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<nektro> is the ! here unintentional?
<stikonas[m]>It seems to be intentional according to the comment
<stikonas[m]>Just another method of testing is path dir...
<stikonas[m]>Though I actually don't remember if cp file dir works
<nektro>i was checking it out because i tried to do 'cp dir dir' and it segfaulted and discovered its not supported
<stikonas>nektro: oh cp dir dir is not supported even by normal cp
<stikonas>and the one from mescc-tools-extra is far more dumb
<stikonas>we basically just use it to copy cp file1 file2
<stikonas>touch we can actually just use catm for that purpose
<stikonas>catm file2 file1 does exactly the same
<stikonas>fossy, doras: so far removing build of doc from automake seems promising
<nektro>oh you're so right heh, i forgot to inlcude * at the end for the sources expansion
<stikonas>nektro: * is bash thing
<stikonas>cp has no idea about *
<oriansj>nektro: well if you look above: dest[strlen(dest) - 1] == '/' would set it to true; so yes it would be correct for the case when something is not a directory
<stikonas>even cp from coreutils has no idea what * is
<oriansj>and cp in mescc-tools-extra is just copying the contents of one file to another; we don't even properly set file permissions and file ownership
<nektro>yeah im using bash as the runner in the place where im calling cp
<stikonas>well, bash might expand * into multiple arguments
<stikonas>but that will confuse cp from mescc-tools-extra
<stikonas>hmm, actually removing "doc" from SUBDIRS in automake/ exposes another intermittent failure, probably will take tike till I can sort this out :(
<stikonas>oh, actually, maybe I'll have a fix for it...
<stikonas>I stupidly edited after running ./bootstrap
<stikonas>not before
<nektro>anyone have off hand the _def for COPY_rsp_to_rbp ?
<nektro>got it
<stikonas[m]>nektro: note that i'm slowly replacing these with mov_rbp,rsp
<doras>fossy, stikonas: it seems that we keep around all the Python versions installed in parallel in the final system. Is that intentional?
<doras>I think you also package up and install Python's tests.
<doras>The final system jumped from ~471 MB to 1.1 GB after cleanup of /usr/src and /distfiles with the Python addition.
<doras>A bit excessive, no?
<stikonas[m]>Yeah, I mentioned that to fossy earlier
<doras>I also see a bunch of .py files installed under /usr/lib/python* that I don't see in my Fedora installation for example.
<stikonas[m]>We don't have any scripting yet to replace packages
<doras>I could be wrong, but I think xbps did this automatically
<doras>Or at least this was my impression at the time
<doras>Well, almost half of the added size is what appears to be Python tests alone. Perhaps we're installing a bit too much?
<stikonas[m]>Yeah, we probably are...
<stikonas[m]>Perhaps we can add upgrade function to that takes 1 extra argument (package to remove)
<pder>rickmasters: I recently fetched your latest boot2now and builder-hex0 projects and was excited to see Fiwix build under your kernel. Outstanding work!
<rickmasters>pder: thanks! I'm hard at work building a file system for it and trying to boot it.
<rickmasters>I've been able to build and generate an ext2 initrd ram drive.
<rickmasters>I've also been able to sort of boot Fiwix but I'm running into problems which is not a big surprise.
<rickmasters>It only boots with kvm disabled and there are issues with the ext2 drive that I'm working through.
<pder>Interesting, are you using qemu to boot Fiwix?
<rickmasters>This is a kexec style transition from builder-hex0 straight into Fiwix but yes the whole thing is under qemu.
<rickmasters>In other words, it's not a separate qemu session. That already works - even with kvm.
<pder>So, is it currently possible to launch live-bootstrap with this Fiwix kernel in qemu mode?
<rickmasters>Yes. But that's a hack job I've done for my own testing and haven't shared yet.
<rickmasters>It requires some modifications to prepare an ext2 initrd, which current live-bootstrap doesn't support.
<pder>so it sounds like some addtional tools will needed to be built after tcc but before booting Fiwix?
<rickmasters>Right, that's what I'm working on. A tool which creates an ext2 ram drive and another program which loads Fiwix and the ext2 into memory and jumps to the new kernel
<rickmasters>That's all written, it just doesn't work yet.
<pder>very cool
<rickmasters>Thanks. The plan was coming along smoothly until the Fiwix boot problems. With kvm enabled it can't write to the serial port and hangs detecting the floppy.
<rickmasters>Works fine with kvm disabled so I may have to dig into qemu next which I'm not really looking forward to.
<pder>I dont know much about kexec, other than it might have some challenges booting Fiwix when hardware is in an unknown state, vs an actual reboot
<rickmasters>pder: Yes, that's exactly the issue. The thing is - builder-hex0 doesn't mess with the hardware much at all - certainly not the floppy.
<rickmasters>pder: The hardware state issues was something I'd read about as a potential problem for kexec of Linux but I wasn't expecting it here.
<rickmasters>builder-hex0 doesn't use the serial port either. It uses bios interrupts to display to the console.
<pder>have you tried doing a kexec from Linux to Fiwix?
<rickmasters>No. That would be an entirely different method I'd have to write.
<rickmasters>My current tool for builder-hex0 does the setup and launch of Fiwix from user land which is possible because there is no memory protection
<pder>ah, I see
<rickmasters>It's not kexec, it just doesn't do a hard reboot which is similar, in that way, to using kexec
<stikonas>fossy: so python versions between 2.3.7 and 3.1.5 all have the same problem as curl
<stikonas>non-reproducibility due to IPv6
<stikonas>we'll have to force IPv6 on
<fossy>stikonas: ah, that's unfortunate, would you like to fix that or shall i? (python, that is)
<fossy>also, gcc 10 is coming along nicely
<stikonas>fossy: I guess I can
<stikonas>fossy: getting close to done with gcc 10?
<fossy>gcc 10 is really slow to compile though
<stikonas>maybe do gcc 10 PR first, before doing gcc 12
<stikonas>fossy: I guess that's expected
<fossy>hmm, its hard to see the finish line, because im not sure how far through the build im getting right now
<fossy>but yeah, i will pr 10 separate to 12
<stikonas>I noticed on my Gentoo system too that gcc is not fast to build these days
<fossy>there's a few gcc arguemnts the build uses that arent supported by gcc 4.7, but most of those can either be easily patched out or added as an no-op to gcc 4.7 itself
<stikonas>I was playing a bit with python packages that live-bootstrap provides though so far unless they are installed into /usr, I can only run them with bwrap
<stikonas>with something like "bwrap --bind . / bin/python3"
<stikonas>so that directory where musl and python are unpacked is mapped to /
<fossy>hmm, that is a little unfortunate
<stikonas>I wonder if there is a away to tell python to run from elsewhere
<stikonas>previous static binaries were very nice as they could be run from anywhere
<fossy>perhaps after gcc i might try static python again, but only for newer pythons... i gave up because the support for it was absymal, but it might have improved since 2.5 when it just wouldn't work
<stikonas>anyway, I should first look at reproducibility issue
<stikonas>there are command line args --enable-ipv6
<stikonas>I'll just add those
<fossy>hopefully that is sufficient and python's build system doesn't do any stupid stuff
<stikonas>yeah, I think it's just another case of automagic dependency
<mihi>oriansj, I assume it should be i->next->contents->Expression in <>? Changing the expression of a newline token seems kinda pointless...
<mihi>Also, I cannot find where the type of a BLOB is set to PROCESSED, also when reading type, sometimes it is treated as a bitmask (i.e. NEWLINE is also PROCESSED) and sometimes not.
<mihi>probably nobody ever uses DEFINE token "some string"?
<stikonas>no, so far they are all DEFINE token string
<mihi>DEFINE token atom :)
<stikonas>so perhaps this bug is never triggered