES_STACK
<stikonas>let me retry with risc-v then
<stikonas>ok, at least with MES_STACK set properly, the whole build process runs fine
<stikonas>just bin/mes segfaults later...
<janneke>MES_DEBUG=3 may tell you something...
<stikonas>janneke: no, it probably crashes way earlier
<stikonas>though somehow even x86 version that I built crashed...
<stikonas>I ended up writing a kaem script to build meslibc an dmes
<stikonas>anyway, at least mes-m2 can run through build process...
<stikonas>janneke: also debugging symbols are broken on riscv64
<stikonas>I don't see those function labels in gdb that I would expect with blood-elf
<janneke>stikonas: ah, a kaem script for mescc, interesting
<janneke>i'll have a look at the x86 version on wip-riscv
<janneke>stikonas; without your patch, kaem -f kaam.riscv builds fine, but now i get
<janneke>m2/mes.M1:41 :Received invalid other; ld_____%a0,-0x08(%fp)
<janneke>Subprocess error 1
<janneke>just some macro(s) that are missing/in another place i suspect
<janneke>more tomorrow!
<stikonas>janneke: hmm, indeed there are still old defines in lib/linux/riscv64-mes-m2/_exit.c and lib/linux/riscv64-mes-m2/_write.c
<stikonas>let me check
<janneke>ah, you're replacing them all, yeah makes sens but a lot of work indeed!
<stikonas>janneke: those are the last ones
<stikonas>but I'm a bit confused...
<stikonas>why I didn't hit this at all
<stikonas>I probably didn't use this exit file...
<stikonas>ld_____%a0,-0x08(%fp) would be rd_a0 rs1_fp !0x08 ld
<stikonas>(ld has to be the last one, other macros can be in any order)
<stikonas>so basically a few different macros instead of one
<stikonas>anyway, for mes I've used lowercase macros...
<stikonas>maybe I should do the same in stage0-posix-riscv64/M2libc too
<stikonas>because we started with uppercase macros (this is what old x86 macros looked like too)
<stikonas>hmm, for li_____%a7,SYS_exit" I can't use that macro trick that I used in mescc folder
<stikonas>as M2-Planet wouldn't support it
<stikonas>well, I'll just use number
<oriansj>stikonas: well we can always put mescc specific things in #ifdef blocks and M2-Planet will now ignore those.
<stikonas>oriansj: that just assembly include file there
<stikonas>it's already m2 specific
<stikonas>I'll just use asm ("rd_a7 !64 addi"); // SYS_write
<stikonas>janneke: I've pushed new update file to my repo...
<janneke>ACTION looks
<stikonas>though perhaps I'll now update M2-Planet to spit lowercase defines too
<stikonas>oh file is still old
<janneke>stikonas: guess there's also
<janneke>lib/linux/riscv64-mes-m2/syscall.c: asm ("ld_____%a7,-0x08(%fp)");
<stikonas>ok, pushed
<janneke>great; it builds \o/
<janneke>i guess that the previous version would print Hello,M2-mes! isn't much help in way of debugging/bisecting?
<janneke>in any way, i'll start by looking at the scaffold/*.c tomorrow
<janneke>like you said, exit 42 already works ;)
<stikonas>yes, and much more works
<stikonas>I was able to build read file too
<stikonas>and that pulled in lots of libc...
<stikonas>it was at least 30 C files or so...
<janneke>yeah, that was the idea of the scaffold, small steps up