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<oriansj>mihi: it has to do with an earlier version of blood-elf which incorrectly identified a label inside of a string literal.
<oriansj>with resulted in a linking failure as the " :foo" might not have an actual :foo label for hex2 to link to
<stikonas>so I guess we no longer need it
<mihi>oriansj, thanks. That makes sense. I tend to always forget that blood-elf exists...
<oriansj>stikonas: well weird strings are still needed for cases such as "\"foo\""
<stikonas[m]>I see
<stikonas[m]>And I've converted hex2_amd64 to new defines
<oriansj>also I don't have sufficient confidence that issue is completely eliminated from blood-elf yet for all arbitrary inputs and leaving it doesn't really cause problems either.
<stikonas>well, let's leave it...
<stikonas>there are more important issues...
<stikonas>hmm, so hex0_x86.S works correctly regarding return code but not the hex0.hex0 version
<stikonas>doras: I guess I just need to sync whatever is in .S file to .hex0
<stikonas>hmm, "add register, label" seems to mean different thing in NASM and GAS (intel syntax)
<stikonas>not sure how to translate nasm syntax to something gas understands
<doras>I wish I could help :)
<doras>By the way, here's the MR that bootstraps freedesktop-sdk from our new binary seed which itself bootstraps from live-bootstrap's sysc:
<doras> * By the way, here's the MR that modifies freedesktop-sdk to bootstraps from our new binary seed which itself bootstraps from live-bootstrap's sysc:
<stikonas>maybe I should try to advertise it a bit more tomorrow...
<stikonas>given that this affects flatpaks
<stikonas>so might be appropriate for places like
<stikonas>ok, you still have rust there...
<doras>Yes, Rust is not a solved matter unfortunately.
<doras>Maybe in a few more years when rust-gcc is more capable.
<stikonas>well, there is mrustc...
<stikonas>but that is more complicated
<stikonas>and I'm also struggling with it a bit on Gentoo in my overlay
<stikonas>though some of that might be my misundertanding of Portage
<stikonas>I could build rustc 1.54 outside portage
<stikonas>but something fails with error when I was running same commands in portage
<doras>stikonas: we want to be able to build Rust for all the architectures we can support at the moment (so x86-64, aarch64, riscv64, powerpc64le, i686, armv7). Can a bootstrap path starting with mrustc result in a native Rust toolchain for each of these architectures?
<stikonas>you can cross-compile rust
<stikonas>so yes, but it's not too simple
<stikonas>at least it wasn't when I did it
<stikonas>at some point cross-compiling needed building rust with nightly features enabled
<stikonas>mrustc itself mostly tragets 64-bit arches
<stikonas>it's very hard to build it on 32-bit systems
<stikonas>(due to 3G memory limit)
<stikonas>doras: and I can see the bug in kaem-optional
<stikonas>it might be something introduced by me earlier...
<stikonas>when trying to reduce its size :(
<doras>Findings the bug is still good news, though :)
<stikonas>yeah, the binary size will increase a bit :(
<stikonas>but we shouldn't reduce it at the cost of bugs
<stikonas>anyway, I'll fix it but still will take some time, maybe tomorrow
<stikonas>it needs serious changes to .hex0...
<stikonas>sicne jumps and offsets are now different
<stikonas>and I might also change to GAS syntax at the same time...
<doras>Thanks for looking into it
<nektro> does this error look familar, adapted from amd46/ + mescc-tools-extra.kaem
<fossy>no.. i've never seen that before
<fossy>what have you changed?
<nektro>im not sure
<nektro>the contents of the referenced M2-Planet-000000 file is
<nektro>m2-mesoplanet file is
<sam_>stikonas[m]: yes, cross-compiling rust is often a pain
<sam_>stikonas[m]: also, please keep in mind you can ask me if you need to
<sam_>i may not always have the answers, ofc
<sam_>but happy to try
<fossy>gosh, gcc's abuse of autotools is an absolute mess
<fossy>autoreconf doesn't even pick up the existance of subdirectories
<fossy>and half of the scripts are broken with the supposed versions that are meant to be used
<fossy>so much for simplicity :\
<oriansj>nektro: that error looks extremely familiar
<oriansj>it simply means the file amd64_defs.M1 is lacking a DEFINE for mov_rax, (which if I remember correctly should be: DEFINE mov_rax, 48C7C0 )
<oriansj>so you might be on the wrong M2libc commit
<nektro>nice catch! i was on the latest commit of mescc-tools-extra but the M2libc submodule hasnt been pushed forward in 10 months according to github
<nektro>checking my local amd64_defs.M1 that define is indeed missing
<sam_>fossy: yeah it's very frustrating
<sam_>none of it is idiomatic autoconf at all
<sam_>fossy: plus if you send any patches for it, nobody is really interested
<sam_>all the build system maintainers listed are long-gone too
<sam_>maybe bar one but we didn't get a reply from them
<fossy>can anyone think of any strange cases where there might be autotools generated files left around after doing:
<fossy>1. autoreconf on all dirs with configure
<fossy>2. automake on all dirs with soley
<fossy>sam_: this is the only substantative patch since they changed autoconf versions -_-;a=commit;h=25861cf3a88a07c8dca3fb32d098c0ad756bbe38
<fossy>(and i needed it, haha)
<stikonas[m]>fossy: you might also need to run aclocal?
<stikonas[m]>although maybe aclocal is correctly launched by autoreconf
<stikonas[m]>so perhaps 1. and 2. is fine (plus rebuilding top-level gcc stuff with autogen)
<stikonas[m]>fossy: another question is what backends are we building? So far only C and C++ are enabled
<stikonas[m]>just keep it at that? Or do we need more?
<doras>For what's it worth, freedesktop-sdk only needs C/C++.
<doras>what it's*
<stikonas>hmm, perhaps it's not possible to do what I want with intel syntax...
<stikonas>so I was able to get required opcode with this in AT&T syntax: mov $default_file, %ebx
<stikonas>but if I use "mov ebx, default_file" in Intel syntax, it's the same as "mov default_file, %ebx" in AT&T and uses "8b 1c 25" instead of "bb" opcode
<oriansj>mov [default_file], ebx
<stikonas>"mov ebx, [default_file]" also generates wrong opcode
<stikonas>lea ebx, [default_file] generates even different opcode but it does have the right behaviour
<stikonas>I tried disassembling it with objdump -M intel but it was not too helpful
<stikonas>as it does not show label names, it just shows numbers
<stikonas>good one was mov ebx,0x804a000 and bad one was mov ebx,DWORD PTR ds:0x804a000
<oriansj>ds is using the data segment register; most code should be in the cs (code segment)
<mihi>stikonas, I think you want "mov ebx, OFFSET default_file" (at least that was the syntax used with MASM)
<stikonas[m]>Let me try that
<oriansj>well there are only 3 encodings possible bb 00a00408, 8b 1d 00a00408 and 89 1d 00a00408
<stikonas>mihi: thanks! it does work
<mihi>you are welcome
<stikonas>hmm, perhaps this will not affect .M1 file anyway
<stikonas>in .S file I now have "mov ebx, OFFSET default_file" but for M1 syntax I think it will still be mov_ebx, &default_file
<stikonas>maybe I should have use AT&T syntax for new defines, it's a bit more verbose and maps better to M1...
<stikonas>doras: I have pushed fixed x86/kaem-minimal.hex0
<stikonas>we still need to copy it to bootstrap seeds, and update stage-posix and live-bootstrap submodules before it works for you
<stikonas>but those are easy
<stikonas>also x86/kaem-minimal is now using new defines
<stikonas>rickmasters: by the way, did you have any issues with curl checksum?
<rickmasters>Sorry, not sure what you mean.
<stikonas>on some older linux somehow curl in live-bootstrap was automatically disabling IPv6 support
<stikonas>it's now fixed in live-bootstrap
<stikonas>but I wonder what was happening in fiwix
<Mikaku>stikonas: Fiwix don't has network support (yet)
<rickmasters>Fiwix doesn't run curl, that's after linux boots.
<stikonas>yes, we don't run it, just build it
<stikonas>it was the building step that was not reproducible in live-bootstrap
<stikonas>with older linux kernels it was disabling IPv6. Anyway, fixed by specifying --enable-ipv6
<rickmasters>stikonas: no, I didn't see that problem
<rickmasters>stikonas: if there was some (unnoticed) problem building it I suppose it could always be built after linux boots.
<rickmasters>stikonas: by the way, I disabled checksum checking in my development due to musl differences I've mentioned before.
<stikonas>oh I see, then you indeed wouldn't have noticed it
<rickmasters>stikonas: Eventually I'm going to regenerate the checksums with my mods and test versus linux. I think there may be work remaining...
<stikonas>fixed exit code of kaem-optional that doras requested and also switched to new defines
<doras>stikonas great! Thanks!