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<stikonas>fossy: can you review ?
<stikonas>(others could also help, especially if you are native speakers)
<stikonas>hopefully it's not too verbose
<fossy>stikonas[m]: looking now
<fossy>just a few grammar/clarity things, but overall looks really well-detailed, good work
<stikonas[m]>fossy: thanks, I'll fix them later in european evening. "scheme" was just for reasonable syntax highlighting (as scheme uses ; comments)
<fossy>ah, makes sense
<muurkha>build reproducibility interest from F-Droid:
<ekaitz>muurkha: what i'd also love to see is an sdk that is independent from android-studio or android-sdk garbage
<stikonas>speaking of reproducibility, I found an repro issue with curl in live-bootstrap
<ekaitz>but this is a step in the good direction
<stikonas>which looks like automagic dependency (probably kernel related)
<muurkha>ekaitz: agreed!!!
<nektro>trying to build go 1.4.3 to create a bootstrap chain and `cd src && GOROOT_FINAL=${OUT} CGO_ENABLED=0 GOHOSTARCH=amd64 GOHOSTOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=linux ./make.bash --no-banner` runs without error but ${OUT} remains empty
<nektro>are there any flags im likely missing?
<stikonas>maybe GOROOT="$(pwd)"
<stikonas>also GOBIN="${GOROOT}/bin"
<nektro>that's set here
<stikonas>nektro: try running with bash debugging enabled
<stikonas>and see what is written where
<stikonas>i.e. set +x in make.bash
<stikonas>alternatively, you can bootstrap go with gcc
<nektro>weird, setting -x or +x isnt changing the output
<stikonas[m]>nektro: are you setting it inside script?
<nektro>now i got it to print