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<roconnor>It's taking me 3 times around tcc and musl ofr musl's libc to reach a fixed point.
<muurkha>huh, that's not good
<fossy>janneke: builtin formal verification sounds very interesting! what does that entail
<fossy>FlaminWalrus: IMO, the biggest software dependency we don't really have a solution to is writing to a storage medium to read the bootstrap from
<fossy>and the distribution of the material required for the bootstrap
<fossy>putting the bootstrap onto a storage medium obviously requires software - and i don't have a clue how to remove that
<janneke>fossy: a simple component-based programming language that separates control from data (and not looking at data for now),
<janneke>components and their interfaces are translated into mCRL2 code ( to produce LTSs to prove a number of characteristics
<fossy>pretty cool
<FlaminWalrus>fossy: I feel like dedicated, application-specific auditable hardware is the only solution for this---say, a disk that exposes a UART as well as a SATA interface, and an electromechanical keyboard or an 8-bit microscope-auditable, switch-programmed microcontroller that writes the boot code via the UART
<FlaminWalrus>Which means it borders on the whole hardware can of worms I'm content to put off until we figure out the software side
<Christoph[m]>Would it be possible to prove correctness of hardware with software tests? Or is that impossible because a system cannot prove its own correctness?
<stikonas[m]>well, to strictly "prove" I guess it's impossible. But in practice that's what hardware developers do
<stikonas[m]>(and also software developers when testing software)
<stikonas[m]>it gives you some confidence that things are working
<stikonas[m]>but it won't be a proof level confidence
<stikonas[m]>you can't detect hardware gaming your software tests...
<muurkha>yeah, it's impossible to get reasonable confidence that there isn't a malicious backdoor
<muurkha>we might be able to solve that with homeomorphic encryption
<muurkha>where the potentially backdoored hardware can't tell what it's running
<muurkha>encryption can also, more practically, help a lot with the storage-medium problem
<muurkha>I mean we're already doing that by checking hashes
<muurkha>but if you encrypt everything that goes to the storage medium with authenticated encryption using a key the attacker doesn't know, the storage medium can't subvert the bootstrap
<muurkha>in software, formal proofs *can* give you reasonable confidence there isn't a malicious backdoor, but not in hardware
<river>I am not sure if that approach will help
<oriansj>FlaminWalrus: well if one has a trusted boot rom, it wouldn't take much to have a simple program that reads from some interface and just dumps it onto some disk. probably just a few hundred bytes.
<river>it may be better to try to build safe hardware frmo scratch
<river>or maybe run the same thing on a variety of hardware. this would demand bytecode vms rather than native code though. maybe not an option
<oriansj>Nexus Intruder Class compromised hardware is just a harder problem in general
<oriansj>(hardware that subverts software, to ensure next generation of hardware is subverted too)
<river>software may be able to identify errors in hardware, but it cannot prove a lack of errors
<stikonas_>exactly, software is in lower privilege level if you think of privilege rings
<probie>Is it currently possible to go from Hex0 to a modern gcc on arm64, or are there some steps missing?
<stikonas>probie: some steps are missing
<stikonas>I think mostly mes and tcc
<stikonas>we have very early steps hex0 to M2-Planet
<stikonas>then currently you can only build mes from 32-bit stage0-posix
<stikonas>(that migth change in the next release of mes, though probably will start with amd64)
<stikonas>probie: though even stage0-posix arm64 support might benefit from some improvements if somebody is willing to do some work
<stikonas>so for now only 32-bit x86
<fossy>IMO, if you are approaching bootstrapping from a trust perspective, you need to define well WHAT your trust goals are (for example, one of the reasons i like bootstrapping, is greatly minimising the infrastructure i have to trust in all the seed binaries)
<fossy>i don't think it's reasonable for any one person to ever have complete trust though. modern systems have far too much code for someone to ever audit individually
<fossy>and ofc, there are many reasons for bootstrapping outside of simply trust
<probie>Is there any sort of plan to cut tcc out and have mes directly compile gcc?
<janneke>probie: no
<janneke>feel free to go work on that, for the coming years i have other priorities
<fossy>probie: perhaps in the very long term, but that would be a *LOT* of work
<fossy>you'd have to tug both ways (simplifying gcc toward mes, but the much larger one, is expanding the constructs of mes toward gcc)
<janneke>also, mes would have to change from an intepreter into a (pretty good) compiler, tcc is possibly two orders of magnitude faster than mescc
<river>probie: is there a reason to want to do that?
<roconnor>FlaminWalrus: Do we have a free formal spec for (a subset of) x86 available? I'm aware that the CompCert folks have one, but it didn't look free when I glanced at it.
<stikonas>probie: what might make sense is cutting old tcc from the boot chain and going straight for the newer
<stikonas>but I don't know how much work on mes side that would need
<stikonas>I don't think mescc has been gaining any new features recently
<stikonas>possibly at the exception of support for new arches
<stikonas>but not new C features
<janneke>stikonas +1
<janneke>there have been a few bugfixes but mescc hasn't been touched, really, since it first built a working (bootstrappable-)tcc
<stikonas>and for now we are waiting for other tings to land in mes 0.25 anyway...
<janneke>ACTION just hopes that as mes matures, work on/contributing to mescc becomes even easier
<fossy>roconnor: in short, no
<fossy>x86 is not the architecture to use for trusted hardware
<roconnor>Oh right, we could do risc-V or something.
<probie>river: one fewer moving part, and possibly less work to support new architectures
<stikonas[m]>probie: GCC also have a lot of dependencies...
<stikonas[m]>You really need something that is far more standard than mescc
<stikonas[m]>tcc is supported reasonably well by old GNU software and autotools scripts
<stikonas[m]>We don't even support GAS assembly in mes
<stikonas[m]>So one would have to add that to mescc-tools first
<probie>Should I be able to build mes with an amd64 M2-Planet, or does it need to be an x86 one?
<probie>That seems to be a no, since there's no /lib/linux/x86_64-mes-m2
<probie>The x86_64-mes is broken, but should still be buildable, right? (just not via M2-Planet)
<stikonas[m]>probie: there is some branch in mes that has better support
<stikonas[m]>Might have x86_64-mes-m2 in it...
<stikonas[m]>You could try it
<stikonas[m]>I once tried to get mes-m2 built with M2libc but it's hard...
<stikonas[m]>mes.c uses quite a few helper functions and in meslibc headers they are quite intertwined with standard C functions
<stikonas[m]>so you can't just replace core C library stuff with M2libc (e.g. fputs) and use mes helper functions from meslibc
<stikonas[m]>in principle it would be much cleaner if we could build mes-m2 binary with M2libc C library
<stikonas[m]>that would immediately port mes-m2 to all platforms that stage0-posix supports...
<stikonas[m]>and remove some duplicate code
<stikonas[m]>but it's non trivial...
<janneke>probie: x86_64-mes is broken in that it cannot build a bootstrappable-tcc that can compile itself
<janneke>could also be a problem with bootstrappable-tcc
<FlaminWalrus>fossy: if you can audit your way up to a formal proof-checker trusted core, then you can trust other people's formal correctness proofs in that proof language (and any other proof language that's provably-correctly-translated into that proof language)
<FlaminWalrus>This requires people to actually write formal proofs though
<roconnor>I'm skeptical this will ever happen with UNIX or *nix or whatever it is called.
<FlaminWalrus>roconnor: not x86_64, but the seL4 whitepaper says Fox and Myreen, 2010 have L3 specs for (some version of?) RISC-V and ARM
<probie>sanity check, if I'm running M2-Planet in bootstrap mode, should it be completely ignoring preprocessor directives?
<FlaminWalrus>roconnor: in my opinion, microkernels are just better, and there's already one formally verified
<FlaminWalrus>Very bare-bones, though, but they've shown it's at least possible to verify substantial, systems-level software
<FlaminWalrus>like 10kline of C
<FlaminWalrus>Very nice and efficient IPC and cap-based security, extensive results on security properties, memory safety, lack of runtime errors, etc
<stikonas[m]>janneke: but can mescc build mes on x86_64?
<stikonas[m]>We should first get hex0 to full mes working
<stikonas[m]>probie: yes, bootstrap mode has no preprocessor directives except for nonstandard // CONSTANT
<stikonas[m]># is a comment in bootstrap mode
<muurkha_>FlaminWalrus: Metamath Zero is a proof checker written with that in mind
<muurkha_>roconnor: a problem with doing the bootstrap f
<muurkha_>roconnor: a problem with doing the bootstrap
<muurkha_>roconnor: a problem with doing the bootstrap on RISC-V is that older versions of GCC can't emit RISC-V code
<muurkha_>sorry about repetition
<roconnor>well we need to write our own free version of compcert's c compiler anyways ...
<stikonas>yes, but risc-v support can be backported
<stikonas>ekaitz did some of the work for that
<stikonas>and binutils is not a problem as tcc can build 2.30 easily
<stikonas>and risc-v is supported from at least 2.28
<janneke>stikonas: ah good question, i'm not 100% sure
<stikonas>janneke: I'll try...
<stikonas>janneke: there are some build issues with kaem files on wip-x86_64 branch...
<janneke>oh oh
<janneke>ACTION hasn't looked for a while (prolly while rebasing all the time)
<stikonas>I think because of bootstrap mode...
<stikonas>I think in other branches bootstrap mode might be gone
<janneke>stikonas: ah, i think --bootstrap-mode has been obsoleted
<janneke>from wip-x86_64
<stikonas>yes, not not from kaem files
<janneke>yeah, it's been removed in wip
<janneke>ah, oops
<stikonas>it looks like most commits are in (remove bootstrap mode from C files)
<stikonas>so hopefully it's just kaem file that is old
<janneke>hmm, i may have lost a patch
<probie>oh, I should have mentioned that I noticed that (hence my earlier question about bootstrap mode)
<janneke>stikonas, seems to need more work
<janneke>ACTION found 11d024e0 Remove --bootstrap-mode.
<janneke>it seems that the stat64 and friends fix was rebased onto and i carelessly dropped that patch
<stikonas>oh well, at least we now know that it is slightly broken
<janneke>yes thanks, this is helpful
<stikonas>janneke: while you are here, it would be helpful for builder-hex0 if we unify base-addresses in stage0-posix and mes
<stikonas>let me check if we can just have a variable in kaem file
<stikonas>because in stage0-posix different arches also have different base addresses
<stikonas>janneke: yes, I think it's just here
<stikonas>can we move it as a variable to arch specific files?
<stikonas>and ideally use the same value as in stage0-posix
<stikonas>e.g. 0x8048000 instead of 0x1000000 on x86
<stikonas>builder-hex0 has no support for arbitrary base-address and needs it hardcoded
<stikonas>right now we need to run "replace --file --output --match-on 0x1000000 --replace-with 0x8048000" to build mes on builder-hex0 kernel
<stikonas>it's not particularly hard, but it's an extra step that could be eliminated
<janneke>stikonas: sure, we can move that to a variable in kaem.<arch> files
<janneke>and i can check if the change causes any problems (guess it shouldn't make any difference, but you never know)
<janneke>(isn't that a terrrible address for debugging? anyway...)
<stikonas>yeah, I'm not sure why stage0-posix-x86 uses it
<stikonas>but it's harder to change it in hex code...
<stikonas>as for amd64, in the latest git version of stage0-posix-amd64 base address doesn't matter at all
<stikonas>M2-Planet now generates position independent (relocatable) assembly
<stikonas>also on x86_64 branch we need to add new defines to ...
<stikonas>so quite a lot of things are still missing :(
<janneke>right, that hasn't been rebased (on de rebase-failed wip branch), fun!
<oriansj>well the reason why 0x8048000 was used, is that was the default address used by the assembler I was using to figure things out. And moving the hex0, hex1 and hex2 programs to a new base address would only be a dozen lines being changed.
<oriansj>The hex0 programs that use the stack for the read/write syscalls and a register for the hold value don't need any absolute address.
<oriansj>hex1 only needs 1 address (The label of addresses for the labels) and 2 references to it
<oriansj>hex2 would only need 1 address to point to the struct list of labels and everything after that doesn't care
<stikonas>oriansj: yes, but it's not just hex0, we also need to move builder-hex0
<stikonas>which might be more complicated
<stikonas>so it's up to rickmasters
<stikonas>hmm its in and
<stikonas>so we could probably change 08048000 to 10000000 fairly easily
<stikonas>oh but mes uses 1000000 with one fewer 0
<stikonas>and this is already reserved in builder-hex0 for 01000000 - 0100000F stdin disk locato
<stikonas>so we could make it slightly rounder figure, but ideally not too far from 08000000
<oriansj>fair enough, I don't think it is that serious of a problem but if someone cares enough to change it; I'll be more than happy to merge it.
<stikonas>yaeh, but we need to change mes anyway
<stikonas>as 01000000 is too small for builder-hex0