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<rickmasters>I have an update on the kernel bootstrap work.
<rickmasters>I added better file descriptor support to the builder-hex0 kernel.
<rickmasters>Now it can support running tcc-0.9.27 to build a fully functional Fiwix kernel.
<rickmasters>As a reminder, Fiwix can build Linux 4.9.10.
<rickmasters>The remaining work is to implement (kexec/no rebooting) transitions from builder-hex0 to Fiwix to Linux.
<rickmasters>The builder-hex0 kernel currently weighs in at 3466 bytes.
<stikonas>rickmasters: nice!
<stikonas>I guess there is still some effort needed to upstream stuff?
<rickmasters>stikonas: I have around a dozen improvements to upstream to Fiwix.
<rickmasters>I have one required improvement to mes libc
<rickmasters>I have a change to both versions of musl to bypass the need for the clone syscall
<rickmasters>I have two or three small changes to tcc
<stikonas>well, mes should be easy, I'm sure janneke would accept your patch
<rickmasters>These changes would generate new checksums for many live-bootstrap binaries and packages
<stikonas>oh, that is fine, any mes update also breaks all checksums until after musl
<stikonas>we now have a fairly good scripting to update them
<stikonas>all tar.bz2 packages end up in /usr/src/repo directory and you can just check it there
<stikonas>back to patching. Musl should be easy too as we have patch then
<stikonas>tcc might be a bit trickier, maybe we can use your pathching script or replace from stage0-posix...
<rickmasters>Yes, I'm already patching all my changes with simple-patch
<rickmasters>I also need to formulate an integration strategy with live-bootstrap but it shouldn't be too hard.
<stikonas>well, builder-hex0 takes different input than initramfs image live-bootstrap uses now
<stikonas>perhaps fiwix can be integrated first
<rickmasters>I'm thinking just dump the boot2now file system scripts in a directory and add that option to the python launcher
<rickmasters>Yeah, I have a kaem script for Fiwix
<rickmasters>I modified a version of live-bootstrap to produce an ext2 file system for Fiwix so I've done that kind of work already.
<oriansj>rickmasters: I am so so very very excited by your progress.
<rickmasters>oriansj: Thanks! I'm hoping the hardest parts are done now - writing and compiling the kernels.
<rickmasters>Of course, I only wrote one kernel.
<oriansj>Well the hardest parts will likely be solving the hardware bootstrap problem but your kernel work really paved the way for other people to do kernel ports
<oriansj>and honestly probably saved me from 5-10 years of work
<rickmasters>Yeah, I was just talking about the kernel bootstrap work. The hardest parts are done in relation to the work remaining to kexec/boot them.
<oriansj>I also hope the kexec/boot work is a nice peaceful jot to victory for you
<rickmasters>In the bigger picture there is still so much difficult work - for hardware and other architectures.
<oriansj>oh, I think of it as a lot of fun and a way to really finally know all of the secrets
<fossy>rickmasters: that is very exciting update! thanks for your work :D
<rickmasters>fossy: thank you
<fossy>rickmasters: builder-hex0 is effectively stage0-posix+kernel right?
<stikonas>fossy: builder-hex0 I guess is just kernel
<stikonas>but it can run stage0-posix
<oriansj>(and the steps to TCC-0.9.27 too by the looks of it)
<stikonas>and in fact it includes an implementation of hex0 inside the kernel
<rickmasters>builder-hex0 also includes a primitive shell and hex0 compiler
<stikonas>it's boot2now that is builder-hex0+ stage0-posix + a few extra steps to TCC
<rickmasters>and bootloader
<muurkha>I always get these confused
<fossy>ah right
<fossy>so in terms of live-bootstrap integration we effectively prepend builder-hex0 to stage0-posix
<oriansj>and insert the fiwix kernel bootstrap prior to the Linux kernel build
<fossy>rickmasters: are there any patches for fiwix compatibility to userland software? or is it only kernel changes you made
<rickmasters>builder-hex0 is compiled into one binary that can process source for stage0-posix, mes, tcc, and Fiwix and produce new executables and the Fiwix kernel
<rickmasters>The boot2now project is the driver that assembles that source code and appends it to the binary in the form of a bootable disk image.
<oriansj>(Which later I can solve generating using the Nanochess BootOS)
<rickmasters>fossy: The Fiwix specific change was to patch musl to avoid using the clone system call. I replaced it with fork and a little bit more.
<fossy>oh, that's no big deal at all
<rickmasters>fossy: I also tested that musl change with the Linux kernel and it ran to the end fine
<oriansj>and a single boot sector kernel should be a small enough root of trust for our bootstrap chain (and we don't need to automate the building of the boot2now disk image if we have a written procedure for generating it)
<fossy>whats the format of the disk, in terms of providing files live-bootstrap needs? since builder-hex0 doesn't use a full-featured filesystem
<fossy>ie, how does the disk get translated into vfs
<rickmasters>The initial file system is a series of source files appended together with a small text header that has the file name and number of bytes
<rickmasters>That is read off the disk into a primitive memory file system.
<fossy>good, that is very simple
<rickmasters>In theory, it could be created with a text editor.
<fossy>yeah, i just wanted to make sure this wouldn't require any logic in that is too hard to perform manually
<rickmasters>Except I also currently append tar files. But in theory, those could be expanded into text files.
<rickmasters>fossy: this is an example shell script that output files in the expected format:
<fossy>rickmasters: i have no worries about that
<fossy>even easier to audit than cpio (which is what we use right now)
<fossy>hrm, should add a equivalent to live-bootstrap, like in boot2now
<fossy>because all the right concerns and unsolved problems are there
<oriansj>and is absolutely correct
<rickmasters>fossy: feel free to copy any of it you'd like and attribution is not necessary
<fossy>rickmasters: thanks
<rickmasters>The text of was initially part of the README but I broke it out because it was a bit too philosophical and maybe distracting from the "useful" stuff in the README
<muurkha>perhaps relevant to bootstrapping tar: " – A tar creator and extractor in ~130 lines of Prolog"
<stikonas>muurkha: we already have untar in stage0-posix
<stikonas>that's good enough
<stikonas>maybe more lines of code here
<stikonas>but it's not any more complicated
<stikonas>and half of it is argument parsing (whereas doesn't seem to support arguments)
<stikonas>well, we didn't have a goal to minimize lines of code in untar.c
<muurkha>good enough is a good start
<oriansj>also we don't have a known good path to Prolog yet
<muurkha>Prolog is a tiny language though
<stikonas>tar is also almost a human readable format
<stikonas>so perhaps it's not surprising that implementations are short
<stikonas>it's a bit more complex than rickmasters filesystem but not terribly more so
<pabs3>Kotlin bootstrap news
<stikonas[m]>It was also on our mailing list