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<oriansj>Arghadeep_Saha: if you are reading the logs, please understand on IRC not everyone is online all of the time and responses may be delayed.
<oriansj>rickmasters: beautiful work as always; you and Mikaku did something I only dreamed to see in my lifetime
<muurkha>rickmasters: congratulations! that's a wonderful milestone!
<muurkha>That's a stunning achievement.
<theruran>Irvise_: I don't have a funded position, although my advisor has begun providing funding for me this semester. but anyway I am a PhD candidate now
<muurkha>theruran: that's wonderful!
<theruran>yeah! 🙌
<theruran>like I said, I am going to bring more attention to the bootstrappable issue
<theruran>build from D. A. Wheeler's dissertation work
<vagrantc>oriansj: haven't heard back about fossy taking remote talks ...
<emilytrau[m]>rickmasters: congratulations! that's massive
<rickmasters>Thanks everyone for the congrats. I'm signing off for now.
<pabs3>oriansj: re fossy remote talks, <b​kuhn> No, running a remote event is extremely difficult and basically a different thing.
<fossy>rickmasters: HOORAY!
<fossy>rickmasters: amazing timing too, just after i posted 1.0 roadmap
<stikonas[m]>fossy: should we include current 2 pregen issues as blockers?
<janneke>rickmasters: that's just amazing, congrats!!!
<janneke>and just a couple of weeks ago i said we don't have a good answer --
<muurkha>well, we didn't
<rickmasters>thanks! Technically we still don't have it until I finish my PR but I'm working on it right now.
<janneke>rickmasters: sure, good luck with that. we'll patiently await your news/blog/... post when it's done :-)
<rickmasters>Mikaku: Please see Fiwix issue #31. If you could address soon I'll be able to base my patches on the latest revision of Fiwix in my PR for live-bootstrap.
<Mikaku>rickmasters: yes, I reading it right now but I don't see where is the problem
<Mikaku>I'm* even
<Mikaku>rickmasters: oh I see, you put that return(), it is not in the code
<rickmasters>Mikaku: yes, needs "return errno;" to work for me.
<Mikaku>yes, give me a second
<Mikaku>rickmasters: fixed, thanks you!
<rickmasters>Mikaku: I didn't want to add another patch so thanks!
<Mikaku>rickmasters: yes, no problem