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<civodul>roconnor: hey, i remembered your nick from my Nix days and just saw
<civodul>it's a small world :-)
<fossy>stikonas: do you have a link to dhcp?
<fossy>this dhcpcd tarball thing appears to be a one-off - i don't think we'll see this again
<stikonas[m]>fossy: but now I noticed the message on the left, so it might be not maintained since 2022...
<stikonas[m]>So I think let's stick with dhcpcd
<fossy>yeah, it'd probably be ok, we use much lder software, however dhcp client is one of the things that does need to keep up with the various networking trends lol
<stikonas[m]>fossy: also, GCC 13.1 is out :)
<fossy>stikonas[m]: NO WAY
<fossy>as soon as i finish one the next one pops up
<fossy>oh well, shouldn't be more than an hours work (hopefully i can drop all the backports)
<stikonas>yeah, hopefully we won't need those patches
<stikonas>but yes, at this stage things should just build
<stikonas>assuming they didn't add any new pregenerated files
<oriansj>roconnor: kaem also includes logic related to the crashes found in fuzzing kaem heavily.
<stikonas>well, all stage-posix0 C tools are fuzzed...
<stikonas>only early hex/assembly tools are more crashy
<oriansj>fitzsim: mescc-tools includes some information about PowerPC bootstrapping
<oriansj>the biggest problem was IBM went off the rails with e_entry
<stikonas>oh I was not aware of the headers
<oriansj>so my solution was to put :__e_entry
<stikonas>so basically one can already start writing hex0 for ppc...
<oriansj>after the end of the ELF header
<oriansj>and make a few tweaks to M1 and hex2 so that it better maps to the architecture
<stikonas>and probably borrow riscv's ".hex" style
<oriansj>definitely a good idea
<oriansj>there is M1 attempt for PPC64LE as well:
<oriansj>but I really don't like how it came out and it was prior to the RISC-V work
<oriansj>so it would only take about a couple days to clean up the M1 and hex2 to better match the PowerPC64LE architecture
<oriansj>I would have done PPC64BE and PPC32LE and PPC32BE too if I could have figured out how to make VMs for testing or had the hardware
<oriansj>fitzsim: if that work doesn't interest you; just providing instructions for getting a QEMU virtual machine into a state for running a linux distro would be enough for me to do that work for you.
<oriansj>(running on that architecture)
<oriansj>(or any free as in freedom POSIX which has SSH support in a pinch)
<stikonas>oriansj: though before we start adding ppec64le, we should get a release out :)
<stikonas>ppc64le will take at least a few months
<stikonas>(well, maybe faster if ppc64le has a nicer immeditae encoding than riscv)
<oriansj>stikonas: sure
<oriansj>if you look at the M1 example, you'll find except for its bit alignment it is a much nicer immediate encoding.
<oriansj>janneke: yes I've discussed with the DuskOS author a few technical points and in many ways it is quite compatible with stage0. The primary disagreement we had was I preferred smaller roots and they wanted to only depend upon 1 simple FORTH.
<oriansj>which given their comfort with FORTH is quite expected. It honestly is the first FORTH that I ever saw as a reasonable bootstrapping root. Pity it was done after cc_* and the rest were done.
<stikonas>yeah, those ppc immediates resemble x86 more than riscv
<oriansj>it is nice to see that someone took another whack at the GHC pinata
<oriansj>if only there was a haskell half step like tcc is a half step to GCC
<muurkha>well, that's what nhc98 and yhc were supposed to be
<roconnor>or hugs
<roconnor>maybe hugs is more like mes in this analogy
<roconnor>some of the files generated by tcc are stripped and others are not. I'm not sure what dictates this.
<roconnor>maybe it depends on if they get linked with any library or not
<oriansj>muurkha: unfortunately they haven't hit the stage of maturity of being able to build the next step -_-
<oriansj>and we don't even have a solid guess of how many little steps remain before it is done
<muurkha>oriansj: with Haskell, you mean?
<oriansj>muurkha: well the next step in Haskell would be GHC; unless they are not up to the TCC level in which case they would be the MESCC step building TCC but for haskell
<muurkha>well, you can build Hugs with the stuff that's already bootstrapped
<muurkha>it's written in C
<muurkha>GHC might be the next step, I don't know
<janneke>oriansj: nice; yes it's inspiring they have something real and for a big part complementary to what we have
<muurkha>janneke: what's the obstacle to getting Guile in Guix built from source too?
<janneke>muurkha: no worries, guile is built from source too, in Guix
<janneke>just not the "guile-bootstrap" package that is the driver for package builds
<muurkha>janneke: right, why isn't guile-bootstrap built from source?
<muurkha>i thought we had the guile bootstrapping problem licked
<janneke>muurkha: for a similar reason why the linux kernel isn't built from source at the start of the bootstrap
<janneke>guix uses guile to build packages
<janneke>the first package "bootstrap-seeds", which holds the 357 (soon to be 256) bytes initial hex0 binary, is built using...guile-bootstrap
<janneke>guile-bootstrap can only be built from source after we have gcc and glibc, which is waaay further down the bootstrap chain
<muurkha>aha, I see
<janneke>it's kind of an "external" dependency, outside the build graph
<muurkha>right, it's driving the whole process
<janneke>the live bootstrap effort does not use guile-bootstrap
<muurkha>no, that's why I was puzzled!
<janneke>(but it uses plain git/tar/bash to unpack everything initially)
<janneke>so yea
<janneke>i always think it's "unfair" not listing guile-bootstrap, although it is confusing and we also don't list the linux kernel
<fossy>ok wth is going on with gh actions and nongnu
<Raito_Bezarius>Hi there, is there anyone working on a "in UEFI" bootstrap to the Linux kernel and (whatever) to wire it up with existing bootstrap efforts from Guix for example?
<Foxboron>Raito_Bezarius: what does "in UEFI" bootstrap mean?
<Raito_Bezarius>Foxboron: You boot into a UEFI "compiling image" rebooting into the Linux kernel at the end, potentially with the required binary to continue the bootstrap process
<Raito_Bezarius>UEFI compiling image which has to be prepared somehow somewhere else or to be trusted of course
<Foxboron>Raito_Bezarius: I don't think UEFI itself is sophisticated enough for that
<Foxboron>You could uefi -> linuxboot -> compile kernel -> kexec
<Raito_Bezarius>How do you source the compiler for compiling the kernel Foxboron ?
<Raito_Bezarius>Do you assume it's part of the bootstrap seed on this chain?
<Raito_Bezarius>But I agree this is a plan that could work
<Foxboron>Raito_Bezarius: This is all very abstract so I'm just guessing; I'd simply boot a minimal reproducible linuxboot image, fetch the bootstrapped and reproducible gcc and kernel sources. Build stuff and add everything into the TPM eventlog
<Foxboron>kexec the built kernel.
<Foxboron>You get attestation of the work, the tools and a bootstrapped server
<stikonas[m]>Raito_Bezarius: I have done stage0-uefi for amd64
<stikonas[m]>But that's it for now...
<Raito_Bezarius>okay Foxboron while you are here (krkrkrkr), in all the bootstrappable seeds stuff, I am not sure I have seen a clear answer about the "fetch" process, e.g. how do we ensure integrity, etc. ?
<Raito_Bezarius>I am not familiar enough with Guix to understand how they perform the stuff, is it a fixed output derivation à la Nix or is there signatures involved?
<stikonas[m]>Feel free to continue bootstrap chain on uefi (next step is to port mes)
<Raito_Bezarius>stikonas[m]: do you have a link somewhere?
<Foxboron>Raito_Bezarius: I havent paid enough attention to the ideas and details on this topic to know :)
<Raito_Bezarius>Foxboron: got it, thanks as always! :)
<stikonas[m]>It's slightly incomplete but runs to completion
<janneke>Raito_Bezarius: it's quite similare to nix, just packages
<stikonas[m]>But I haven't implemented any input functions in m2libc
<Raito_Bezarius>janneke: makes sense
<rickmasters>I was thinking one possible path for UEFI is to compile a bootstrap kernel, load source into memory with UEFI functions, then kexec.
<stikonas[m]>And yes Foxboron is right uefi is not capable enough to build Linux. It even can't run make. UEFI has no pipes...
<stikonas[m]>One would need some intermediate kernel
<Foxboron>I suspect the linuxboot project would fit well into this picture, really
<janneke>note that there's a nixos effort going to implement the FSB bootstrap by Emily Trau:
<janneke>ACTION just heard about it this morning
<stikonas[m]>And for BIOS bootstrap Fiwix kernel is useful
<Raito_Bezarius>janneke: yes I sent to you the toot :P
<stikonas[m]>Foxboron: isn't linuxboot just Linux kernelm
<Foxboron>stikonas[m]: it is
<Raito_Bezarius>janneke: (
<Raito_Bezarius>another silly question maybe but
<Raito_Bezarius>is there anyone trying to do bootstrap on a fpga cpu atm?
<janneke>Raito_Bezarius: hehe, okay -- thanks for that!
<Raito_Bezarius>janneke: you're welcome, thanks for all the superb work :)
<janneke>great to see you here!
<janneke>thanks for the praise
<Foxboron>The thread on this is popular fwiw
<janneke>this, #bootstrappable channel has been an amazing support for me
<janneke>and especially oriansj, of course
<stikonas[m]>All input tarballs and all output products are checksummed
<stikonas[m]>Foxboron: people on are a bit confused...
<Foxboron>stikonas[m]: they always are :)
<Foxboron>Things like reprobuilds, bootstrappable builds, binary transparency and these topics are sometimes a bit hard to explain to people
<Foxboron>If anyone wants to engage on the thread i can send invites obviously
<fitzsim>oriansj: I can probably help with ppc64be qemu setup; I maintain a builder for
<gforce_de1977>@oriansj: for PPC 32bit i used the QEMU-board 'mpc8544ds' and compile a linux kernel with 'ARCH=powerpc' and 'mpc85xx_defconfig' - is this what you ask for? than I can provide a commandline + settings for PowerPC64LE too
<h01ger>oh hi
<h01ger>'ve just read and want to say "AWESOME!!!"
<stikonas[m]>h01ger: welcome.
<stikonas[m]>Though "never been achieved, to our knowledge, since the birth of Unix" is a bit out if date :). Current release of freedesktop SDK was already using our bootstrap seeds
<vagrantc>how ... complete of an OS is the freedesktop SDK ?
<stikonas[m]>vagrantc: it's the base for all flatpaks
<stikonas[m]>There is even a talk by doras at Linux app summit 2023
<stikonas[m]>It does not bootstrap rust though...
<janneke>h01ger: cheers!
<janneke>stikonas[m]: where can i read more about that?
<stikonas[m]>janneke: probable best to watch the talk, I also can find the link to merge request
<janneke>stikonas[m]: i'd like to see both :-)
<stikonas[m]>And doras is often in this channel
<vagrantc>guix had thte full-source bootstrap for quite a while before, no? it just wasn't merged into guix master?
<janneke>yeah, but anyway, selling bootstrappable builds to is the sort of thing that we need
<stikonas[m]>vagrantc: yeah, that's true
<stikonas[m]>Anyway, it's all bases on the same stage0 and mes
<vagrantc>oh, definitely!
<janneke>kinda interesting/unexpected angle; i had the impression was moving towards flatpacks/snaps: non-upgradable binaries all the way?
<vagrantc>you still have to get the non-upgradable binaries somehow
<janneke>"This removes the recursive dependency of freedesktop-sdk on its
<janneke>previous versions as binary seeds for bootstrap, and from Yocto as
<janneke>its original binary seed, allowing the project to be rebuilt from
<janneke>scratch even if its previous versions are completely lost."
<janneke>that's so interesting -- one of the things we predicted people would eventually come to guix (or nix) for, getting their build environment / build system managed properly
<janneke>it's not immediately clear to me what kind of packaging system they used, though
<stikonas[m]>janneke: (slides)
<stikonas[m]>And it's the first talk in this stream
<janneke>stikonas[m]: thanks!
<h01ger>janneke: cheers to you!
<stikonas[m]>janneke: they take output of live-bootstrap and then use buildstream to build on top of that...
<stikonas[m]>Buildstream itself is external tool...
<stikonas[m]>Like guile in case of guix
<janneke>seems guix is/was discussably the earlier, though ;)
<janneke>"● The upcoming Freedesktop SDK 23.08 will be bootstrapped from the new binary seed"
<janneke>stikonas[m]: right (never heard of it ;-)
<Mikaku>stikonas[m]: to avoid Googling, oriansj added the Doras talk into <>, check the latest commits
<stikonas[m]>It was actually back ported to stable, so it's already out...
<stikonas[m]>The talk explains it
<roconnor>I'm not sure how musl-1.1.24's configure manages to run without grep available.
<roconnor>oh the errors are just ignored.
<janneke>stikonas[m]: right, they released end of March
<stikonas[m]>yes, though it's not really a race. We all want more stuff bootstrapped.
<rekado>janus: sorry, you are right about HBC being written in Lazy ML.
<rekado>Lazy ML is written in Lazy ML.
<rekado>the recursive imports of GHC are only a minor obstacle; they can be rewritten.
<rekado>in fact, that’s what I did in my attempts to host GHC 4 on Hugs.
<rekado>I merged some modules
<rekado>my rough notes from way back when mention this:
<rekado>these notes are incomplete and don’t detail everything I tried, but it’s all that’s left
<roconnor>hmm my tcc is choking on the static array size in musl's
<roconnor>hidden void __procfdname(char __buf[static 15+3*sizeof(int)], unsigned);
<roconnor>somehow I forgot these patches.
<civodul>that freedesktop-sdk/live-bootstrap merge looks neat!
<civodul>i must admit i don't understand much of tho
<civodul>it's about updating hashes of pre-built images, roughly?
<roconnor>civodul: hi.
<janus>rekado: I think Joachim Breitner probably hasn't seen those notes. I think most people only saw your detailed blog posts... Have you seen his recent post?
<rekado>yes, I saw
<rekado>I’m not really motivated to do the work necessary to clean up the notes, because the result is such a bummer.
<janus>right, I understand. You still have more notes than anyone else on this
<rekado>perhaps it’s better for people to ignore what I did
<rekado>others are better networked and more social than me, so perhaps they can find ways that I didn’t.
<janus>Right, in a way, if people are reattempting the same things, there is a chance that they succeed on something everyone else 'thought' was hard
<rekado>would be a shame if my notes were discouraging to anyone.
<janus>Right, right... To me they are not discouraging at least, but I am going down another avenue (just trying to get GHC 0.96 compiling on NHC, nothing more)
<rekado>good luck!
<rekado>I’m stepping away from bootstrapping; got myself a new synthesizer and I’ll have to reverse engineer the USB protocol
<doras>janneke: congrats on the nice progress with Guix's bootstrap.
<stikonas>janus: with so many people reattempting the same things, at some point it might be quicker to rewrite GHC in another language...
<janus>Yeah, Joachim is well connected within the Haskell/GHC community, so if a new compiler needs to be written, maybe he can help motivating that
<stikonas>though GHC is probably something like 600k LOC... So not exactly small
<janus>stikonas: I was thinking that too! Writing a Haskell interpreter that just knows how to interpret NHC seems like an interesting hobby project ;)
<janus>so if I can get GHC-0.96 compiling on NHC, that could be the next step :P
<janus>rekado: synthesizer, that does sound fun :) Music is nice because you get the gratification more regularly and consistently
<janneke>doras: thanks, i enjoyed your talk
<janneke>didn't know about your effort, very nice getting bootstrappable into!
<janneke>ACTION hasn't been very observing here, lately
<stikonas>janneke: do you know any estimate when gash might be ready? Something like for mes 0.26?
<janneke>stikonas: that's the plan
<janneke>first mes-0.25 with pending m2-planet 0.10 and risc-v patches
<stikonas>ideally mes-0.25 should work with current unreleased m2-planet
<stikonas>(which will probably be released before mes-0.25)
<stikonas>I think I've sent you those defines patches before
<stikonas>and also there was some struct issue which I think is also fixed in wip branch
<janneke>stikonas: right, i think they're on mes wip
<stikonas>yeah, I think so
<stikonas>M2-Planet git became a bit more advanced and started choking on some hacks from m2 folder...
<doras>janneke: you had a significant role in it, it couldn't be done without mes :)
<stikonas>anyway, it's probably going to get harder to extend M2-Planet much more...
<janneke>doras: my "role" was well hidden, like it's supposed to be at that level of abstraction
<stikonas>yes, mes and mescc is the big glue between stage0-posix and tcc (which is the first compiler actually capable of building most of the stuff)
<janneke>did appreciate the mention though, of course
<janneke>yeah, it's easy to underestimate the work that went into the bootstrappable-tcc patches to get it built with mes+mescc
<janneke>not the most elegant bits of the bootstrap either
<doras>civodul: this MR makes the freedesktop-sdk project use output of the freedesktop-sdk-bootstrap-seed project to initiate its bootstrap. Here you can see that the freedesktop-sdk-bootstrap-seed itself starts its bootstrap from the output of the live-bootstrap project:
<roconnor>I suppose all those patches are hidden away in the mystrious tcc-0.9.26-1136-g5bba73cc.tar.gz file.
<doras>And actually builds it in a sandbox containing nothing but the source files and seeds.
<civodul>doras: oh i see; so /bootstrap-seeds/POSIX/x86/kaem-optional-seed is a kaem script that builds it all?
<stikonas>civodul: that is actually kaem binary
<janneke>roconnor: yeah, somewhat more "unhidden" here:
<doras>It's a minimal shell written in hex0 that initiates the build process of stage0-posix
<doras>Well, bootstrap process.
<stikonas>civodul: this is the actualy kaem script that builds everything:
<stikonas>though there isn't much in this file, mostly calls to other files
<civodul>oh ok
<civodul>and the scripts that build all the higher-level packages are in live-bootstrap, right?
<stikonas>yes, though you need to add a hook on top of stage0-posix
<stikonas>stage0-posix ends a run with after.kaem script that just prints something
<stikonas>but you can replace with your own script
<stikonas>that's how live-bootstrap hooks into stage0-posix
<civodul>that makes sense to me
<civodul>thanks for explaining! :-)
<stikonas>used to be more complicated
<stikonas>but oriansj cleaned up stage0-posix a lot
<stikonas>now it's much easier to use in subprojects
<civodul>i see
<civodul>i guess needs an update!
<janneke>nice twas quite tricksy to get the right set of tarballs for stage0-posix-1.4
<stikonas>yeah, it would be good to add more projects there
<stikonas>civodul: and we have other projects too now, e.g. last year I worked on stage0-uefi
<stikonas> can build all stage0 stuff. Though we don't have mes port to UEFI...
<civodul>heh :-)
<stikonas>civodul: then there is of course rickmasters work
<stikonas>he and Mikaku basically solved Linux kernel bootstrapping problem
<stikonas>via builder-hex0 -> Fiwix -> Linux kernel chain
<stikonas>we can now build Linux, though they are still working on kexec support for Fiwix, so that Linux kernel can be loaded
<stikonas>so there was a lot of stuff going on recently
<roconnor>heh. kaem's alias command is broken when the alais name is longer than the command.
<roconnor>i.e. alias touch=catm
<stikonas>oh, that was probably not tested
<stikonas>we mostly used to to replace long compile commands
<roconnor>Maybe I can figure out how to fix it.
<stikonas>roconnor: might be here
<stikonas>roconnor: though I suggest just running kaem in gdb
<roconnor>I think add_alias might be fine. If I do alias touch=catm, followed by alias to print a list of all the aliases, the printed list is fine.
<roconnor>so I'm guessing the issue is in the command intepreter.
<stikonas>in collect_alias_token ?
<stikonas>hmm, we loop there until token_done == FALSE
<stikonas>which happens if 0 == c
<stikonas>and this loops over input string i.e. touch in your case
<roconnor>yes, collect_alias_token just overwrites the existing token.
<roconnor>and stops at the end of the alias,
<roconnor>but if the orginal token was longer, then it will have those characters still there.
<oriansj>Foxboron: if you send me a invite, I'll answer any questions people there have
<roconnor>token_done needs to overwrite a null at the end.
<stikonas>roconnor: can you submit a patch?
<roconnor>yeah, I'll try it out.
<Foxboron>oriansj: Sure, privmsg me the email you want an invite on
<oriansj>Foxboron: my email is (as is listed on all my git commits)
<Foxboron>oriansj: sent :)
<oriansj>joined *surprised passwords are limited to 72chars*
<stikonas>72 is quite good, I've seen websites that are limited to 15 or even 12
<stikonas>looks fine to me but I can't merge myself, so let's wait for oriansj to review
<roconnor>no problem.
<roconnor>for now I'm using alias touch=/bin/catm
<roconnor>problem solved!
<stikonas>and then after that we need to update stage0-posix (and changelog) but I have write access there...
<oriansj>roconnor: merged, thank you
<oriansj>stikonas: the worst are banks which limit passwords to 6 digits >.<
<stikonas>oh yes... those are the worst
<stikonas>though they sometimes have some code generators too...
<stikonas>I had one of those, last week battery died, I've replaced it but then it doesn't work
<stikonas>roconnor: and I've updated stage0-posix now
<oriansj>RSA hard tokens would have been fine; given that the password changes every 60 seconds and 1 guess locks you out until the next cycle
<stikonas>well, those also expire after a few years
<stikonas>I guess roughly the battery life too
<oriansj>yeah about 4 years
<stikonas>somehow none of the banks I saw have support for something more modern, not even TOTP. And I'm not talking about webauthn
<oriansj>stikonas: the number of banks running on IBM's ZOS will stun you