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<doras>fossy: would you mind doing one bwrap bootstrap before merging the Python PR?
<doras>To see that it works and that you get the same package hashes as the other bootstrap modes.
<stikonas>doras: I'm already running it
<doras>Great :)
<stikonas>though I'm also running Gentoo upgrade, so somewhat low on CPU resources...
<doras>bwrap should be the quickest bootstrap mode, CPU-wise.
<stikonas>mostly the same as chroot mode
<doras>Well, yeah. They should be similar.
<stikonas>I did notice some strange things with bwrap mode, but didn't care to investigate
<stikonas>early sed in bootstrap mode is quite slow on my system
<stikonas>(in bwrap mode only)
<stikonas>but a few seconds per sed command was not worth investigating
<doras>bwrap is doing less stuff in RAM early on because we can't create tmpfs mounts.
<stikonas>oh possibly...
<stikonas>in any case, qemu mode is slowest both because it's slower to do each thing due to emulation
<stikonas>but also because it builds more stuff (linux kernel)
<doras>I mean, we do create a few tmpfs mounts as part of the bwrap invocation, but I vaguely remember that there is some gap there.
<stikonas>anyway, it is a useful mode to test, I mostly run bwrap and qemu
<stikonas>rather than chroot now
<doras>Yay :)
<stikonas>because if chroot fails, bwrap would also fail, but not necesserily vice versa
<stikonas>and qemu run somewhat different stuff, part of it runs on a different kernel
<stikonas>so good to test reproducibility
<stikonas>anyway, before we can merge that PR, at the very least we need to fix parts.rst
<doras>bwrap is a bit more strict about file permissions and ownership, yes.
<doras>I personally don't like the concept of a script running as root creating devices and executing a bunch of foreign build scripts with root privileges.
<stikonas>but luckily live-bootstrap is not too needy here
<stikonas>yeah, that is understandable
<stikonas>ideally building stuff shouldn't need root
<stikonas>though sometimes I couldn't think of any alternative (not in live-bootstrap)
<doras>We can probably limit the bwrap sandbox further if we wanted.
<doras>I kept it pretty light-weight.
<stikonas>i.e. creating rootfs images usually needs root privileges
<stikonas>fossy: what do you think about expanding "Step 1" in parts.rst?
<stikonas>(just not part of this PR though)
<stikonas>fossy: also probably worth opening bug report for Python 3.11 regarding make regen-all
<fossy>stikonas: true
<fossy>how do mean, step 1?
<fossy>oh, stage0-posix?
<stikonas>well, write a bit about stage0-posix steps
<fossy>no problems with that
<stikonas>I tried to write a bit like that in stage0-uefi, but it's obviously slightly different text
<stikonas>(and also amd64 arch)
<stikonas>see here:
<fossy>yeah, that looks reasonably good to me
<stikonas>anyway, once you fix parts.rst, I guess we can merge it
<stikonas>I still need to look a bit more at pregen files
<stikonas>but I can probably do that after merge
<stikonas>in the worst case I'll open a bug
<fossy>i just need to double check python 2.5 is fixed. it had a QEMU/chroot incompatibility
<stikonas>well, I'm runing bootstrap too
<stikonas>though today I only have time for brwap mode
<stikonas>at some point we should also fix pregen stuff in, I might take a look at it at some point later, though right now I was doing some updates to stage0-posix
<fossy>no real rush, i'd prefer to take the time to test it even if it takes a couple day
<fossy>yeah, that is a problem
<stikonas>by the way how much time does python build add?
<fossy>on my system, abt +25 mins
<stikonas>ok, quite a bit...
<stikonas>but we have quite a few builds of python
<fossy>most of it is the newer python versions, they are massive
<stikonas>still guile is slower
<fossy>gah, py2.5 is not fixed. so checksum for that will still be wrong
<fossy>wait, did i even push checksums
<stikonas>oh, maybe not...
<stikonas>at least I don't remember seeing it
<fossy>no, i don't think i did
<fossy>i'll push them when this build finishes
<fossy>because hopefully, they should be the correct ones
<stikonas>ok, I'll cancel my build for now
<stikonas>it will fail anyway